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Re: Change of year, change of list
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According to John's very sad decision, I have put in a request for a list
to be set up at rootsweb, under Miscellaneous, Other, as the
Sinclair_Discussion_List. Rootsweb hosts a great majority of the mailing
lists pertinent to historical and genealogical discussions, and as such
would be an appropriate place to migrate this list to. It then is up to
the subscribers of the list as to whether they wish it to
continue. Rootsweb adheres to strict guidelines and ad hominen attacks are
not allowed, so at least the rules won't change. Another alternative is to
move it to Yahoo Groups or some such place, where Gary's genealogy list is.
However, that has the distinct disadvantage that one has to sit through
pages of advertising to view each message. There are other alternatives,
such as hosting a list on one of the Sinclair genealogy sites - each of the
countries has a site and could potentially host the list, as well there is
sinclairgenealogy.com which is being set up as a non-country specific site
to host a database and historical information, so there are several places
where a majordomo list could be setup. It's really up to the group of
subscribers as to where they would best like the list to
continue. Hopefully John will allow the list to continue long enough for
people to state their preference.
I, for one, am most saddened by John's decision, particularly as it seemed
to be his intent to make the decision based on the groups choice, however,
I can understand choosing against the group's preference; five years is a
long time to maintain a list that is quarrelsome to say the least.
The main question for the moment is, what is going to happen to the list
archives? They are a wealth of information on their own. How are people
going to be able to access these? Is there a way to make them available
once the list itself is gone?
How long exactly until this list vanishes?
At 08:23 PM 1/01/03 -0500, you wrote:
> John,
> For one---I'm heartbroken! You have certainly put in the time and
>have done it well, and I'm sure you deserve some "free time". However, I'm
>extremely sorry for your decision.
> Rebecca
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