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[Help From Other Genealogists]
[How Do I ...?]
["How To" Sites]
[Immigration & Naturalization Records]
[Marriage Records]
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[Other Genealogy Sites]
[Passenger Lists]
[Searchable Databases]
[Social Security Records]
[Vital Records]
"HOW DO I ...?:
- Twenty Ways to Avoid Genealogical Grief
- Family History Information: What Can I Do First?
- In the VERY Beginning
A step-by-step guide for beginners.
- Answers to Common Questions
- Genealogy Dictionary
- Document and Photo Preservation FAQ
- Oral history questions
- Deciphering Old Handwriting
- Old Handwriting Samples
- Naming Traditions
- A Chart for Figuring Relationships ("2nd cousin, 5-times removed", etc.)
- Janyce explains "cousins" and "removed"
- Salt Lake City Here We Come! Tips for a Successful Research Trip
- Before Your Trip: Doing Your Homework
- Packing for a Genealogical Journey
- A Genealogist's Post-Vacation Checklist
- Some tips on organizing your genealogy research
- Organizing Your Research or,
"Now That You've Found Them, How Do You Keep Track of Them?"
- Biography Assistant:
Helps you write stories about yourself or your relatives
- Caring for Your Family Photos
- Your Family's Health History
- Oral Histories
- Family Reunions
- How to collect information from your family
- Step-by-Step Guide to finding family information
- Writing a Family History
How to convert lists of names and dates into family histories.
- Genealogical scams
- Buyer Beware! More on dishonest genealogists.
- Spams and Scams
Unethical advertising on the Internet.
- Pyramid vs Diamond Theory: How Many Ancestors Do We Have?
- Genealogy research
Names, addresses, and holdings of places that may be useful
to you in your genealogical research.
- Online Genealogy Classes
- Numbering Systems Used in Genealogy
- Getting Started
- Family History Library Publications List
- A Crash Course in Genealogy
- Getting Started in Genealogy and Family History
- Cyndi's List of How To Guides
- Genealogy "How-To" Guide
- Treasure Maps-the How-To Genealogy WWW Site
- The Best of DearMYRTLE
- Ancestors
A ten-part television series shown on PBS.
- Blank Pedigree Forms for HTML
- Research Log
- Family Group Sheet and Pedigree Chart
- Genealogy (Pedigree) Chart
- Pedigree Chart and Family Group Sheet
- Printable Abstracts for Census Records
- Pedigree Chart, Family Group Record, 2nd Page Family Group Record, Timeline Page,
Research Log, Family and Home Information Checklist, Child's Pedigree Chart
- 1920 Census Extraction, Circular (Fan) Genealogy Chart,
2nd Circular Chart
- Pedigree Chart
- Relationship Chart
- Form Letters and Other Aids
- Form letters for German genealogy
- Cyndi's List of Supplies, Charts, Forms, Etc.
- Genealogy Records Service's Free Genealogy Charts
You must have Adobe Acrobatİ Reader to view these documents.
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites On The Web
Over 29,700 links, categorized & cross-referenced,
in over 90 categories.
- Genealogy SiteFinder
Giving Cyndi a run for her money, this site features over 42,000 categorized
and cross-indexed links with full descriptions, brought to you
by Family Tree Maker and Helm's Genealogy Toolbox.
- Janyce's Root Diggin' Department
- Family Chronicle - Top Ten Genealogy Websites Nominees
- Genealogy Online
- Helm's Genealogy Toolbox
- Rand Genealogy Club
- The Genealogy Home Page
- LDS Family History Centers
- Journal of Online Genealogy
- Genealogy of the USA Presidents
- The origin of surnames, 1000 to 1110 A D
- DAR Library Research Service
- Yahoo!'s Links to Lineages and Surnames Sites
- Where to Write for Vital Records
- Vital Records Information: State Index
California Vital Records Information
- National Archives & Records Administration Genealogy Holdings
- Using The National Archives
- Obtaining NATF 80 Forms
- Researching with Church Records
- Finding a Marriage Date
- Step-by-Step: Finding a Spouse's Name
- Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Search
- What to do with the information you got from the SSDI search above
- The Social Security Death Master File as a Stepping Stone
to Further Research
- Structure of Social Security Numbers
- Naturalization Records
- Notes on Naturalization
- Ellis Island Tour (and Cookbook!)
