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Re: Cartography and Sean Connery
Hello Niven; you were mentioned (enthuisastically) in discussions at the
Clan Sinclair gathering in Ontario. I had the pleasure of sitting with a
fine Gentleman from Norway who joggled my memory a bit on cartography.
Especially how northern latitudes see their world from that latitude and how
close the circumference of the world appears when you are at say 30 degree
latitude. For most of us that grew up with mercator projections, a map of
the world seen from the artic is a very different perspective than we are
used to and explains, in part, the understanding of how the transportation
routes worked to North America from Europe for the many that came before
Henry did. It is not so surprising that he followed the route set out by
(Now if you Niven sign up Sean Connery for a star in your film on Prince
Henry well it will be almost as amazing as Sean Connery getting a
knighthood. Well as actually got a knighthood anything is possible in this
world! But it is good hearing more support for the logical and not
illogical. Keep up the good work! Your Canadian historical perspective.
Neil Sinclair Toronto/PEI Argyll
-----Original Message-----
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
To: RSTCLAIR8@aol.com <RSTCLAIR8@aol.com>
Cc: hutt@glinx.com <hutt@glinx.com>; sinclair@mids.org <sinclair@mids.org>;
pgtv@aol.com <pgtv@aol.com>; tim@templartim.freeserve.co.uk
Date: 27 February, 2000 12:51 PM
Subject: Sean Connery
>There are now so many books on the subject of Prince Henry Sinclair's
>voyage to the
>New World in 1398 (and so many films) that the 'proof' of the voyage is now
>accepted except by a few academics who haven't endeavoured to look beyond
>schoolroom couplet:
> Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue
> And discovered America in 1492
>when everyone knows that Christopher Columbus never set foot on the
>Continent of
>North America and that many many people (Celts, Phoenicians, Romans,
>Basques, Scots and other nationalities) had been making the crossing for
>of years. The cultural diffusion between the Old World and the New World
>(which is
>every bit as old as the Old World) had been going on for thousands of years
>as any
>dispassionate and serious study of the many ogam and runic inscriptions as
>as the numerous "non-Indian' artefacts which have been found throughout the
>length and
>breadth of North America clearly testify.
>In my own work "Beyond any Shadow of Doubt" I list the views of 30
>'experts' from 10
>different countries who back the Zeno narrative and map and, ipso facto,
>Henry's voyage.
>As you are aware, I recently visited Venice (where I addressed the Naval
>College and met the descendants of the Zeno brothers who had served Henry
>Sinclair) and earlier I had
>given a talk at the Merrimack College in Massachusetts which was
>I have always stated that I am prepared to meet any doubter on any forum,
>at any time
>and at any place to present the case for Henry Sinclair's voyage. I
>haven't seen Robert
>Hutt's finished product but, in order to give him all the help I could, I
>made all my film
>material available to him. Naturally his film will be slanted towards a
>Canadian audience
>but it will have an international appeal.
>The books which should be read are:
> "Prince Henry Sinclair" by Frederick Pohl
> "The Sord and the Grail" by Andrew Sinclair
> "The Sinclair Saga" by Mark Finnan
> "The Labyrinth of the Grail" by William Mann
> and, more recently,
> "How Scotland Changed the World" by Robert Shenton Wright.
>Dr Tim Wallace-Murphy is currently writing the definitive work on the Henry
>Sinclair voyage
>and will be spending most of next week with me going through my material -
>which has just been augmented by the complete library of James Whittall of
>the Earl Sites
>Research Center, Rowley, Massachusetts. Jim died last year but bequeathed
>his library
>and research material to me as he knew I would make good use if his
>detailed research.
>Tim has already been commissioned by we well-know publishing house to write
>PrInce Henry story.
>As you may be aware, I have travelled in Prince Henry Sinclair's
>footsteps. I have followed
>in his wake. I have filmed all the way from the Holy Land to Rhode Island
>and most places
>in between.
>As a result of my Venice visit an Italian yachtswoman, Laura Zola, is now
>following in the
>wake of her Italian (Venetian) ancestors by making the trip to the New
>World. She was
>'escorted' from Venice out to the open sea by a flotilla of the Italian
>navy. She is still in
>the Med but will eventually be making her way to the Channel ports before
>heading for Orkney and Shetland (where I will again meet up with her) and,
>thereafter, she will
>cross to Nova Scotia to land at Guysborough where she will be met by the
>Prince Henry
>Sinclair Society of North America and, hopefully, by the Italian
>community. In short, we
>have allowed the Italians to steal a march on us because they know the
>story is true.,
>Huge globes showing the voyage of the Zeno brothers can be seen in the
>Museo Correr
>in Venice and, by reading the Zeno narrative, you will learn that they
>speak of Prince
>Henry Sinclair in the following terms:
> "If ever there was a man who was worthy of immortal memory
> it is this man because of his great bravery and goodness"
>In Venice I had this passage read out twice in Italian and twice in
>English. I also
>showed a short film which, if I have not already done so, I will send to
>you together
>with a much-abbreviated version of my "Beyond any Shadow of Doubt" which I
>constantly updating as further corroboration of the voyage is
>found. Research never
>ends. Every week brings new evidence of Henry's momentous voyage and of
>people who accompanied him to the New World.
>If it would help to persuade Sean Connery, I would be prepared to fly to
>California to
>do so (I'd even wear my kilt!).
>In haste,
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
>[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html