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Ivan of Trafalgar and our Cousin Donna return from Stone Mt. Highland Games
Dear Cousins,
My/Our dear Cousin Donna and I returned last evening from the Stone
Mountain Highland Games in Georgia, USA. Near Atlanta, Ga. We had a great
trip down and back. The leaves were beginning to show off nicely.
This was my first visit to the Stone Mt. Games and Donna's second. It
was a great experience. It was especially great, as the Sinclairs were the
honored Clan and our Clan Chief, Malcolm Sinclair, 20th Earl of Caithness was
the honored guest.
Chief Malcolm was very gracious to all. It was a pleasure and an
honor to have the opportunity to meet him.
I was very pleased with all of his remarks at the opening ceremonies
and at the Reception and Banquet the Sinclairs held in his honor on Sat.
evening. He mentioned that his ancestor, Prince Henry Sinclair, came very
early to America in 1398.
I am sure that there will be a detailed account of all the Sinclair
related events in the next Clan Newsletter, so I will only mention a few
The Sat. evening events took place at the Evergreen Conference Center
in the Park. An elegant setting for such a grand occasion. There was a
reception on the terrace, over looking the lake, followed by the banquet in a
very nice banquet hall.
There was a Grand Procession led by two of the Sinclair Pipers
followed by the President Bradley Sinclair Barker and his lady Sindy. They
were followed by the Clan Chief and the other Officers of Clan Sinclair. It
was certainly a proud moment. Later there was another Grand Procession for
the Haggis. This was made up of a Piper, Donald L. Sinclair, Vice Pres. and
Pres. elect bearing the Haggis, followed by Donald J.H. Sinclair, who gave
the grandest ode to the Haggis ever.
I will leave the other details, of which there are many to the
newsletter staff.
I do recommend, to all, the movies that are listed for sale on the
Clan site. We saw the one on Castles. It was wonderful. Beautiful
pictures, music, and narration. I had not ordered any of these yet, but will
certainly do so now. Thanks to all who made the videos possible.
It was great to meet so many special Sinclairs that I knew of through
this list. I enjoyed talking to them. I looked for some of them and some
came looking for me. It was great.
I thank everyone who made all the Sinclair events so very outstanding.
The Pres. and his Lady are to be commended for all they have done for our
family over the last years. It was great to have the Nat'l Secretaries of
the USA and Canada, Mary and Rory both in attendance. They both added so
much to the success of the events. Congratulations to Donald L. Sinclair ( I
should say best wishes to him and congratulations to us for having his
leadership) on being elevated to the highest position within the gift of Clan
Sinclair USA, the Office of President.
Thanks for your kind consideration.
Your Grateful and Proud Cousin,
Ivan of Trafalgar