It seems I have some explaining to do. I was
subscribed to an All world history list. I wrote in complaining about the
rubbish mail being sent to the list. I asked if one lady could add some history
behind Thanks giving, rather than the recipes that she was posting. I was
asked to unsubscribe from a few members of the list. As I did. And here I was
thinking I was the only member on the list, besides some very good cooks. I
joined that particular list to learn World history not to know how to cook. I
join these lists to escape the mundane chores of the kitchen. Anyway, Sinclair
happened to be a subscriber to the list and had asked me to tell him a little
about the civil war in Australia. That my friends, was how my message got on the
list. Now I feel silly. There is no worry about my Unsubscribing from this list.
I love it.
P.S Privateer, Help me out, I'm drowning in mail.
Ha, Ha