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Mrs. Seemly
William the Seemly's wife is usually referred to as Dorothy Dunbar. "Saint Clairs of the Isles" really makes a mess of things by calling her a daughter of Patrick, Earl of March.
The Clan Sinclair website says her father is Cospatrick.
At the time the Conquest, there was Gospatric of Northumberland.He would be a great-grandson of King Aethelred thru his daughter Aelgifu. He seems to have had a bit of trouble in deciding whether to support William or Edgar Atheling, but seems in the end to gone with Edgar.(see "William the Conqueror" by David Douglas)
And to Scotland.The site below says he died in Ubbanford
The dates for Gospatric and his son, also Gospatric, that I find here http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/
don't match the ones I see concerning William, not these dates are written in stone.. This could mean Dorothy would be a sister to the first Gospatric and daughter of Maldred.
A later William married Agnes de Dunbar. She would most likiey be a daughter of either Gospatric, as the first seems to have been relatively young when he died in 1072. His brood seems to be relatively well documented, so perhaps the younger.
This would seperate Agnes and Dorothy a bit more and give our genes a little more breathing room.
Any thoughts or comments?
Take care, Kevin