- Ellis Island Home Page
- All about immigration and migration
- Links to resources on cemetery history and preservation
- Cyndi's List of Cemeteries, Funeral Homes & Obituaries
- Cemetery Interment Lists on the Internet
Links to sites that provide information on people
interred at cemeteries across the world.
- British Columbia Cemetery Finding Aid
The surnames, cemetery name and location
of more than 100,000 entries collected from records
and headstone inscriptions associated with 141 cemeteries
situated in the province of British Columbia, Canada
and one from the state of Washington, USA.
- Notes on San Francisco Genealogy
From a site that mostly discusses Colma cemeteries.
- Locating Ship Passenger Lists
- Finding the port of arrival
- Major U.S. ports of entry and exit
- Cyndi's List of Ships, Passenger Lists & Immigration
- Index of all Ships arranged by year of sailing
- Index To Palatine Passenger Lists
- Index to New Netherland Ships' Passenger Lists
- Mormon Emigrant Ships (1840-1868)
- Passenger and Emigrant Lists
- Passenger Lists From Ireland - 1803
- Passenger Lists From Ireland #2 - 1803
- Irish Immigrants arriving from Ireland in Boston
- The Winthrop Fleet 0f 1630
- Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals:
Microfilms at the National Archives
- Passenger Ships' Lists, Pennsylvania
- Passenger Ships' Lists, New Jersey
- 126 Emigration / Ship Lists and Resources
- Links to Sites with Searchable Genealogical Databases
- Lauren Knoblauch's Searchable Genealogy Links
- Genserv: GEDCOMs Online
- The ROOTS-L Archive
- The GENNAM-L Archive
- Royal and Noble Genealogical Data On the Web
- Royal Genealogies
- Cyndi's List of Databases, Search Sites, Surname Lists
- GENDEX -- WWW Genealogical Index
- Ancestry Search
- The RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative
- Geneanet: Genealogical Database Network (Surname Searches)
- The Surname Genealogy Web Project
Links to three searchable databases: The Surname Registry,
The Surname Resource Centers, Other Surname Resources and Databases.
- Harleian Manuscripts
An index to the over 20,000 families who registered their lineage
from the Norman Conquest down to the 17th century.
- On-line Search for Maiden Names of Women in South Holland
250,000 maiden names of women who lived in South Holland between 1695 and 1811.
- Index of Marriages and Deaths
in New York Weekly Museum, 1788-1817.
- Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Member Pages
- WWW Calendar Generator
(Not a database but a good way to see what day a date was/will be)
- 24,200 Alaska-Yukon Goldrush Participants
- Newsgroups available under "soc.genealogy"
- Genealogy Listservers, Newsgroups, and Special Homepages
- Using Usenet
The benefits of using newsgroups for genealogy.
- Ask the Genealogy Lady
- About 800 computer bulletin board systems around the world
- Genealogy
(Volunteers who help others with specific items at
institutions near them,
or help with other information easily accessible to them.)
- Roots Surname List
- Janyce's Old Directory of Surname Researchers
- Janyce's New Directory of Surname Researchers
- The USGenWeb Project
A project to "provide Internet websites for genealogical research
in every county and every state of the United States" with free access.
- DAR Patriot Index Lookups (For a limited time only!)
- Immigration Lookups - Ports of Entry
- Genealogy CDs Available for Lookups
- Lookups from Privately Owned Publications
- Genealogy's Most Wanted
(A site that allows a user to leave a query (free!) concerning hard to find ancestors)
- Genealogical Societies On-Line
- National Genealogical Society
- National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution
- Silicon Valley PAF Users Group
- California Genealogical Society
- California Historical Society
- San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society
- San Mateo County Genealogical Society
- Contra Costa County Historical Society
- Genealogical and Historical Council of the Sacramento Valley
- Palo Alto Historical Association
- Sonoma County Genealogical Society
- Cyndi's List of Societies and Groups
- Sutro Library, A Branch of the California State Library
(In San Francisco)
- The Allen County Public Library Historical Genealogy Department
- Genealogy Reading Room Of The Thousand Oaks Library
- Cook Memorial PublicLibrary's Online Genealogy Resources
- Genealogy Libraries on the WWW
- Family History Centers
(of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- African American Genealogical Society of Northern California
- Los Angeles Public Library's History and Genealogy Department
- Census tutorial
- Every Ten Years: What's In That Census?
