Recommend this site. Good luck all. Here's an example: Sinclair in /accessible/text/gaz2/00000250/00025032.htm
Query SinclairPress Your "Back" Button For a New QueryJuly 3, 1760 The Pennsylvania Gazette ITEM #25032 July 3, 1760 The Pennsylvania Gazette To be LETT for a Term of YEARS, A COMMODIOUS Tan Yard, with good Fats [sic], Tan Pits, Mill house, Beam House, and CurrierShop, with a sufficient Quantity of Bark for the ensuing Year; conveniently situated by the great Road leading from Philadelphia to Lancaster, in West Caln Township, Chester County. For Terms apply to JOHN and ANNE << SINCLAIR>> , in said Township, Excut. to GEORGE << SINCLAIR>> , deceased. Keywords: 2ettezaG , real estate