----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 10:48
Subject: Donna, re strange happenings at
the polls
Yes, I agree that it is strange that there was initially
only one state where there was a problem, especially since it is the only
state where one presidential candidate has a brother as the governor of that
state and whose father was a former president of the US, and also the
candidate's father was a former head of the CIA. Also, both father
and son are members of the Skull and Bones Society, of which I have heard
some sinister things.
I think it is pretty shaky myself.
I saw an interesting bumper sticker recently that had
written on it the following: "I love my country but fear my
government." That about sums up how I am feeling right now.
In my state you can vote a straight party ticket by pushing
down one lever, but only after you manually punch in the vote for the