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Re: Sinclair Timeline
Dear Rory
The Roman de Rou, misquoted by Thomas Sinclair, is "La Chronique Ascendante des Ducs de Normandie du Roman de Rou de Wace" The current ANGLO-NORMAN ANONYMOUS published by the Haskins Society notes among other works on Normandy published by the Presses Universitaires de Caen, Ren! Lepelley, GUILLAUME LE DUC, GUILLAUME LE ROI: EXTRAITS DU ROMAN DE ROU (1987), 108 pp., 8 Euro 75, containing about 1250 verses in
French on William the Conqueror. It is the account the poet Wace compiled from records of Hastings and other deeds of the Norman Dukes..In 1160 he began the "Roman du Rou", or "Geste des Normanz", dedicated to King Henry II. In 1162 he accompanied the king at Fecamp, when the earthly remains of Dukes Richard I and Richard II were moved to Rouen. . At the beginning of his poem, he says he was "a clerk of Caen", when he began to write the Rou's history in 1160. In the second part he states that he was granted a prebend in the church of Bayeux by King Henry II. The Tapisserie de Bayeux(1077-1082) influnced Wace's work. He had written in 1155 the Roman de Brut. turning Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin prose w into Anglo-Norman French octosyllabic couplets. Wace, dedicated this work to Henry II's queen, Eleanor of Acquitaine, by the Wrath of God Queen.
The idea that the Earl of Rye was a Sinclair and at hastings comes from Rie and his brothers and sons. It is a bad idea.
The Roman de Rou contains one St Clair name Richard de Santo Claro.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rory Sinclair" <rory.sinclair@rogers.com>
To: <sinclair@quarterman.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Sinclair Timeline
> Dear Tim:
> A supplementary question;:
> What is Wace's "Roman de Rou" quoted by Thomas Sinclair?
> I have not heard of it ...
[ Excess quotations omitted. ]