Sinclair in /accessible/text/gaz2/00000230/00023013.htm
Query SinclairPress Your "Back" Button For a New QueryMarch 29, 1759 The Pennsylvania Gazette ITEM #23013 March 29, 1759 The Pennsylvania Gazette Philadelphia, Match 28, 1759. By Brigadier General STANWIX, Commanding His MAJESTYFORCES in the SOUTHERN PROVINCES. IT having been represented to me, That there are many Persons who have furnished CARRIAGES for the Use of His MajestyTroops, or delivered Flour or other Provisions by Weight at Pittsburgh; all such Persons, upon Delivery of their Certificates, signed by the Commanding Officer of Pittsburgh, to Sir John << Sinclair>> , Deputy Quarter Master General, by the Persons appointed in the different Counties to receive them, shall be immediately paid. Likewise all those who have Claims for various Services, performed on the Enterprize to Fort Duquesne, under the Command of the late Brigadier General JOHN FORBES, who, for want of knowing where to apply, their just Demands have not been satisfied. And all Persons concerned in furnishing Carriages, Horses, Forage, &c. for the said Expedition, upon their Accounts being delivered to Sir John << Sinclair>> , by their respective Waggon Masters, Horse Masters, and others concerned, in order to be examined, shall be paid, as soon as these Accounts can possibly be adjusted. JOHN STANWIX. Keywords: 2ettezaG , french & indian war