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Re: 5 more proofs and more
No where in this quote below is the Zeno connection stated as firmly proven
truth. It is presented as a likely hood. it is presented as speculation.
The Clan Sinclair USA didn't come up with the 9 Knights story. It was
already there pg 25 and a reference back on pg 26 of Morrisons "History of
the Sinclair Family in Europe and America" 1898.
You keep hinting that the Clan website info about the 9 knights (which has
already been altered to express the lack of proof-if I missed a place, tell
me where) was made up lately to glorify the clan. I don't know where
Morrison found his information but from him or that unknown source, the
story was there some years ago at least before my time. I don't know
whether the number of knights can ever be proven one way or another. We
can't even prove that there were no St. Clair cousins there descended from
the girls in the family, who would have different last names.
You demand that we give you proof on the St. Clairs being Barons since
William the Seemly times. Already I sent to the list three or four early
recordings of this but you never replied nor did you give us your source. I
suggest next time you do this before demanding more proof. I cannot tell
whether we argue about this because there were different kinds of baronies
and from the European viewpoint one type is not worthy your consideration or
what?? Is there a problem with definition?
However, here are some new references: If you look on page 266 of St.
Clairs of the Isles you will see in the last line that Sir William Sinclair
received the Barony of Rosline from Malcolm Canmore , pg 267 has a quote
from " The History of the Saint Clairs" that says the same thing. In the
following pages of the St. Clairs of the Isles there are still more
references to the Barony of Rosslyn. This section is taken from Van
Bassan's works which I know has been discredited by later writers.
But you asked the source and there it is. I just got this book recently so
it was not my source for the web. It was others before me such as Pete
Cummings that have perhaps used this as source material. I can't say what
his sources were for sure.
Again, I must point out that each time a new Monarch appeared, the magnates
of the country had to reestablish their charters and each time they died,
their heir had to also. Just because these early charters have been
destroyed, does not prove they never existed. I have documents relating for
a fact that a Sinclair castle had been burned and proof of the family
descent could not be produced any more. So just because proof could not be
produced does that mean the living people did not exist?
I see no reason to consider changing anything until you present some proof
that no Barony existed before the date you gave and that earlier records of
the Barony were not destroyed.
I find it interesting that in the relatively old books that I am now
able to access, there is no mention of St. Margaret bringing the Holy Rood
from Hungary; that William the Seemly was already her cupbearer and
protector of the Rood from the time they left Hungary and that she was
already betrothed to Malcolm Canmore before she left there. These, I
believe are fables manufactured in the last few decades and were unknown
even to these historians that people now malign. If they were so eager to
print all the complimentary fables about the Sinclairs, how is it they
missed the St. Margaret fantasies? . No one will produce the references for
these statements whereas I have repeatedly produced 3 contemporary
historians on St. Margaret and her family that never mention any of this and
two have told me it is ridiculous (I couldn't get in contact with the 3rd).
I asked an author of a very recent book containing some of these errors to
tell me what his references were. No answer.
To say flatly that the Knights Templar ceased to exist very quickly
after the Pope's order is to defy belief.
These men believed in their cause so deeply that they would hurl themselves
into the path of destruction on the battlefield. How could this fervor be
shut off with a flimsy piece of paper. We have read, for instance, in
western China, the Jewish and Christian faiths survived for many generations
in the secret places of each persons heart. Will we ever wipe out the Ku
Klux Klan? It survives despite everything it seems ,then reappears in some
other form.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sinclair" <labehotierre@wanadoo.fr>
> see http://www.clansinclairusa.org/Per_pr_did_columbus.htm this where I
> up with that idea was the silly claim in 'Columbus Connection' by Ian F,
> Brown. quote "When he was dreaming of making a voyage, Columbus was very
> likely holding in his hands the Zeno Map, which had guided Sinclair on his
> voyage ninety years earlier! His in-laws had surely passed along the
> story of Jarl Henry's transatlantic voyage ninety years earlier."
[ Excess quotations omitted. ]