Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
3 December 1997 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
First Celebration Event
On February 21 & 22, the Scottish Festival in Moultrie,
GA, will present a Symposium on Prince Henry
Sinclair. Many speakers are scheduled. Plan to attend.
For more information, contact Beth Gay at PO Box
1110, Moultrie, GA, 31776, 912-985-6540.
NH Highland Games for 600th Anniversary
The primary setting for celebrating the Scottish arrival
in America Six Centuries ago will be Lincoln, New
Hampshire. Starting on Thursday, Sept. 17th, 1998, it
will run four days, through Sunday, Sept. 20.
Traditionally, the NH Highland Games have been the
biggest in New England, with more than 42,000 people
attending. It will start with a grand Tattoo, having
massed bands and such special attractions as the Black
Watch and the 78th Highlanders. Competitors from 20
States and Canadian Provinces are expected, with prize
money exceeding $100,000.
Clan Sinclair and Clan Gunn will be designated as
"Honored Clans". Both clans are anticipating large
turnouts on this momentous anniversary of the arrival
of Prince Henry Sinclair and Sir James Gunn to these
shores in 1398. For those desiring a greater depth of
information, there will be a Symposium consisting of
1-hour sessions on such topics as Westford Knight,
Newport Tower,
Rosslyn Chapel & Castle, Sinclair
Genealogy, How-to-get-children-involved, and the
Prince Henry saga.
Immediately after the NH Highland Games, the 600th
Celebration will reconvene in Westford, MA, near the
site of the Westford Knight Carving. A harbor cruise is
planned on the Merrimac River in Newburyport, and a
commemorative luncheon will follow in Exeter, NH.
Everyone is urged to obtain advanced registrations,
tickets for functions, and lodging. Space will be limited.
For information, contact Pete Cummings, General
Chair, at 65 Hartwell St, West Boylston, MA, 01583; or
phone 508-835-2900; or fax 508-835-2944; or Email
Setting Sail
There are two distinct possibilities for a Replica Ship to
accompany our 600th celebration at the NH Highland
Games. Both are being actively perused. One is to
construct a new vessel, which can be exhibited and
sailed for many Celebration events and then donated to
an appropriate museum. This first option requires at
least $100,000 to be raised immediately, of which Bob
Green, our Voyage Chair, has collected pledges
totalling 10% of the goal. Obviously, more money is
needed at once. Send a donation today! If sufficient
funds are not raised during December, then the second
option will be attempted. This calls for chartering an
existing Viking ship for a very short period of time.
This would permit display at the NH Highland Games,
but not at such other Games as Grandfather Mountain,
Stone Mountain, and Alexandria. Sources for existing
ships are being searched by Dane Hahn & Ken Swift.
Genealogy of Prince Henry
From Clan Sinclair (USA) there is offered a new soft
covered booklet of 181 pages entitled, "The Genealogy
of Prince Henry Sinclair". It traces the ancestry of
Prince Henry from Norway in the 6th century to
thousands of descendants, including more than 70 living
members of Clan Sinclair! It is registered with the
ISBN number 1-880110-21-0. Copies may be purchased
from Clan Sinclair, its Commissioners, or Pete
Cummings at $27.50 which includes postage &
Book describes the voyage
The Prince Henry Project Committee, which has met
monthly for the last two years to plan the 600th
Celebration, has published a 46-page soft covered book
entitled, Sinclair's Exploration of America. Sections
in this book include reasons for the voyage, a
description of the expedition, Zeno Narrative, Micmac
Legends, Westford Knight, proofs that the voyage
occurred, explanation of how Columbus knew about
Prince Henry, and a large bibliography. Readers of this
Newsletter will recognize that portions of this book
have been included in each issue of this Newsletter
during the past year. It sells for $22.00, including
postage, and it is available from Clan Sinclair or from
the address on this masthead.
