The Battle of Chickamauga Creek, 20 September 1863
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:50:37 -0400
This was the very first defeat for the Army of the Cumberland. Rosecrans
never recovered from the shock of this battle and lost his command. His
army was surrounded and starving. The dogs that were the mascots of
these regiments started disapearing, and bark was missing from the
trees as far as the weakened men could reach. Cold fall rains ignited
camp sickness. My gg grandfather Hiram Sinclair was there. When the army
reorganized, and supported by the Union Army of the Tennesee, they stormed
up the mountains of Chattanooga, and over some of the old battle field of
Chicamauga, where the rains had reduced the shallow graves to mere mud
puddles and their brothers who had died are now, with limbs exposed to
the elements, marking their final resting place. The 1st. Ohio Cavarly
is now imortalized in stone here, marking the spot of a fierce sabre
charge. Hiram came home, discharged in Columbia Tennesee in early 1864. He
was honored for his wartime service last October at his graveside by the
Civil War Reinactors of Indiana and about 60 of his children's children.
Donald Sinclair, Indianapolis
Last changed: $Date: 2002/09/20 09:45:59 $