Well that's all very well you might think, but WHO is she in real
My name is Lena and I'm 47 years young, married with 3-6 children (the
my children-your children-our children syndrome) that I love dearly. I
have always been more than interested in history and if there was any
possibility to earn ones living being an historian I would probably had
been one. But due to fact of life I decided to go to law school
As I do like changes in my life I also studied computer science
and succeeded in combining the two and during a 10-year period I worked
a lot with Computing Law, mainly personal integrity/privacy. I also did
lecture at the university in Stockholm not only in Computing Law but
programming, system science and computer based communication. In my
"commercial" life I worked as product and quality manager,
head of computer department and finally I did run my own business and
worked as a consultant for a lot of companies and institutions like for
instance the Swedish parliament.
As I said I do like changes so at the beginning of the 1990-th there was
time for something new so finally I'm working with my great interest.
I'm the head of my town's local museum. I am also involved in the
Swedish Genealogical Society
(GF) where I'm member of the board. After
being an amateur historian/genealogist
for 20 years I'm know supposed to
be professional even though I can't quite see the difference.
I'll hope this brief description did ease your worries concerning just
mailing your research material to an unknown Lena not knowing what she
might do with your information. Please be assured that I will not open
up the database to people outside the "family" or use your
material in any unethical way. I will most definitely respect your
privacy and your copyright. The aim for this project is to summon what
we can and place it in the
Sinclair-archive in
Scotland in order to
leave something valuable to the next coming generations.
The very best to all of you from Lena A Löfström in
Sweden a descendant
of the earls of Caithness.
Sinclair Genealogy Sinclair Global Database - Surname list
From: Lena A L
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 13:58:58 +0200
Hi all,
it is now possible to access the SURNAMELIST of the Sinclair Global
database at
where you can check
out if the surname/s you are researching is to be find within the base.
If you find something interesting you may mail me questions and as long
as there are not thousands of questions I will try to respond to you
Bravo, Lena
If you can achieve this, you will be a miracle worker. There are
250,000 Sinclairs worldwide.
Niven Sinclair
Personally, I think this will make a huge difference in allowing
all around the world to connect and to reclaim their heritage. This is a
vast undertaking, and one that I believe has the capacity to bring a
greater unity to the Clan as a whole. It's marvellous that computers
and the Internet can allow us to share in this fashion, and I thank you for
taking on this task and giving the Sinclair Clan such a wonderful gift!
Margaret Stokes
More previous comments.
A never-ending project a world-wide Sinclair database!
I salute cousins all over the world and urge you all to join this new
and breathtaking project.
We are soon to enter a new millennium and as we are one of the few
families around the globe Sinclair that is who has been
around for more than the past millennium
we have some special responsibilities. For
instance we have to preserve as much as we can of all we have learned
and all we know of our special history.
In line to participate in and contribute to this mission I will now try
hopefully together with the rest of you to produce a world wide
Sinclair database containing as much information as possible on each and
every one of our ancestors and all their descendants.
Do not fear there will be no hard work expected of you just some
"hands on".
As a first step on the road to a complete database I would like all of
you to mail me all the information you have. I do prefer the
GEDCOM-format but if you for any reason can't provide that I will settle
for documents with extensions .WRD, .RTF, .TXT, .EXL or any other Word-
or database format.
Just mail it to lal@algonet.se
I'll be waiting for it!
The use of the Sinclair Genealogical Database.
From: Lena A L
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 22:48:36 +0100
The purpose of the database is to gather as much information on
the Clan
as possible for safe keeping in the
Sinclair Archives at Noss Head
in Scotland. The only ones that will have total access to the database will be
myself, Lena, Margaret Stokes in Australia
and of course our Clan
Archivist Ian Sinclair at Noss Head. In the future (50 - 100 years from
now) it might be opened to special researchers.
As long as there's not millions of requests for lookups both I and
Margaret will help you to connect your line to others in the database. With
regards to information on living persons we will maintain a policy of
complete privacy and direct questions to the submitter of the original
The ethic that rules the use of the database will assure you that (if
nothing else is agreed upon);
privacy of information on living persons are and will be respected,
what we tell people is limited to what's needed in order to connect
lines, questions of more detailed nature will be directed to the submitter,
we will provide a web interface to do surname lookups but the result
will only show that the surname exists in the database and from what region.
The submitter may give their consensus to us to give away submitted
information in case they find it more convenient letting us answer any
question on their behalf.
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 21:15:19 +0100
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
May I add my congratulations on your brave decision to take on the
herculean task of assessing and amalgamating
all the strands of the worldwide Sinclair family. Over the years people
have given me books which they
have prepared
about their own families and I will be quite happy to send you these
when your work-load permits.
I trust you also have copies of the
two enormous volumes
which Pete Cummings
prepared prior to his untimely death.
As with all genealogies (particularly official ones like Debretts,
Archbolds or Douglas) there are many errors which will
have to be corrected. No matter, a job begun is a job half done and you
deserve the full support of us
all in this daunting
but eminently worthwhile task.
History will remember you just as we are indebted to the sterling work
of Roland William St Clair who
The St Clairs of the Isles
although, at the time, he was based in Auckland,
New Zealand. Today we have the internet and,
today, I was reminded by a distant cousin (she is two generations
younger than me and resides in Melbourne, Australia
and is none other than milamba@milamba) about the remarks made by a
great uncle of mine (and a great x 2 uncle of
Milamba's) at a gathering in New York on May 7th, 1924:
"I want to have my youngsters glad
That I was chosen for their dad;
I want them when I've gone away
To think of me at times and say
That I bequeathed them a name
That never has been linked with shame".
Above all, let them realise the glorious lineage which they have
inherited and which they, too, in the fulness of time, will pass
on to their children. Your work (ably assisted by countless others)
will help future generations of Sinclairs to trace their
in unbroken line back over a thousand tempestuous years to their
Viking ancestry. The Vikings were
the most intrepid sailors
the World has ever known. We have inherited much of their wanderlust.
My own immediate family spans the Globe and, yet,
they continue to cherish their roots:
"What if these flowers fade?
The roots endure...
To flower and flower again....
We are nothing without our roots.
Last changed: 2001/05/20