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Stirkoke Sinclairs
I have found the following information on the Sinclairs of Stirkoke House and
the family connection to Hempriggs House and Bilbster House.
Stirkoke House
>From Descendants of George Sinclair, 4th. Earl Caithness, compiled by Pete
Cummings. Francis Sinclair of Stirkoke (b. abt. 1640) was the son of Francis
Sinclair of Northfield (b.abt. 1610). Francis of Northfield was the grandson
of George, 4th. Earl Caithness. So either the house was built or acquired by
the family in the early 1600s. Francis Sinclair of Stirkoke had sons,
Patrick, John of Stirkoke, George of Sibster, Charles of Bilbster, and one
daughter, Jean. John Sinclair of Stirkoke married Margaret Sinclair of Mey
and had two sons. Francis of Stirkoke and George of Stirkoke. Pete had no
more information on the Stirkoke line, so I am unsure where David, father of
George of Norway fame comes in.
Stirkoke is a 559 acre estate and farm currently owned by Alexander William
Sinclair and Allistair Fraser Sinclair.
Mentioned in Parliament
Mr. Alec Sinclair of Stirkoke in Caithness, who owns the farm of Munsary,
which is a large area close to Dubh lochs of Shielton. The Dubh lochs were
properly designated as sites of special scientific interest by SNH. The
matter was originally handled very well, with suitable management agreements
being entered into with the proprietors. However, when Mr. Sinclair wanted to
sell his farm, which was certainly not in the same category of sensitivity or
importance as the Dubh lochs of Shielton, the SNH moved in and proceeded,
without adequate inspection, to have it declared an SSSI. It has thereby
destroyed the prospect of afforestation in the area and the prospect of Mr.
Sinclair using the resources drawn from the sale to develop appropriately his
low-ground farming activity. That case is a very sharp illustration of how
unsatisfactory the present arrangements are for considering multi-purpose
land use. It should not be possible for an agency, which is ultimately able
to dispose of such matters without appeal to the Secretary of State, to be
able to intervene and destroy a venture of the kind on which Mr. Sinclair was
embarked. Parliament will have to return to the question whether it is
satisfactory not to have a democratic appeals system against intervention by
such an environmental agency. I do not believe it is, but the picture is
perhaps more kaleidoscopic than when I first discussed these matters in the
early and mid-1970s
The Battle of Altimarlach
When Campbell of Glenorchy came north to take over the earldom, he was
confronted by the defending force of Caithnessians near Stirkoke. The day
being far spent and his men tired by their forced march from Braemore,
Campbell wisely retreated to a safe encampment in the Yarrows hills, the
Caithness men retired to Wick for the night. An early start the next morning
saw Glenorchy make an unopposed crossing of the river Wick. From his position
on the north bank he would see the local men advancing from the town and no
doubt selected the steep sided spit of land at the junction of the burn of
Altimarlach and the river, as the best defensive position. In a complete
reversal of the previous evening, it was the Caithness troops who arrived
exhausted by their dash from Wick. It can be seen that Glenorchy had been
traveling north, the crossroad just behind the defensive sweep of the Haster
burn was a natural assembly point for local troops arriving from all parts of
the County. This was also the point where it would become obvious whether
Glenorchy intended to attack Wick, via the Newtown Road; or whether he would
bypass the town and head straight for Girnigoe. It would seem that Campbell
had been pursuing the latter course when he was confronted by the enemy in a
good position. The road system shows why the two encounters took place at
Stirkoke and Altimarlach.
Mentioned in the History of Oldwick
Shortly after this the castles of Oldwick and Berriedale fell to separate
owners. The Earls of Caithness retained Oldwick but as it was situated within
a few miles of their chief stronghold of Girnigoe it fell into disuse.
Berriedale was acquired by a junior branch of the Sutherlands of Forse, also
descended from the ancient Earls of Sutherland. Afterwards it became the
property of the Sinclairs of Ulbster and later still it passed to the Horne
family of Langwell and Stirkoke. With the building of the splendid new
mansion of Langwell House the old castle fell to ruin and decay. After the
death of the weak sixth Earl of Caithness and the usurping of his estates and
titles by his creditor Campbell of Glonorchy about 1680 Oldwick eventually
passed by sale to the Dunbars of Hempriggs who had about the same time built
Hempriggs House nearby. They were a branch of the Sutherlands of Duffus who
had changed their name to Dunbar on inheriting the baronetcy of Hempriggs of
that family.
