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600th |
for the |
Prince Henry Sinclair Anniversary |
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998 1 May 1997 Issue |
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee 65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944 E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com HTML by John S. Quarterman |
Since the 600th Celebration will take place in only 12 months from now, our Timeline has become critical. We cannot delay another month. Sandra Macintyre, a fund raising consultant, has been advising our Prince Henry Project Committee. We believe we can raise the needed money in a short period of time.
In order to encourage the development of "seed money" for getting our campaign under way, we have established "the Founders Membership". Persons contributing $500 or more will be known as "Prince Henry Founders". Their names will be displayed with the Replica Ship at all events, as well as in descriptive handout literature. In addition, boarding passes will be issued in their name, and they will receive an attractive certificate.
For larger contributions, we offer the Silver Membership level at $1500 and Gold Membership at $15,000. In addition to the above benefits, persons in the Silver & Gold categories will have a pennant showing their logo or imprint in the rigging of the Replica Ship at events. Gold sponsors will be Honorees at selected events. (Benefits relating to the Ship are dependent upon the success of its building and sailing.)
Please help us ring the ship's bell! Send your check today to "The Sinclair Trust", a tax exempt organization, and mail to 65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583.
Prince Henry persuaded the Micmac Indians to act as guides in his exploration of Nova Scotia. He first thought it to be an island. The narrow isthmus at Bair Verte changed his mind. It was navigable by canoe to Cumberland Basin with a portage of only three miles. The trip along River Herbert toward Parrsboro included only one portage of just 400 yards in its 22-mile length. Sinclair may then have traveled on to Annapolis Basin and across the Micmac canoe route to Liverpool. By October, he was back on Green Hill, southwest of Pictou harbor, to attend a gathering of the Micmacs. "Twas the time for holding the great and yearly feast with dancing and merry games."
Next, he doubled back to Spencer Island, Minas Channel, and did some hunting. The meat of the animals was sliced and dried. The bones were chopped up and boiled in a big iron pot to extract the marrow.
Historians and investigators have discovered other sites in Nova Scotia, where Henry Sinclair probably visited. Evidence is not complete, but it is highly suggestive. A few locations include the Castle at the Cross, Oak Island and its Money Pit, and the Cannon of Louisburg Harbor.
The Pit was discovered by three boys in 1795. At a depth of two feet there was a layer of stones. At 10 feet lay the first of many oak log platforms, set at 10-foot intervals as the depth increased. In 1802, Onslow Company discovered more log platforms, going down 93 feet. In 1849, the Truro Company drilled augur holes near the existing cavity. At the 154-foot level the drill went through a 5-inch oak platform and dropped another 12 inches farther until it struck another oak platform. Then it went through 22 inches of metal scrap, including an ancient watch chain! Oak timbers reappeared at a deeper depth, followed by another 22-inch layer of metal fragments. After the next layer of oak, they found 6 inches of spruce wood. Still other digs produced some scraps of parchment, with letters that looked like "vi" in hand script. At the 171-foot level an iron plate appeared. Coconut fibre, not native, was dated to be of 14th century origin! Then in 1909, the famous treasure hunter, Franklin D. Roosevelt many shares in Old Gold Salvage & Wrecking Company, which did more exploring at the Money Pit, but to no avail. More than $2 million has been expended on this Money Pit!
"Kuloskap was the first,
First and greatest,
To come into our land -
Into Nova Scotia, Canada,
Into Maine, into Wabanaki,
The land of sunrise, or Light.
Thus it was Kuloskap the Great
Made man: He took his arrows
And shot a tree, the ash,
Known as the basket-tree.
From the hole made by the arrow
Came forth new forms, and these
Were the first of human kind.
And so the Lord gave them a name
Meaning "those born from trees".
Kuloskap the Lord of Light
Made all the animals.
First he created
All of giant size;
Such was the beginning."
(Page 50, "Kuloskap the Master")
Evidence indicates they travelled up the Merrimack River to Stony Brook, which they followed as far as possible. The party landed and explored this new land, meeting peacefully with the Algonquin Indians. To the west they could see a hilltop, from which the Indians may have sent smoke signals.
[In the next issue of this Newsletter, we will describe an archaeological landmark left by Prince Henry.]