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Re: Sinclair Myths.
Dear Mr Duguid,
Thank you for taking the time to write.At your lesiure the references would
be most helpful. There are so many claims that seem to be, in my eyes,
inventions. This is the balance of the story. There are more questions than
answers. There are no assertions made as to the validity of any of these
stories. myths, legends or purported facts. I have left out a lot about
Freemasonary even the Sinclair relationship to that is clouded. If anyone
can guide, lead or otherwise point to reliable sources please speak up.
"Joyous Distrust is a sign of health. Everything absolute belongs to
pathology.", wrote Friedrich Nietzsche
Masons, Muslims, Templars, Jews, Henry and Dolly.
The Quarterman site states
"The One ancestor in particular has recently incented a number of
organizations and publications. Henry Sinclair was the Baron of Roslin near
Edinburgh. He also became Lord Chief Justice of Scotland and Admiral of the
Henry was descended from Rogenvald the Mighty, first Earl of Orkney, on both
sides of his family. He was known as ``Henry the Holy'' because he had made
a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Some say he even fought in a Crusade, like
his ancestors before him."
A chart supports this booming authority. The chart is wonderful. "The great
tragedy of science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly
fact." Wrote Thomas Huxley
In The Temple and The Lodge, by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, we read
of the bizarre request of Knight Templar and descendant of the Kings of
Scotland, Robert the Bruce that, upon his death, his heart be removed and
taken to Jerusalem to be buried in the Knights Templar Church of the Holy
Sepulchre. None other than Grand Master of the Scottish Templars, Sir
William Sinclair, transported Robert the Bruce's heart and a few other
knights who never made it to Jerusalem. In Spain, Robert the Bruce's heart
was thrown into a battle against the Moors and saved the day, but William
Sinclair and most of the other knights died.
"In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded, as he had arranged, by his grandson,
Robert II, the first of the Stuart dynasty. Before his death, he had
expressed the wish that his heart be removed, placed in a casket, taken to
Jerusalem and buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330,
therefore, Sir James Douglas, Sir William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at
least two other knights embarked for the Holy Land . . " The Temple & The
The Hiram Key offers an explanation for removing Bruce's heart to
"Before dying [Robert the Bruce] had taken a vow to go to Jerusalem and
fight the Saracen and as a mark of respect his embalmed heart was taken by
Sir William St Clair and Sir James Douglas on a last crusade to Jerusalem,
but unfortunately they were killed in battle in Andalusia en route. Bruce's
heart never reached the Holy City and was returned to be buried in Melrose
Abbey whilst Sir William was buried at Rosslyn."
The Knights Templars had occupied Jerusalem until 1291AD, when the Holy Land
fell to the Saracens. Following the dissolution of the Knights Templar in
1312 AD and death of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in 1314 AD, many
fugitive knights fled to Scotland, which was not under Papal control and
where they were welcomed by the St Clair family. It was during this period
that Robert the Bruce came to prominence as the central figure in Scotland's
struggle for independence from England's domination and for the restoration
of the Celtic religion. According to 'The Temple and The Lodge' Robert the
Bruce was well connected to the sacred Merovingian bloodline:
". . . Scotland, under the aegis of the Dalraida king, Kenneth MacAlpin,
became a unified Celtic kingdom. Around 850, Kenneth was installed at Scone,
as monarch of all Scotland . . .Under Kenneth MacAlpin's descendant, David
I, the feudal Kingdom of Scotland finally emerged in 1124. . .David himself
was thoroughly Celtic, the son of the Celtic king, Malcolm III. . .Among
King David's entourage was a Norman knight, Robert de Brus . . .Although the
Robert de Brus of King David's time was of Norman (and possibly Flemish)
descent, his great grandson married David's great-granddaughter, the niece
of the Celtic kings Malcolm IV and William I. The Robert Bruce who was later
to figure so prominently in Scottish history could thus claim blood descent
from the ancient Celtic royal house, and eventually back to Kenneth MacAlpin
of the Dalraida." The Temple & The Lodge
By 1300, the Scots could not agree on a ruler and so King Edward I of
England was invited to arbitrate among the warring claimants to the throne.
Edward appointed John Balliol, the grandfather of Robert Bruce, and then
Edward annexed Scotland. The Scots rebelled but were defeated by Edward who
exiled Balliol to France and proceeded to dismantle the Celtic institutions.
