Rollo Glade
The standing statue of
is purportedly life size.
It shows a man 2.2 metres tall.
The right arm of the statue has been broken off.
The curator of "L'Abbaye Saint-Ouen de Rouen" states that the
statue was vandalised by Nazi souvenir hunters.
The date on the statue is 1863.
The inscription reads:
"The father of all Normans".
The garden in which it stands is actually part of the Hotel de Ville (City Hall).
The Hotel is attached to the Abbey.
The Abbey is one of the six great Norman Abbeys.
It is quite sparse although magnificent inside.
The statues had been removed by Napoleon's troops
during the anti-clerical movement.
Hard by the side of the Abbey, a pea shingled path leads
through an immaculate garden. To the left lies the
Rune of King Harold,
directing all Vikings to become Christian.
Approximately 250 metres along,
on a raised hillock enclosed on three sides by trees with pinkish roses in
front, stands this powerful statue of Rollo.
Last changed: 99/09/01 06:39:17