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Val-es-dunes debunked
states; 1047 Battle of Val-es-Dunes St. Clairs vs. William the Bastard
Hamo and Walderne St. Clair killed.
E.A. Freeman was definitively William's principal panegyrist. He makes no
memtion of any St Clair rebels.
Hamon was killed Val-es-dunes he was Lord of Creully, Torigny, Evrecy and
Thaon. He was not the Comte (Earl) of Corbeil or Mortain.
The first three Counts were;
(1) 996 to 1032 Mauger de Normandie, comte de Mortain et de Corbeil
(2) 1032 to 1048 Guillaume 1er de Normandie, surnommé Werleng ou Guerleng,
comte de Mortain et de Corbeil
(3) 1049 to 1104 Robert 1er de Conteville, comte de Mortain et de
Le nom de Thaon apparaît très tôt dans les archives de Normandie.
Hamon-aux-dents, seigneur de Creully, de Torigny, d'Evrecy et de Thaon fut
l'un des féodaux rebelles lors du soulèvement qui fut mâté par Guillaume le
Bâtard à Val-es-Dunes (1047). Comme le rappelait Léchaudé d'Anisy dans sa
Notice historique sur la baronnie et l'église de Thaon (1) il est mentionné
par Wace dans son Roman de Rou.
(The name of Thaon appears very early in archives of Normandy. Hamon of the
Teeth, Lord of Creully, Torigny, Evrecy and Thaon was one of the feudal
rebels at the time of the uprising that was defeated by William the Bastard
at Val - es-dunes (1047). Léchaudé of Anisy in his notes on the barony and
the church of Thaon it is mentioned by Wace Roman de Rou.)
His father was Malger his Mother: Coeur-en-Auge
In 1035, Robert, Duke of Normandy died. Although William was illegitimate,
he was Robert's only living son, and so inherited the father's title.
Gilbert, Count of Brionne, became William's guardian. A number of Norman
barons would not accept an illegitimate son as their leader and in 1040 an
attempt was made to kill William. The plot failed by they did manage to kill
William was a Norman born and bred. William's cousin Guy of Burgundy, his
rival was in every sense a Frenchman. His connexion with the ducal house was
on distaff side, but uncontested legitimacy. This gave him an excuse for
claiming the duchy in opposition to the bastard.. William after the death of
Gilbert, gave the island fortress of Brionne in the Risle to Guy. The
partition of the duchy was Guy's aim. William was to be dispossessed; Guy
was to be duke in the lands east of Dive; the great lords of Western
Normandy were to be left independent. St Clair fiefs lay to the North and
East of a line from Rouen to Caen. The lords of the Bessin and the Cotentin
revolted, their leader being Neal, Viscount of Saint-Sauveur in the
The victory at Val-es-dunes was decisive, and the French King, whose help
had done so much to win it, left William to follow it up. He met with but
little resistance except at the stronghold of Brionne. Guy himself vanishes
from Norman history. William had now conquered his own duchy, and conquered
it by French help. For once King Henry had kept his word.
The Conqueror's battle at Val-es-dunes was a tourney of horsemen on an open
table-land just within the land of the rebels between Caen and Mezidon.
William with the aid of Henry, King of France, William gained a great
victory at Val-ès-Dunes, which led, to the capture of the two strong castles
of Alençon and Domfront.
REF: Freeman, History of the Norman Conquest, III, IV, V (Oxford, 1870-76);
see also
William the Conqueror E.A. Freeman 1913 Macmillan and Co, London
Lingard, History of England, I (London, 1849);
Davis, England under the Normans and Angevins (London, 1905);
Adams in Political History of England, II (London, 1905);
Hunt in Dictionary of Nat. Biography, s. v.;
Stenton, William the Conqueror (London, 1908);
Dupont, Etudes Anglo-Françaises (Saint-Servan, 1908)..
Léchaudé D'Anisy, " Notice historique sur la baronnie et l'église de Thaon
", dans Mémoires de la société des antiquaires de Normandie, t.12 ,
1840-1841, p.105-106 et suiv.(l'auteur attribue la construction de l'église
à Hamon-aux-dents ; sur ce dernier cf.BSAN, 1916, p.67 et suiv.).
Livre Rouge, éd.Anquetil, Bayeux, 1908-1911, II, 422.
Antiquus cartularius ecclesiae Baiocensis (appelé Livre noir), Ed.V.
Bourienne, Rouen-Paris, 1902, p.160-161.
M. Béziers, Mémoires pour servir à l'état historique et géographique du
diocèse de Bayeux (XVIIIéme siècle), éd. Rouen-Paris, 1894, III, p.391.
Archives départementales du Calvados , 520 E dt 4 (Cahiers des registres
Archives du patrimoine , Dossier MH 472 (1884-1972).
William the Conqueror E.A. Freeman 1913 Macmillan and Co, London
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