- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Sinclair Dates,
John S. Quarterman
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Ian Newman
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Spirit One Email
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Spirit One Email
- Re: Oldenburg,
John S. Quarterman
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Spirit One Email
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Snow Storms,
- Re: Snow Storms,
Claire Simmons
- Re: Snow Storms,
- Re: Snow Storms,
Spirit One Email
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Ian of Noss Head
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Lena A Löfström
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
John S. Quarterman
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
Ian Newman
- Re: Prince & Jarl,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Tim Wallace-Murphy
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Ward Ginn
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Tim Wallace-Murphy
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Joe Erkes
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Tim Wallace-Murphy
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
John S. Quarterman
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Tim Wallace-Murphy
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Tim Wallace-Murphy
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Scott Seltzer
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Knights Templar suppression,
Stanley St. Clair
- Clarification of previous submission, and wishes for the New Year,
Stanley St. Clair
- Re: The Roll of Battle Abbey - Sinclairs at the Battle of Hastings,
Ian Newman
- The Tattoo, and Sinclair on TV,
Ian Newman
- Re: Henry Sinclair's 'voyage' to America,
Henry Root
- Guide to Rosslyn Chapel,
Neil St. Clair
- Brian Kelley,
Spirit One Email
- Re: St. Clairs/ W.Va.,
Jean Grigsby
- Re: St. Clairs,
Jean Grigsby
- George St. Clair,
Ward Ginn
- Prince Henry Statue,
Ian of Noss Head
- Interest,
John Lyall
- Re: St. Clairs/ W.Va./Jean Grigsby,
- Re: Read your To: line, please,
- Re: Witch Hunts, etc.,
- 1901 Census England & Wales,
John Lyall
- The Imperial Immediate Nobility and the Holy Roman Empire Constitution,
John Lyall
- Diuten anyone?,
William S. Buehler
- Reading books & learning,
Sally Spangler
- Re: Trees and Princes,
Spirit One Email
- a couple of short replies,
Sally Spangler
- Oz is burning,
Steve St. Clair
- Esperanto anyone?,
dean sinclair
- Looks like it was reclassified over the years,
Sally Spangler
- Re: History,
- Re: Book: The History of the Sinclair Family in Europe and America,
- Cumulative resplies,
Sally Spangler
- Our Henry,
- Commodore Sinclair's struggle for the Upper lakes,
- Re: A new book with lots of Sinclairs,
Spirit One Email
- Rowan Tree,
Neil St. Clair
- Sinclair Link to Epic Australian Voyage.,
- Books about Prince Henry Sinclair,
- Re: Snow Storms,
Ian Newman
- Sir John St. Clair,
Neil St. Clair
- Vikings!,
Iain Laird
- Tim's Comments,
Katherine Kurtz
- Hello and LOL,
Sally Spangler
- Announcement,
Spirit One Email
- Re: Announcement Ivan of Trafalgar responds,
- Commonwealth graves in France,
- Re: Special Christmas Message from Noss Head,
R. Nowell Donovan
- 12 tribes,
Carter, Judy G (Judy)
- Arthur St. Clair,
Spirit One Email
- Thanks,
Spirit One Email
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Thanks,
Stanley St. Clair
- Tartan Day 2002 is just around the corner. Ivan,
- Rowan Shared by Ivan of Trafalgar,
JOseph Craighead
- Fw: Teamwork ?,
Ian Sinclair
- Fw: Henry St Clair,
Ian of Noss Head
- The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Sally Spangler
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Neil Sinclair
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Spirit One Email
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Ward Ginn