Mentioned in the False Coin Scandal between the Sutherlands and Sinclairs.
They accordingly rushed to the street; and shortly after, John Sinclair,
younger of Stirkoke, James Sinclair of Durran, James Sinclair, brother of the
Laird of Dunn, and other relatives of Lord Caithness who happened to be in
town on a visit to Lady Berriedale, made their appearance. Mackay and Gordon
showed their commission and endeavored to satisfy them that they were acting
under the King’s authority; but Sinclair of Stirkoke, in a defiant tone,
swore that he would not allow his uncle’s servant to be apprehended without
his knowledge, and in his absence. The commissioners replied sharply that
they were determined to do their duty, and not suffer the Royal warrant to be
resisted. High words were exchanged, and a serious scuffle ensued, which was
maintained for some time with great obstinacy on both sides. The party that
guarded Smith, hearing a great noise in the town, killed him in order to
prevent his escape, and hurried in to assist their countrymen. The
inhabitants, who were not so well armed as their opponents, finally gave way,
and retreated to their houses. John Sinclair of Stirkoke was killed, and
James Sinclair of Dunn severely wounded. James Sinclair of Durran saved
himself by flight. None of the Sutherland men were killed, but many of them
were badly wounded. Sir John Sinclair of Greenland, who then lived at Ormlie,
and the Laird of Dunn arrived when the fray was concluded. Dunn proposed to
renew the attack, but Sir John Sinclair, considering what had already
happened, would not agree to any hazardous attempt of the kind. The
Sutherland men withdrew from the town, and soon after proceeded homeward,
carrying their wounded along with them. When the Earl of Caithness, who
happened to be in Edinburgh at the time, was informed of the occurrences in
Thurso, he immediately instituted a criminal prosecution against the Earl of
Sutherland, Sir Robert Gordon, and Donald Mackay, for the slaughter of his
nephew, John Sinclair of Stirkoke; while they, on the other hand, raised a
similar process against the Earl of Caithness, his son, Lord Berriedale, and
their coadjutors, for sundry past outrages, and particularly for resisting,
at Thurso, the King’s commissioners, and attacking those employed in its
execution. On the day appointed for their appearance at Edinburgh, the
parties, with the exception of the Earl of Sutherland, met, attended by their
respective friends. The Earl of Caithness and Berriedale were accompanied by
Lord Gray, Sinclair of Roslin, the Laird of Cowdenknowes, a son of the sister
of the Earl of Caithness, and his two brothers, Sir John Sinclair of
Greenland, and James Sinclair of Murkle. Sir Robert Gordon and Mackay were
attended by the Earls of Winton, Eglinton, and Linlithgow, Lords Elphinstone
and Forbes, Munro of Foulis, and the Laird of Duffus. The Council spent three
days in hearing the parties and deliberating upon the matters brought before
them; but they came to no decision, and adjourned the proceedings until the
King’s pleasure should be known. The King proposed that their differences
should be submitted to arbitration, and after some discussion, the parties
were induced to sign a submission to that effect. Arbiters were accordingly
appointed, but finding the parties obstinate, and determined not to yield a
single point of their respective claims, they declined to act any further in
the matter, and remitted the whole case back to the Privy Council. At a
meeting of the Council, the Earl of Caithness preferred a very serious charge
against Sir Robert Gordon. He said that he had procured the commission solely
with the intention of ruining him and his house, and that previous to the
affair at Thurso he had on one occasion lain in wait to kill him at the
Little Ferry. Sir Robert, of course, indignantly repelled the charge. The
dispute, from all that appears, was never settled; and the Earls of Caithness
and Sutherland continued to maintain the same hostile attitude towards each
other as before.
Colonel George Sinclair, in Norway. George Sinclair was a natural son of
David Sinclair of Stirkoke, and nephew of the Earl of Caithness. Like many
other Scotchmen of the period, he was a soldier of fortune, and had entered
the service of Gustavus Adoiphus, King of Sweden, who was then at war with
Denmark and Norway. Having raised a regiment in his native county, amounting,
it is said, to some 900 men, Sinciair embarked for Norway, and after a
favorable passage of four days, landed on the coast of Romsdal.
W.W.I General Horne. Lord Horne was born Henry Sinclair Horne at Stirkoke on
19 February 1861, the third son of Major James Horne and his wife Constance
Mary. The family was one of the best known in Caithness and had lived at
Stirkoke for several generations. He was educated at Harrow and at the Royal
Mentioned about the pipe tune, The Stirkoke Woods.