" . . .Edward embarked on a systematic campaign to eradicate all vestiges of
political and religious, of the old Celtic kingdom. The Stone of Scone, most
archaic and sacred of Celtic talismans, was accorded special attention. At
Edward's behest, the inscription on it was erased and the stone itself
removed from Scone and brought to London. The great seal of Scotland was
smashed and coffers of royal records were confiscated. Edward appointed
himself, in effect, an ad hoc defender of the faith -- the archetypal
Christian king, promulgating the rule of Rome. To bolster this image, it was
profitable to emphasise the pagan aspects of the old Celtic kingdom, which
were portrayed as heretical, if not pagan and satanic. By disseminating
rumours of sorcery and necromancy, Edward was able to show moral and
theological justification for his crusade to annex Scotland." The Temple &
The Lodge
Baigent and Leigh sheepishly admitted that the Celtic religion which Robert
the Bruce sought to restore "may even have included ritual human sacrifice."
William Wallace led the Scottish rebellion against England. The Temple and
The Lodge describes the ascent of Robert the Bruce to power via ritual human
"It was against this turbulent background that the figure of Robert Bruce
suddenly emerged, fomenting rebellion in the south . . .Wallace was knighted
by a prominent Scottish earl - possibly Bruce himself - and in 1298 was
elected sole Guardian of the country . . . Following his defeat at Falkirk,
Wallace was forced to resign as Guardian, but this did not terminate the
revolt. In the autumn of 1298 AD, the rebels appointed John Comyn and Robert
Bruce to preside as joint Guardians and continue the struggle. They,
however, soon fell to squabbling among themselves, and the friction between
them . . . deflected them from concerted action against the British . . . "
Very confused by this I thought that Scots were also British!
". . . Wallace was dead, and Comyn firmly under the English thumb. But in
March 1302, a year before Wallace's capture, Bruce's father had died,
leaving Bruce with a direct claim to the throne. Three months later, in
June, he had concluded a secret agreement with the Bishop of Lamberton . . .
It is now generally accepted that the agreement involved plans for an
independent Celtic Scotland, over which Bruce, supported by Lamberton, would
preside as monarch. Before any such project could be implemented, however,
something had to be done about John Comyn."
"The Comyn family, which included the earldoms of Buchan and Monteith, was
an old one, and could match the Bruces in power and prestige.. On 10
February 1306, at the church of the Grey Friars in Dumfries, Bruce, with his
own hand, murdered his adversary. Comyn was stabbed with a dagger and left
to bleed to death on the church's stone floor. According to several
accounts, he did not die immediately and was carried to safety by the monks,
who sought to minister to his wounds. Bruce, hearing of this, returned to
the church, dragged him back to the altar, and there slaughtered him. . . "
"There are aspects of Comyn's murder that cannot be explained entirely by
the betrayal of a pact, or by the long-standing antipathy between Bruce and
himself. . . .it appears to have been carefully premeditated, perhaps even
rehearsed . . . Nor is it possible to ignore the setting of the murder.
Churches, after all, were deemed to be sacred ground . . . it bears the
unmistakable stamp of ritual killing -- an almost ceremonial killing of one
candidate for a throne by another, on consecrated ground, in accordance with
archaic pagan tradition. Nobody at the time could have been unaware of the
powerful symbolism inherent in Bruce's act -- a symbolism so powerful,
indeed, as to transcend the act itself." The Temple & The Lodge
In 1314 AD, the Battle of Bannockburn was won when a Templar force led by
Sir William St Clair came to Bruce's aid and this victory settled the issue.
Sinclair list Archives state "Knights Templar on the side of King Robert the
Bruce, assisted by Sir William Sinclair and his two sons, William and
A Knight Templar, a monk, taking a vow of chastity has sons?
Scotland remained an independent kingdom for the next 289 years, when King
James VI acceded to the throne of England and united the two kingdoms in
1603 AD. In 1320 AD the Declaration of Arbroath proclaimed the independence
of Scotland, insinuating that the Scots were descended from the Israelites
previously in bondage in Egypt.