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Scott Seltzer
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Spirit One Email
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
John S. Quarterman
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Rory Sinclair
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Annette Smith
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Rory Sinclair
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Wanda Sinclair
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Annette Smith
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Annette Smith
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Neil Sinclair
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: The Grail & the 12 Tribes,
Stanley St. Clair
- Perspectives - a Sinclair value,
Neil Sinclair
- Identities,
Iain Laird
- Sinclair Connection in Leith, Port of Edinburgh,
Iain Laird
- Re: Hello and LOL (was: Snow Storms),
Ian Newman
- Change of subject,
- RE: Removals from the list,
Kyler, Dana
- New Address,
Ward Ginn
- Fw: Folding paper to the moon,
Rory Sinclair
- Re: Teamwork,
Ian Newman
- "Bob's my Uncle",
Sally Spangler
- The Truth,
Neil Sinclair
- Bob's your uncle!,
Ian Sinclair
- Fw: Cannon Balls,
Spirit One Email
- Sinclairs hiding on the internet,
Ian Newman
- James Sinclair of Borlum,
Ian Sinclair
- Earl/Prince Henry,
Neil St. Clair
- RE: : Academics patronising attitudes?,
Kyler, Dana
- No Subject,
Carter, Judy G (Judy)
- Cryptic utterances,
Sally Spangler
- Cannon,
Sally Spangler
- Prince Henry Proofs,
Spirit One Email
- Patricia St. Clair O(stwalt,
Jean Grigsby
- One way forward,
Ian of Noss Head
- Fw: Prince Henry St Clair, The Reply you Requested,
Ian Sinclair
- Different expresions,
Joan and Roy Sinclair
- Canadian patents haggis launcher,
John S. Quarterman
- RE: The Grail & the 12 Tribes and an opinion,
Kyler, Dana
- Sinclair move from Maine to Minnesota 1854,
Robert Sinclair
- Re: For Susan: Your husband's ancestry,
Stanley St. Clair
- Henry and his place in hstory,
Sally Spangler
- Ian of Noss is correct,
- WTC-historical accuracy petition,
- Blood and Kin,
- Sinclairs of Assery,
Ian Sinclair
- Haggis across the Bow River,
Donald J Sinclair
- Re: Newport Tower,
- Re: Christopher Columbus and Prince Henry Sinclair,
- Sinclairs/Sinkler of Stafford Co VA,
Sally Spangler
- Castle Mey Picture,
Wanda Sinclair
- Fire Fighters Statue. Petition Website fwd: by Ivan,
- Bob's your uncle,
Ian Sinclair
- Fw: Gen Arthur, Monument & Masonic Society,
Ward Ginn
- Re: Historical Accuracy - Firefighter Statue & Jarl Henry Memorial,
Stanley St. Clair
- Fw: Delivery Status Notification,
- Another Bit of Scotland in Australia Fwd: by Ivan of Trafalgar,
- Sinclair Community College Info. Fwd: by Ivan of Trafalgar,
- Re: Historical Accuracy - Statue NOT DONE,
Stanley St. Clair
- re: Picture,
Wanda Sinclair
- Name?,
Ian Sinclair
- Major John Sinclair,Royal Glasgow Yeomanry,
Jean Stokes
- Hiram Sinclair,
- From "The Annals of Dunfermline",
Ian Newman
- Sinclair Spouses,
Rika and Kevin
- From today's Wickers World,
- Australia Day,
- Mrs. Seemly,
Rika and Kevin
- Prince Henry & The PHSSofNA,
Neil St. Clair
- More Mrs. Seemly,
Rika and Kevin
- Venus and Mar,
Rika and Kevin
- Earls of Strathern,
Rika and Kevin
- Re: Australia Day Ivan replies,
- ??Tartan Day?? Sinclair Tartan Cotton Fabric??,
- St.Clair "Jacobite rebels", transport ship "Elizabeth & Ann" - & Virginia connection,
Ian Newman
- "The Clynes of Scotland" website,
Ian Newman
- Henry Sinclair of Virginia 1700's,
Pam Sinclair
- new email address,
- Similarities of a "Lost Child" myth,
Pam Sinclair
- Prince?,
John S. Quarterman
- junkie,
Steve St. Clair
- Re: junkie (long post - sorry!),
Ian Newman
- Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt,
Neil St. Clair
- New service,
Karen Leiber
- Re: The 14 Points,
Henry Root
- Sinclair web pages,
John S. Quarterman
Mail converted by MHonArc 2.4.4