Dear Jean Grigsby,
Hello. You don't know me, but I have recently become a member of the
Sinclair e-mail list and have a couple of questions regarding some
e-mail messages to you.
Firstly, however, I would like to tell you that I hope your Bill has a
speedy recovery and that you two enjoy a further 50 years together. My
brother-in-law (just 30 years old) only this week had major heart
surgery in Germany and looks as though he is going to pull through it
with flying colors as well.
At any rate, I noticed that you mentioned something called the
Sinkler-Sinclair-St. Clair UDATE 1995: OHIO in your e-mail of July 12,
1998. As my great-great grandfather, Robert Sinclair (b. mid-1800's, d.
?), and his son, my great-grandfather, John Ward Sinclair I (b. 1891:
Ohio, d. 1928: Montana), both came from Ohio, I was naturally curious
about this update. Do you have any idea how I could get a hold of it? As
I have no information on Robert Sinclair whatsoever, aside from the fact
that he was from Ohio, you can understand my keen interest in
discovering what is in this update.
In addition, I also noticed that Jane Kerner mentioned you having sent
her some Archives of some sort in her July 13, 1998 e-mail to you. Would
it be possible for you to tell me what kind of Archives these are
exactly, and/or if you think there could be any information on my
grandfathers and their predecessors in them? I would be deeply indebted
to you if you could.
I realize you have a lot on your plate these days, but when you have a
few spare moments I would really appreciate a word or two on this.
Thanks so much and again, I hope Bill will be up and about and back at
home soon. Keep care.
Best wishes,
Kristin Alynn Hussein
Deir-Hanna, Israel