October 29, 2001
October 28, 2001
October 27, 2001
October 26, 2001
October 25, 2001
October 24, 2001
October 23, 2001
October 22, 2001
- thanks a bunch, Deborah Gamble - Ly
- Re: I have a question, Rory Sinclair
- Sinclair times two, DSinc39156
- Re: Louisa StClair, Spirit One Email
- Re: I have a question, Debbie Gamble - Ly
- Re: I have a question, IDL64
- I have a question, Debbie Gamble - Ly
- Ivan of Trafalgar and our Cousin Donna return from Stone Mt. Highland Games, IDL64
- Re: [SinclairAustralia] Rosslyn Castle - the transport ship, Ian Newman
- Re: [SinclairAustralia] Rosslyn Castle - the transport ship, Ian Newman
- Rosslyn Castle - the transport ship, Ian Newman
- Louisa StClair, GMccul2744
- Re: On Louisa Sinclair, Spirit One Email
- Fwd: LOUISA, GMccul2744
- Fwd: On Louisa Sinclair, GMccul2744
October 21, 2001
- Re: Sinclair Generals, drgnrose
- Sinclair Generals, Niven Sinclair
- Re: On Louisa Sinclair, John S. Quarterman
- Land Grants for Scottish Planters to Ireland, Ian Sinclair
- Re: For Laurel-American history, John S. Quarterman
- Re: On Louisa Sinclair, Spirit One Email
- On Louisa Sinclair, Sally Spangler
- Battle of Kringen 1612, Iain
- discovery, Spirit One Email
- Re: Louisa St. Clair, Spirit One Email
- Re: Louisa St. Clair, Ian Newman
- Re: THE SECRET SCROLL, jeffnpat
October 20, 2001
October 19, 2001
- Re: Louisa St. Clair, Debbie Gamble - Ly
- Re: Louisa St. Clair, Spirit One Email
- Sinclairs in Lycoming County, PA, MoonFoods
- Louisa St. Clair, Neil St. Clair
- Re: For Laurel-American history, Spirit One Email
- humor, Carter, Judy G (Judy)
- For Laurel-American history, Sally Spangler
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
October 18, 2001
October 17, 2001
- Prince Henry Sinclair, SusanG1400
- Re: Charles Patton, Jean Stokes
- clansinclair.org, Euan Sinclair
- Re: Hiram Richard Sinclair, IDL64
- Re: Hiram Richard Sinclair, Spirit One Email
- Hiram Richard Sinclair, DSinc39156
- Norwegians are not "singing Danes"!, Iain
- Re: Norwegians "singing Danes"?, Lena A Löfström
- Re: Norwegians "singing Danes"?, Lena A Löfström
- Norwegians are not "singing Danes"!, Iain
- Re: Norwegians "singing Danes"?, Sinclair
- Re: Sinclair Dates, Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
October 16, 2001
- Re: Norwegians "singing Danes"?, Iain
- Re: Norwegians "singing Danes"?, Lena A Löfström
- Norwegians "singing Danes"?, Iain
- Re: Afghanistan's cricket team, DSinc39156
- Re: what should we do?, Lena A Löfström
- Re: A Sinclair survivor of the Pentagon attack, Lena A Löfström
- Re: Afghanistan's cricket team, Sinclair
- Re: Son of Agnes Sinclair, 4th Earl of Bothwell, Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
October 15, 2001
- Re: Son of Agnes Sinclair, 4th Earl of Bothwell, jeffnpat
- RE: what should we do?, clansinclair
- Re: Cultural differences, Debbie Gamble - Ly
- RE: what should we do?, clansinclair
- Re: Cultural differences, Jean de St. Sigeron
- Re: A Sinclair survivor of the Pentagon attack, IDL64
- Son of Agnes Sinclair, 4th Earl of Bothwell, Sinclair
- Cultural differences, Sally Spangler
- Articles on William Wayne Sinclair, Sally Spangler
- Victoria Indexes, Sinclair
- Afghanistan, Niven Sinclair
- Risle Salmon production, Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- RE: A Sinclair survivor of the Pentagon attack, MSiperek
October 14, 2001
October 13, 2001
October 12, 2001
- Re: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, SusanG1400
- RE: US bombing of Afghanistan in response to terrorism; let us be greater!, clansinclair
- US bombing of Afghanistan in response to terrorism; let us be greater!, Steve & Connie Sinclair - Cordis
- Re: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, GMccul2744
- Re: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, IDL64
- RE: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, Ian Newman
- Re: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, John S. Quarterman
- Re: H.R.H. the Prince Andrew, Duke of York to visit America, Lena A Löfström
- Re: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- RE: H.R.H. the Prince Andrew, Duke of York to visit America, Wanda L. Sinclair
- Re: "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, Jennifer St.Clair Bush
- Question: Rollo, Toomean2
October 11, 2001
- RE: A comment from a Romanian Newspaper, Rob Cohn
- Re: H.R.H. the Prince Andrew, Duke of York to visit America, Sinclair
- Re: Fw: Arthur St. Clair, IDL64
- "President Arthur St.Clair" message - is it dinkum?, Ian Newman
- H.R.H. the Prince Andrew, Duke of York to visit America, IDL64
- Fw: Arthur St. Clair, Sinclair
- A comment from a Romanian Newspaper, Sally Spangler
- Flags, Sinclair
- Col. William H. Sinclair Union Army, Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- Re: flags, Iain Laird
- flags, John S. Quarterman
October 10, 2001
October 09, 2001
- Re: National day of driving with headlights on...., Gary M. Sinclair, Harwich MA USA
- Re: Canadian Thanksgiving, Myrna Sinclair
- National day of driving with headlights on...., bates
- More UK Nat. Archive Sinclair material, plus reply to Sally, Ian Newman
- Re: FREE FLAG 10/1/01 Please read all, dgiff245
- The Oxford Companion to Scottish History, Iain
- Further on of Burnsides's attack, Sally Spangler
- Flag for computer, Julia E. Spicer
- Donald are you holding out?, Sinclair
- Fw: FREE FLAG 10/1/01 Please read all, Dick & Susie
- US Pension claim #38158, Sinclair
- Re: FREE FLAG 10/1/01 Please read all, Judy Koerber
- Re: FREE FLAG 10/1/01 Please read all, bates
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- US Flag, Dick & Susie
- Fw: FREE FLAG 10/1/01 Please read all, Dick & Susie
- Col. William H. Sinclair Union Army, Sinclair
October 08, 2001
October 07, 2001
October 06, 2001
October 05, 2001
October 04, 2001
October 03, 2001
- Sinclair website mention, Ian Newman
- Re: Ireland, Plantation, Terrorism, Niven Sinclair
- Sinclairs from Penicuik, James Sinclair
- Re: "Sinclairsabel" George Sinclair and his Scottish Mercenaries - Highlander Magazine - September/October 2001, Iain
- Hugues de Payens' Wife, Katherine Kurtz
- "Sinclairsabel" George Sinclair and his Scottish Mercenaries - Highlander Magazine - September/October 2001, Iain
- Re: Ireland, Plantation, Terrorism, iain
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- sending letters to military, bates
October 02, 2001
- Re: NIVEN'S THOUGHTS?, jeffnpat
- Re: DNA, bates
- Re: DNA, Francine Bernier
- Re: DNA, DSinc39156
- Re: NIVEN'S THOUGHTS?, Niven Sinclair
- DNA, Carter, Judy G (Judy)
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- NIVEN'S THOUGHTS?, jeffnpat
- RE: The Kirkwall Scroll, bruce carlyon
October 01, 2001
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