The attractive waltz tune composed by Robert George Harper. He wrote it many
years ago when he left Stirkoke. The Lily Pond was a beauty spot in the
Stirkoke Woods on the estate of the late General Lord Horne.
During W.W.II three aircraft where flying over the vicinity of Stirkoke, when
one plane crash landed near the spot of the battle of Altimarlach. The two
crewmen scrambled from their plane without much injury.
Hempriggs House.
On or about 1680 Oldwick eventually passed by sale to the Dunbars of
Hempriggs who had about the same time built Hempriggs House. There are great
cliffs with natural arches and stacks off the coast behind Hempriggs House.
There is also an overgrown path that leads from Hempriggs House past the
Castle of Oldwick and into the town of Wick that is till in rare use today.
Anne Dunbar of Hempriggs House married John Sinclair of Strikoke. My own line
comes from William Sinclair, Natural son of Donald the Sailor Sinclair.
Donald the Sailor is of the Murkle Sinclairs. William was born in Hempriggs
house abt. 1790 and came to America in 1805 Where he married Henrietta Dunbar
Lady Maureen Daisy Helen Dunbar of Hempriggs was recognized in the name of
Dunbar of Hempriggs by the Lord Lyon Court in 1965. The male heirs of the
first baronet having died out, this Nova Scotia Baronetcy was conferred with
remainder to heirs whatever, ie, it can be and has been inherited through or
by a female representative of the family. The crest of Hempriggs reflects the
families through whom the title has passed. First, quarterly is Dunbar, 2nd
is Sutherland, 3rd is Duff, and 4th is Randolph. Lady Dunbar has a son,
Richard Francis Dunbar of Hempriggs, so the baronetcy will return to a the
male line.
Bilbster House
Charles of Bilbster Sinclair (b. abt 1680) was the son of Francis Sinclair of
Stirkoke. Charles earned the unenviable sobriquet of the Earl of Hell.
Charles married Katherine Dunbar of Hempriggs house and had one son, Sir
George Sinclair of Bilbster and Clythe. Sir George married Jean Daughter of
William? Charles, Earl of Hell, and Katherine also had one daughter, Fenella
whom married Donald Sinclair of Olric (and now Bilbster).
Bilbster Mains is a working farm straddling the delightful Wick River in a
fertile little valley just to the east of that famous wild brown trout water
Loch Watten. It is an area of green fields and open spaces yet it is within a
fifteen minute drive of either the town of Thurso or the town of Wick. The
estate of Bilbster House covers some 1300 acres and guests are welcome to
walk in most of the area. The atmosphere is exceptionally tranquil and offers
the visitor a relaxing and secluded holiday of a very high standard yet with
the freedom to drive quickly and easily to any of the major salmon rivers or
trout lochs within Caithness. Research on Bilbster House so far has dated it
to before the 1690s being the local 'Manor House' to the estate of Bilbster.
Category C(s) listed building status (Scottish category), Every effort has
been made to keep the character since being bought over by the Stewart family
in 1970. Previous owners include Gore Brown Hendersons, Macleays and
inevitably for any large estate in Caithness, Sinclairs. As well as the
estate of Bilbster the Gore Brown Hendersons also owned the local distillery,
Pulteney Distillery which now has the renowned 'Old Pulteney collection' of
Scotch Whisky. The estate of Bilbster was handed to the son 'Hamish' in 1955
and Mrs Gore Brown Henderson moved to Malveny house, Edinburgh which she
subsequently left to the National Trust. The Trust now open the gardens at
Malveny. The donation of a Telford designed house to the medical profession
resulted in a nurses home being set up. This building became the maternity
unit for Wick and then was controversially bulldozed to make way for the new
hospital. The maternity wing in the hospital is now called The Henderson
wing. His offspring continued in the same vein and built upon his collection
and contributions to science culminating in the donation of his collection to
the University of Sydney. This has resulted in the Macleay Museum. In 1825 he
was appointed as Colonial secretary to New South Wales in Sydney and amongst
other things, was chairman overseeing Sydney's botanic gardens. Tracing the
family of Henderson back leads to the name of Macleay and Alexander Macleay.
Alexander Macleay was a collector of insects to the extent that by 1805 his
collection was the most important in Britain and was extensively used as a
source of reference.
Donald Sinclair, Indianapolis
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