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Re: Val-es-dunes debunked
I do not know how to interline. I will answer one at a time since the
material to be referenced is extensive.
John wrote "It's not clear why he should, since surnames were not in common
use then."
Regional names were common the Saint lo area was the fiefdom of the St
Clairs..Freeman mentions many others de la Haye, Rie etc.
at http://www.clansinclairusa.org/history/lineage/normandyyears.html
"... Many earlier charts confuse Mauger/Malgar Ct. of Mortain & Corbuel
(never was an Archbishop)
with his nephew, Mauger, s/o Richard II, the 6th Archbishop of Rouen. Mauger
was the 6th Norman Archbishop and somewhere between the 18 and 24th
Bishop/Archbishop of Rouen."
in the timeline it says:
" Mauger (Malgar) " Count of Mortain & Corbeil b.c.986 d. 1040 residence
St. Lo m. ? of Crevecour-en-house
Ch:1) Hamon the Teeth, Ct. of Mortain, Lord of Thoringy d.
1047-Val-es-Dunes battle
2)Walderne, Lord St. Clair,
3)William the Warling b.c. 1008 exiled 1055-6 titles go to Wm. Conqueror's
1/2 brother, Robert. Dau. married Ct. Roger of Sicily
4)Hubert de Reyes Perhaps Hubert had a different mother as he supported Duke
Walderne Lord of St Clair
b.c.1004 St.Lo d.1047 Battle of Val-es-Dunes m. Helene Natural d/o Natural
d/o Duke Richard II-
Ch: 1)Richard, 2)William, 3)Britel, 4) Agnes m. Philip de Bruc-began
Bruce line in Scot.
my reference (8) Dupont, Etudes Anglo-Françaises (Saint-Servan, 1908)..
En 1049, le duc Guillaume, maître du Comté de Mortain mit le Comté à la
disposition de son frère utérin Robert, fils d'Herluin, seigneur de
Conteville et d'Harlette.
Le comte Robert avait épousé vers 1060 Mathilde de Montgommery, fille de
Roger II vicomte de Hiesmes et de Mabille comtesse d'Alençon et de Bellême.
Ils eurent un fils : Guillaume et trois filles : Emma, Agnès, le troisième
prénom est controversé Denise ou Agathe ou ...
En 1082, le comte Robert fonda la collégiale St Evroult et lors de sa
consécration la charte constitutive reçut le sceau de Guillaume, roi d'
Angleterre. Cette charte fut à l'origine du collège de Mortain qui est l'un
des plus vieux de France.
Le comte Robert mourut en 1103 et fut inhumé à l'abbaye de Grestain, près de
Son fils Guillaume lui succéda. En 1105, Guillaume fit donation de tout le
domaine qu'il possédait entre la Cance et le Cançon. Ce fut vers 1118 ou
1120 que furent jetées les fondations du monastère qui devint plus tard
"l'abbaye blanche".
Henri 1er, Beauclerc, roi d'Angleterre, fils de Guillaume le conquérant,
voulut déposséder son frère Robert, Courte-Heuze, de la Normandie. La guerre
éclata et la bataille de Tinchebray le 28/9/1106 fût décisive.
Guillaume, comte de Mortain, et Robert Courte-Heuze furent battus et emmenés
en Angleterre, puis mis aux cachots.
Henri 1er s'empara de Mortain, donna le comté à son neveu Etienne de Blois
qui lui succédera sur le trône d'Angleterre en 1135.
In 1049, Guillaume duke, Lord of the County of Mortain put the County at the
disposal of his half brother Robert, son of Herluin, Lord of Conteville and
The Robert count had married toward 1060 Mathildes of Montgommery, girl of
Roger II viscount of Hiesmes and Mabille countess of Alençon and Bellême.
They had a son: Guillaume and three girls: Emma, Agnès, the third first name
is controversial Denise or Agathe?
In 1082, the Robert count founded the collegiate church St Evroult and at
the time of its consecration the constituent charter received Guillaume's
seal, king of England. This charter was to the origin of the college of
Mortain that is one of oldest of France.
The Robert count died in 1103 and was buried to the abbey of Grestain, close
to Honfleur.
His son Guillaume followed to him. In 1105, Guillaume made donation of all
the domain that he possessed between the Cance and the Cançon. It was toward
1118 or 1120 that the foundations of the monastery were laid. It became
later " the white " abbey.
Henri 1st, Beauclerc, king of England, son of Guillaume the conqueror,
wanted to dispossess his/her/its brother Robert Cuthose of Normandy. The
war exploded and the battle of Tinchebray the 28/9/1106 AD was decisive.
Guillaume, count of Mortain (this is the Count of Mortein who was exlised),
and Robert Cuthose were beaten and were taken in England, then put to
Henri 1st seized Mortain, gave the county to his nephew Etienne of Blois
The timeline says:"St.Clairs v. William the Bastard-Hamo & Walderne Lord of
St. Clair killed" Hamon is the correct name.
the reference to Talon Léchaudé D'Anisy, " Notice historique sur la baronnie
et l'église de Thaon" my reference (9)
English translation of French passage from above: (The name of Thaon appears
very early in archives of Normandy. Hamon of the Teeth, Lord of Creully,
Torigny, Evrecy and Thaon was one of the feudal rebels at the time of the
uprising that was defeated by William the Bastard at Val - es-dunes
(1047).Léchaudé of Anisy in his notes on the barony and
the church of Thaon it is mentioned by Wace Roman de Rou.)
the sub title of reference (9) states l'auteur attribue la construction de
l'église à Hamon-aux-dents , Hamon is extensively discussed at.page 67 and
Livre Rouge, éd.Anquetil, Bayeux states "Plusieurs seigneurs de Thaon
seront célèbres et parmi eux Robert Fitz Hamon, un des favoris de Guillaume
le Roux, et Robert de Gloucester, père de Philippe de Thaon (à ne pas
confondre avec l'auteur du Bestiaire rédigé vers 1120). Des liens étroits
semblent avoir existé très tôt entre Thaon et le chapitre de Bayeux. Ils
sont attestés entre 1108 et 1134 dans le Livre Rouge"
Translation "Several Lords of Thaon will be famous and including Robert Fitz
Hamon, one of William Rufus aides and Robert of Gloucester, father of
Philippe of Thaon (to not to confused with the author of the Bestiaire
written toward 1120). some close ties seem to have existed very early
between Thaon and the chapter of Bayeux. They are mentioned between 1108 and
1134 in the Red Book"
In the Pact of Gisors in 965
More to follow.
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