On 6 April 1320 AD, the Declaration of Arbroath -- was issued. It took the
form of a letter commissioned and signed by eight earls and thirty-one other
nobles, including representatives of the Seton, Sinclair and Graham
families. This letter adumbrated the legendary history of the Scots from
their alleged origins in Scythia and their conversion there by St Andrew. It
described Robert Bruce as their deliverer and hailed him (with biblical
comparisons traditionally dear to the Templars) as 'a second Maccabaeus or
Other Scottish nobility and signatories of the Declaration of Arbroath
include Clans Leslie, Stewart, Monteith, Robertson and Bruce.
In 1322 AD, Edward II commenced his final, rather unenthusiastic, expedition
against Scotland. It came to nothing, and Bruce retaliated with incursions
into Yorkshire. In 1323 AD, the two countries concluded what was supposed to
be a thirteen-year truce, which lasted only for four. In the mean time,
Bruce had become embroiled in a new squabble with the Papacy, then in the
throes of its own schism, the so-called 'Avignon Captivity'. For some time,
Edward of England had longed to rid the Scottish Church of its powerful
nationalist bishops -- prelates such as Lamberton of St Andrews, Wishart of
Glasgow and William Sinclair of Dunkeld (brother of Sir Henry Sinclair of
Rosslyn, signatory of the Arbroath Declaration). To this end, the English
king had badgered successive popes not to consecrate any new native-born
bishops into the Scottish Church. In the Avignon-based Pope John XXII he
found a sympathetic ear. Bruce, however, aligned himself with his own
bishops in defying the Pontiff's wishes and in 1318 AD he was again
excommunicated, along with James Douglas and the Earl of Moray. A year
later, the Pope demanded that the bishops of St Andrews, Dunkeld, Aberdeen
and Moray appear before him to explain themselves. The Pope was ignored in
June 1320 AD, the bishops were excommunicated. The Pope persisted in
refusing to recognise Bruce as king, pointedly referring to him only as
'ruler of the Kingdom of Scotland'. It was not until 1324 AD that Pope John
XXII relented and Bruce was finally recognized as king in the Church's eyes.
Pope John XXIII on 24 June 1961 AD lifted the ban of the Catholic Church on
Freemasonry. 24 June is the feast of St John the Baptist who some Masons
consider to be the messiah rather than Jesus. Knight and Lomas state
regarding this feast and the liberation of Scotland cum Masonic religion: "A
point of Masonic interest concerning the Battle of Bannockburn is that it
was fought on the day with the longest daylight in the year -- a day still
celebrated by all Freemasons as the Feast of St John the Baptist." The Hiram
One problem with this statement is that mid summers day, the longest day in
the northern hemisphere is not the 24 of June. The summer solstice is the
longest day of the year, respectively, in the sense that the length of time
elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year.
The day is 21 June at least that is what U. S. Naval Observatory
Astronomical Applications Department states.
The Temple & The Lodge describes the transport of Robert the Bruce's heart
to Jerusalem for burial in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded by his grandson, Robert II, the first
of the Stuart dynasty. Before his death, he had expressed the wish that his
heart be removed, placed in a casket, taken to Jerusalem and buried in the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330, therefore, Sir James Douglas, Sir
William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at least two other knights embarked
for the Holy Land, Douglas carrying Bruce's heart in a silver casket hung
around his neck. Their journey took them through Spain, where they made the
acquaintance of King Alfonso XI of Castile and Leon, and accompanied him on
his campaign against the Moors of Granada. On 25 March 1330, at the battle
of Tebas de Ardales, the Scots, riding in the vanguard, were surrounded.
According to the fourteenth-century chronicle, Douglas removed from his neck
the casket containing Bruce's heart and hurled it into the attacking host,
"Brave heart, that ever foremost led, forward! as thou wast wont. And I
Shall follow thee, or else shall die!"
Douglas, in the heat of battle composed his thoughts into extemporaneous
The title of the Mel Gibson historically inaccurate but entertaining movie,
Brave heart will, in the future probably, be seized on to prove Gibson a
Having hurled Bruce's heart at the foe, however, Douglas and his fellow
Scots did follow it, charging headlong into their adversaries. They died.
Sir William Keith, who had broken his arm prior to the battle and did not
participate in battle, lived. He is said to have retrieved the heart from
the field, inexplicably intact in its casket, and to have brought it back
with him to Scotland. It was buried in Melrose Abbey, under the east window
of the chancel. Early in the nineteenth century, Bruce's grave at
Dunfermline Abbey was opened. According to popular traditions prevalent in
the age of Sir Walter Scott, he was found with his leg-bones carefully
crossed immediately under his skull. In fact, this was not so; there was,
apparently, nothing unusual about the corpse. But the traditions are
indicative. It is clear that someone had a vested interest in linking Bruce
with the Masonic skull-and-crossbones.
The cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996 "Molecular Logos" -- occurred at
Geron Biomed, forerunner of Roslin Bio-Med was created in April 1998 by
Roslin Institute and 3i, Europe's largest provider of venture capital to
unquoted businesses. The Institute and 3i both owned 43% of the equity.
Nuclear transfer - the technology that produced Dolly - now allows much more
sophisticated genetic modifications than were possible previously. Roslin
Bio-Med was set up to develop the new biomedical opportunities this
provides, with its research concentrating on applications in
xenotransplantation. Initial targets include the cloning of pigs by nuclear
transfer and the creation of genetically modified pigs in which a key gene,
alpha-1-galactosyl transferase, has been eliminated.
In 1999 AD, Roslin Bio-Med (now Geron Bio-Med) was acquired by the Geron
Corporation of California in a deal that ensures a continuing close
collaboration between Roslin and Geron scientists. Geron has committed a
total of £12.5M for research at Roslin over a period of six years and
received in return an exclusive licence to Roslin Institute's nuclear
transfer technology in all areas of application except those previously
licensed to PPL Therapeutics. The agreement with Geron brings together three
key technologies - stem cell isolation, telomerase and nuclear transfer.
Much of the emphasis of Geron-funded research at Roslin Institute will be to
understand the mechanisms involved in the reprogramming of adult cells: this
is the key to improving the success rate of cloning per se, and in
progressing the concept of stem cell therapy.
The Roslin Institute is in Roslin Scotland, site of a Rosslyn Chapel near
Rosslyn Castle, which was the home of the St Clairs [Sinclairs] who built
Rosslyn Chapel.
The Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion from 1984 AD, until who knows when,
was Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire. Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire's son,
Thomas is considered by some a likely candidate in the Merovingian lineage
to ascend the throne of Jerusalem as world ruler. The importance of the
Sinclair family is evident in 'The Labyrinth of the Grail', which tries to
demonstrate the Sinclair's historic and arcane leadership of the Merovingian
Who is PPL Therapeutics? They are a British company developing treatments
from cloning technology; they say they have produced cloned pigs suitable
for human transplant use in developing treatments from cloning technology,
said it has produced cloned pigs suitable for human transplant use.
Where is PPL Therapeutics research centre? Bingo Roslin.
Stem cell therapy is the key to cloning human life. Is it a probability that
the Antichrist will come from this cloned bloodline? Perhaps by cloning the
heart of Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair, the priest-king will arise. Robert the
Bruce's heart never made it to Jerusalem and Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair's
heart may have never made it out of Jerusalem. Given the claimed Jewish
background of the Sinclair family let us hope they got the right heart.
Ref; Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Second Messiah, Element Books,
Inc., 1998,
Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood Holy Grail
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple & The Lodge, Arcade Pub., 1989
Knight and Lomas, The Hiram Key, Element Books, 1996
Sir James George Frazer, The Golden Bough A Study in Magic and Religion:
Macmillan, 1922
The Jerusalem Report magazine 1998
William F. Mann The Labyrinth of the Grail Laughing Owl Publishing 1999
14 Jan 2001 issue of Sunday Post submitted by Ashley McKenzie
The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple Malcolm Barber.
U. S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications Department. "Earth's
Seasons, Equinoxes, Solstices, Perihelion, and Aphelion"
The Jerusalem Post 30 October 1998, by-lined Netty C. Gross.
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Barry Chamish
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XV 1912 by Robert Appleton Company, Online
Edition 1999 by Kevin Knight
Wasserman, James. The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven.
Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: "Duguid John" <john.duguid@british-energy.com>
To: "Sinclair (E-mail)" <sinclair@quarterman.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: Sinclair Myths.
> With regard to Hugues de Payens,and the claimed marriage to Catherine St
> Clair.
> There are a small number of charters and cartulary references from
> Champagne spanning the period of 1113
> to 1170 naming Hugues' wife/widow as Elisabeth or Isabel de Chappes, and
[ Excess quotations omitted. ]
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