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Comparison of Sinclair Mailing Lists
There are at least four mailing lists related to the Sinclair,
St. Clair, and Sinkler families.
The first two listed here are widely used.
Sinclair Discussion List
This is the oldest and largest list,
with about 220 subscribers to
the main list
and its associated digest,
as of November 1999.
Officers of all the main Clan Sinclair organizations are on this list.
The list is quite eclectic, with discussions ranging from genealogy
to history to places to Templars.
John S. Quarterman started this list at the request of Sinclairs who
wanted a discussion list.
The list includes Sinclairs, St. Clairs, Sinklers, and other variations
on the name.
For instructions, see:
Sinclair Genealogy List
This list is intended strictly for genealogy.
It has about 40 subscribers.
Gary M. Sinclair started this list at the request of people who
wanted a genealogy-only Sinclair list.
The list includes Sinclairs, St. Clairs, Sinklers, and other variations
on the name.
For instructions, see:
Rootsweb Sinclair-L and Stclair-L Lists
There are
probably only 10 people on the RW list compared with the greater than 200 at
the other lists. Obviously, more can be accomplished with the greater
amount of researchers working together. Further, when RW setup those
thousands of surname mail lists, they setup a St. Clair mail list
separately. The other two lists mentioned above encompass all variations of
the name.
Amber (St. Clair) Dalakas remarks that: ``The only reason I signed
on as "owner, administrator" for the two [rootsweb] lists Sinclair &
St. Clair was that so new people who found these lists would not miss
out on the older established lists as far as the bulk of the family
researchers being over there.''
Last changed: 00/01/09 10:03:04