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Re: Macbeth, Duncan, and Thorfinn first cousins.
>After going through reems of information (much conflicting) and trying
>to reach the most likely conclusion, I have arrived at the following,
>somewhat different than my aforegoing thoughts:
Oh, my; I hope my idle curiousity didn't put you to much trouble.
>Malcolm II and wife Edith of Ossery had three daughters:
>Bethoc/Beatrix (married Grimus Mortimer, Abbot Crinand), mother of
>Duncan I
Bethoc or Beatrix seems to get the most press in genealogies,
probably because her son succeeded to her father's throne.
>Donada (married Finleach aka Finley), mother of Macbeth
But then again, Donada's son did, too, so you'd think she'd be better known.
>Anleta Thora, (married Sigurd II Hlodversson) mother of Thorfinn, Jarl
>of Orkney
>This makes the three all first cousins.
Indeed it does.
Here's a web page that lists all three daughters of Malcolm II and Edith:
Hm, this same set of web pages also claims an Agnes St. Clare,
daughter of Walderne, married the second Robert de Brus:
Meanwhile, Burke's agrees that Malcom II and Edith had three daughters,
and who their sons were:
Although, surprisingly enough, Burke's doesn't list a name for Sigurd's
wife, listed elsewhere variously as Alice, Olith, or Anleta Thora, as
you have her. Maybe that's because Sigurd was a Norwegian Jarl, not
a Scottish or English or British Earl.
>Sources: LDS Baptismal Records Slake Temple
> Kindship of Families by A.F. Bennett
> The Genealogical Society of Utah
> Chart: "Queen Elizabeth, Descendant of King David" by M.H.
> Gayer, O.B.E. and Rev. W.M.H. Milner
Is that the chart that traces QEII back to Adam?
I've got one of those around here somewhere....
> M.A.F.R.G.S.A.I., "Kingdom of God on Earth, Royal Family;
> Throne and Nation Established Forever" by E. E.
>Wemp (British Israel World)
> CD V701-01 Vol 1, World Family Tree copyright 1996,
> Broderbund Software, Pedigree file 986
> CD181 English Origins of New England Families, Series 1
> Volume 3, Additional Royal Descents, copyright
>The Learning Co., 17 July 1999 20
>Hope this clears this up.
Very helpful; thanks.
But to make it murky again, according to Burke's (same page as above),
Gruoch, Lady Macbeth, was a granddaughter of Kenneth III, King of Scots,
who was killed and succeeded by his first cousin Malcolm II, who was,
as we have seen, grandfather of Macbeth, Duncan, and Thorfinn.
So Gruoch and Duncan were third cousins, and were also from
two royal lines with blood spilled between them. Maybe Shakespeare
was right; it seems she had a good reason to be out for Duncan's blood....
John S. Quarterman <jsq@quarterman.org>
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