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Re: Other Sinclairs in Delaware & Maryland USA
In a message dated 00-04-03 12:39:29 EDT, you write:
<< Although the above reference, and other Quaker records, indicate that
William lived in Chester county, there are letters from some of his
ancestors indicating that he may have been raised in the Wilmington area by
a Quaker family after being kidnapped in Scotland at an early age.
Joe, if you come across any information about such a William Sinkler, in
Delaware or Pennsylvania, please post a message to this list
Richard Huseth >>
Hello Richard and others --
My Sinlair line is perhaps the youngest by a considerable margin among my USA
family lines , having arrived in the USA in the 1800's .
Also , we have only been pursuing genealogy for 2+ years and therefore have a
lot of " rooting " through old records ahead of us yet .
With that said , however , I am fortunate to still reside in Delaware and to
have most of my lines both early Quakers and here for 350+ years !
The only " Sinkler " that we have noticed was a William Sinkler in the
Delaware Civil War Regiments records of 1965+/- .
However , we were never looking for any of those 70+ other spellings that
Niven mentioned since my line used exclusively SINCLAIR in the USA !
In the time period you seem to be concerned with 1650 - 1750 , I would say
that the most promising locations would be :
1-- Darby Monthly Meeting -- Darby , Pa.
2-- New Ark Meeting and Cemetery -- Northern , Delaware ( This is NOT near
or the same as Newark , Delaware , but rather near the home of the Quaker
Valentine Hollingsworth ) .
3-- Original records of the New Castle Meeting , Old Swedes Church and
Church ( Wilmington , DE. area ) .
For a general understanding of those record's significance, note that the
rivers were difficult to coss in those early days , especialy during the
winter , so Quakers often attended differerent Meetings seasonally for that
reason .
As practical result , since Delaware is so small , that could mean
Pennsyvania versus Delaware .
I also understand that some Meetings were Monthly ,some Quarterly , and some
Annual - so research that aspect before assuming residence , etc.
I found that the early colonists -- my Quaker Bonsall line for example --
had simultaneous land holdings ( Plantations) at the same time, 1650+ , in
Darby , PA. and central Delaware , totalling in aggregate , thousands of
acres ! In other words , they traveled a lot ( routinely ) even in those
early times .
In the study of "Urban Economics" at the University , the rivers were the
or AutoBahns if you prefer .
You will notice that those places of significance to your research are
located along the Delaware river - Philadelphia , Darby , Upland, Chester
,Wilmington , New Castle ,etc. I can tell you that travel from New Castle to
Philadelphia was relatively routine then.
Here are some other data from that " era "
1-- Certificate of Removal on 08-10-1796 from the Wilmington Monthly Meeting
to the
Goshen Monthly Meeting ( PA ) of Hannah Sinclair , a young woman .
2-- Certificate of Removal on 07-14-1784 from the Wilmington Monthly Meeting
to the
New Garden Monthly Meeting ( PA ) . Job Sinclair and son , Abraham
Sinclair ,
infant . Sickness of himself and family has reduced his circumstances ;
" clear of
marriage engagements " .
I will keep a lookout for your interests in my ongoing research and we may get
lucky ?
Are you located nearby ??
Regards ,
Joe Greigg
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