by Edvard Storm
Childe Sinclair and his menyie steered
Across the salt sea waves;
But at Kringellens' mountain gorge
They filled untimely graves.
They crossed the stormy waves so blue,
for Swedish gold to fight;
May burning curses on them fall
That strike not for the right!
The horned moon is gleaming red,
The waves are rolling deep;
A mermaid trolled her demon lay -
Childe Sinclair woke from sleep.
Turn round, turn round
thou Scottish youth,
Or loud thy sire shall mourn;
For if thou touchest Norway's strand,
Thou never shall return.
The above is a translation from the
"Scottish Soldiers of Fortune" by Grant, who calls it a translation from
Oehlenschalager, the Danish national poet.
The Battle of Kringen, 1612
today, at the mention of the name Sinclair, recall "the Scottish
battle" and particularly Lord George Sinclair. This military action took place
in August 1612. George Sinclair was in command of a company of Scots from his
native Caithness
along with two other companies commanded by George Hay and
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ramsay, who was in overall command. The force,
totalling 300 or so, was mostly from Wick and a smaller group recruited from
Southern Scotland.
They were on their way to Sweden to enlist in Swedish
service in the Kalmar war, and were only lightly armed, as they were to be
equipped on arrival in Sweden.
They had chosen the land route to Sweden as
Kalmar was at the time blockaded by the Danish. The land route had been taken
successfully by a Dutch and Scots force. They would, however, meet more
resistance as the Norwegians were more confident and they were also angry. The
capture of the fortress at Älvsborg had cut the Swedish off by sea and 300
conscripts from Gudbrandsdalen had been massacred at Nya
dedicated to promoting Pillarguri Days in Sel Kommune, Norway
The Scots planned to land in Romsdal, an area which the Caithness men knew well
as they came there regularly for timber on the Møre coast. They landed
first at Vigra or Giske on the 2nd August, and took a pilot on
board. He almost certainly tricked them as he landed them at Klungnes, the
roughest terrain of the fjord opposite Nes, modern Åndalsnes. It cost
them time as they worked around Isfjorden. By the time they began to head
inland, the call to arms was already out. The Scots headed for Gudbrandsdalen,
avoiding population centres where resistance was being prepared and arrived in
Dovre on 24th August. They stopped for a rest and it is recalled
there was music and dancing, as many that had fled in anticipation of the
Scots' arrival returned for the festivities. The Scots may have noticed able
bodied men disappearing. They were heading south to join the gathering force
of militia. They concentrated at Kringen. The Scots' strategy then changed.
Instead of heading into the mountains once more, they set out from Dovre, also
south, towards Kringen.
The largely peasant militia force of around 500 decided to ambush the Scots at
the narrowest part of the valley at
Kringen. As the Scots would be in column
of route, the plan was to let the vanguard pass through and then attach the
rear. The vanguard would then fall back into the ambush and become trapped in
the firefight. It was here that one of the more dramatic elements was
introduced that gives a particular resonance to the action. The terrain chosen
by the Norwegians was classic for an ambush. The force would be caught by
enfilading fire from a defilading position. They would hit the Scots in the
flank, extended on the march. They would therefore need warning to prepare the
ambush, as they would not be able to gauge the time to fire as they would not
be able to judge the length of the column.
As the Scots reached the ambush site on the 26th August, the warning
was provided by
a young Norwegian woman who rode alongside the
Scots force on the other side of the valley. She, together with a man who was
riding backwards on his horse in the river, provided a distraction for the
Scots, to prevent them perceiving the danger from the mountainside above. When
they were in the perfect position for the ambush, she sounded a blast with a
long wooden sheperd's horn called a "lur".
All from Niven Sinclair: "George Sinclair who crossed the salty
sea..." Rolf Rach-Engh Guide to the Gudbrandsdal War Museum in
Kvam "Cameos and Sagas": The Krigelen Ambush
From: INSLaird@cs.com
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 05:10:56 EDT
Dear John
Thanks for your message yesterday. I wrote the article that appeared in
with material Niven gave me and additional information supplied by
our Norwegian friends from the Pillarguri Committee on their visit to
Caithness this April.
The battle is variously referred to as Kringen, Kringellen and Kringom. The
last appears to be the modern version, but we will know after we pay them a
return visit on 21/22 August with Malcolm Caithness and Niven for their
"Pillarguri Days".
Best regards
Iain Laird
See also the
Orkney Timeline.
The Scots force was taken completely by surprise. A hail of fire came down on
them from crossbows and musketry.
George Sinclair was the first to fall, a
singular target, as he was mounted on a horse at the head of his men, with a
plumed helmet. His fall was credited to a militiaman, Sejelstad. The
Norwegians then fell upon the Scots who resisted furiously and the battle raged
for one and a half hours. With superior force, the terrain and surprise on
their side, the Norwegians won, and barely 134 Scots survived the action and
were taken prisoner. There are a number of differing accounts of the battle
and the aftermath, but it is generally thought that all but a few survivors were
executed at Kvam, the following day, perhaps in reprisal for the earlier
massacre of the Gudbrandsdal conscripts. It is said that there remained but 15
Scots after this, and their fate is uncertain. In a secluded valley called
Setesdal, further to the south, there is a community, reputed to be of Scots
origin, whose dialect incorporates words that are closer to English than
Norwegian. The battle is commemorated each August in Otta with parades, and a
ceremony where the deadly horn blast is sounded, and there is a statue to
Pillarguri at the ambush site and in Otta.
George Sinclair's grave is marked with a memorial stone.
George Sinclair, though not the leader of the Scots' force, was singled out as
a symbol of the vanquished enemy. The Norwegians were very much aware of the
Sinclairs. At the time there was trade between Romsdal and Caithness, and it
is recalled that many of the Caithness Scots could speak Norwegian and had
Norwegian names. It was also from Romsdal that the Sinclairs had originated:
founder of the Norman people who were to
invade the British Isles in 1066,
had emigrated from Norway with his followers and notably married in
St Clair-sur-Epte
in Normandy. The Sinclairs are Norman Scots, but the Earldom of
was of course, a Norwegian title, initially bestowed on
Henry Sinclair
by King Håkon VI in 1379, and so the Caithness family has more recent
Norse links. George Sinclair was the grandson of John, the last Earl of
Orkney, who was, in turn, son of the 4th Earl of Caithness. He was
a Sinclair of Freswick, sometimes linked with Fresvik in Sogn.
George Sinclair was buried just outside the churchyard at Kvam. The church was
moved in the 1700's and his grave is now quite visible on the Vik estate close
to the main road, just south of Kvam. He and his men are remembered in Edvard
Storm's "Ballad of Sinclair".
Gudbrandsdal War Museum at Kvam also has a display commemorating the battle
which has a model of one of the Caithness Scots together with a Scots
broadsword and Lochaber axe attributed to the battle. There is also a hotel
"Verthuset Sinclair" in Kvam which is just to the north of Lillehammer, made
famous by the Winter Olympics of 1994.
Last changed: 01/02/24 07:38:49