- Using 1880/1900/1920 Census Records
- Printable Census Abstract Forms
- Secrets of the Census
- Surname to Soundex Code
- Soundex Coding Guide
- Census Related Sites
- Calculating Birth Year Based on Census Information
- Finding Records of U.S. Military Service
- Civil War Research
- How To Order Military & Pension Records
for Union Civil War Veterans from the National Archives
- Confederate Pension Records
- National Personnel Records Center: Military Personnel Records
- Genealogy and the American Civil War
- Master Index of U.S. Military Records
- Military Records for Genealogy
- In Search of Military Records
A How-To article by Ken Short.
- Tracing Your Native American Roots
- Native American Genealogy
- JewishGen: The Official Home of Jewish Genealogy
- Jewish Genealogy
- African-American Genealogy
- More guides to African-American Genealogy
- Christine's Genealogy Website (African American)
- Asian/Pacific Genealogy
- Cherokee by Blood
- California Genealogy
Part of The US GenWeb Project
- California Resources from Roots-L
- California Genealogy Resources
Links to statewide and county resources.
- California Vital Records Information
- CA Department of Public Health--ordering Vital Records by FAX
- California Pioneer Project
- Sacramento County 1890 Great Register
- Foreign Born Voters of California, 1872
- How to Obtain Naturalization Information About these 1872 Voters
- Sample page of 1872 Great Register for San Francisco
This page shows the surnames from Carlin to Carney.
- NORCAL Genealogy Index
- Genealogy Events Taking Place in California
- San Francisco County Genealogy
- San Francisco County Genealogy Research Tips
- Family History Research Sources for San Francisco City and County
- The San Francisco Call Database: Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1869-1881 (Under construction)
- San Francisco Cemeteries
- How To Research Your San Francisco Building
- San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch
This is an excellent description of many of the genealogical resources found here at SFPL!
- 1842 San Francisco Census
- 1850 San Francisco City Directory
- 1857 San Francisco Assessor's List
- A List and History of San Francisco Cemeteries
- Notes on San Francisco Genealogy
From a site that mostly discusses Colma cemeteries.
- The USGenWeb Project
A project to "provide Internet websites for genealogical research
in every county and every state of the United States" with free access.
- WWW Genealogy Resources for Specific States
in the United States
- Links to State Genealogy
- Illinois Public Domain Land Sales
from the first half of the 19th century
- Kentucky Vital Records Index
- How to obtain copies of Kentucky Death Certificates
- Virginia Genealogy
- The Library of Virginia Genealogy Home Page
- 700+ West Virginia Families (Searcable Database)
- 1895 U.S. Atlas
- World Genweb Project
- WWW Genealogy Resources for Specific Countries
- Acadian Genealogy
- Austrian Genealogy
- Australian Genealogy
- Belgian Genealogy
- Cajun Genealogy
- Canadian Genealogy
- inGeneas: Canadian Genealogy
- Dutch Genealogy
- East European Family History Societies
- English Genealogy
- Finnish Genealogy
- French Genealogy
- German Genealogy
- Form letters for German genealogy
- Hispanic & Latin American Genealogy
- Icelandic Genealogy
- Irish Families
- Irish Genealogical Society, Int'l
- Italian Genealogy
- Polish Genealogy
- Cyndi's Links to Scandinavian Genealogy
- Slovak and Carpatho-Rusyn Genealogy
- Swedish Genealogy
- Swiss Genealogy
- Swiss Genealogy On The Internet
- United Kingdom and Irish Genealogy
- Genealogy Calendar: describes coming genealogical events
- Cyndi's List of Events & Activities
- The Calendar
- Genealogy Events Taking Place in California
ADOPTION SOURCES: Find Your Biological Family
- BirthQuest
Searchable Database Dedicated to Searching Adoptees,
Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents and Siblings.
- Help for Adoptee Genealogical Research
- AdoptioNetwork
- Adoptee Page from Carrie's Crazy Quilt
- An Adoptee's Right to Know
- Dawn's Birthmother/Adoption Resource Links
Mutual Consent Adoption Reunion Registry.
- All About Searching
- Everton's Genealogical Helper
- Family Tree Maker Online
- Ultimate Family Tree (Formerly Family Gathering and Commsoft Roots)
If you have comments or suggestions for new links, please send
them to the General Collections
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