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Re: Sinclair book
Dear John;
I concur with your views. The one advantage it does give is tracing
addresses of specific Sinclairs. We found ours there but somewhat dated
so it isnt pulled off the Internet. Still if one wants to trace a
particular sinclair in a geography it gives some clues and is efficient
in reaching named Sinclairs from the data base they are selling. After
the implementation of the Internet searches it is of limited use in
North America. Neil
John S. Quarterman wrote:
> >This might be a co-incidence, but in the mail today, we received an
> amazing of
> >fer for a book called "the New World Book of Sinclairs", only $39.95.
> Is it from Halberts, in Bath, Ohio?
> If so, that's the same company that's been cranking out worthless
> books for numerous surnames for years.
> One of our relatives bought the Quarterman one just to see what it
> was,
> and it was basically lists of people culled from telephone books,
> plus some generic genealogical information, and a few random
> genealogical
> records from public archives. We found this somewhat annoying, since
> we
> were working on a real Quarterman book,
> http://www.quarterman.org/.
> There are numerous real books about the Sinclairs, of course; see
> http://www.mids.org/books.html
> Of course, I could be guessing wrong; what you saw advertised could
> be something else.
> Thanks,
> John
> --
> John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
> President, Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS)
> mids@mids.org, http://www.mids.org, +1-512-451-7602, fax:
> +1-512-452-0127
> 1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 500W, Austin, TX 78723, U.S.A.