Convincing Proofs
Extensive research has been performed by Niven
Sinclair. He offers several "proofs", which will help to
convince the "doubters" about Prince Henry Sinclair's
expedition. These are quoted in part below:
Contingency plans. Before Henry Sinclair left on
his voyage, he made certain dispositions of his
lands to his brothers, John and David. To his
eldest daughter, Elizabeth, who married Sir John
Drummond of Cargill, he left his lands in Norway,
provided he died without a male heir.
Zeno Map.
In 1398, Prince Henry Sinclair
sent Nicolo Zeno with four ships to carry out a
survey of Greenland. Nicolo took John, the
Bishop of Orkney, with him to Greenland, and on
his return two years later, he took Henrik, Bishop
of Greenland, to the Orkneys. This exchange of
Bishops appears in the Vatican publication
"Hierarchia Catholica" on page 283, covering the
years 1198 to 1431. It is a powerful confirmation
of the Zeno survey of Greenland. The verification
of the "Zeno Narrative" and Map was given further
corroboration by such renowned cartographers as
Professors Hapgood, Taylor, and Hobbs;
Professors Barry Fell and Roger McLeod; Lord
John Julian Norwich (noted Venetian historian); J.
H. Major (Secretary of the Royal Geographic
Society), and many others.
Accuracy attested & confirmed. For the next
several centuries the
"Zeno Map"
was used by such well-known cartographers as Ruscelli (in 1561),
Mercator (in 1569), and Ortelius (in 1574).
The Zeno Narrative. In the words of Professor
Taylor of London University, it appears to the
present writer that it would be quite out of the
question for any author to invent a story which in
every detail reflects fact about which it would be
quite impossible that he could have been aware.
Zeno had never been to Rosslyn.
The "Zeno Narrative" speaks of the "spring of pitch" which the
reconnaissance party of 100 soldiers found at
Stellarton and which they reported back to Prince
Henry at Guysborough, both places in Nova
Scotia. On hearing this, Prince Henry considered
it was a "good omen" because there was a similar
"spring of pitch" at his home at Rosslyn in
Scotland. The "pitch" had been used as a medicine
against the Black Death. Now this story is
faithfully recounted in the Zeno Narrative,
although Antonio Zeno had never been to
Rosslyn. In other words, he could only have heard
of the "spring of pitch" of Rosslyn from Henry as
they both stood listening to the report of the
returning soldiers in Nova Scotia.
Westford Knight in Massachusetts. The
effigy of a medieval knight is described by
Professor Lethbridge of Cambridge University;
"The sword carved on the rock can hardly be
anything but a medieval sword. The whole hilt
looks about AD 1200-1300.
Opinion of noted expert on heraldry. Sir Iain
Moncrieffe, the Albany Herald (one of Scotland's
most noted authorities on heraldry) writes, "Henry
Sinclair was related to the Gunns . . . so the
discovery at Westford of what is apparently an
effigy of a fourteenth century knight in bascinet,
mail, and surcoat, with a heater-shaped shield
bearing devices of a Norse-Scottish character as
might have been expected of a knight in Jarl
Henry Sinclair's entourage
Newport Tower.
In Rhode Island the
Newport Tower
is constructed in a similar style to the
Norse/Scottish buildings of the Western and
Northern Isles. More important, every single
measurement within Newport Tower is based on
the Scottish ell, which equals three Norse feet.
Indian language. Professor Roger McLeod of
Lowell University in Massachusetts compiled a
huge dictionary of Norse and Gaelic words which
have been assimilated into the language of the
tribes along the eastern seaboard of America.
Reider T. Sherwin in his book "The Viking and
the Red Man" also writes about the Norse origin
of the Algonquin language.
Indian Legends. When Henry began to build a
ship from local materials, the Micmacs tell of how
"He built himself an island, planted trees on it, and
sailed away in his stone canoe."
When the
Narragansett Indians were asked who built the
Newport Tower,
they replied, "They were fire-haired men
with green eyes who sailed up river in
a ship like a gull with a broken wing."
Rosslyn Chapel.
Far across the ocean in Scotland
at the Rosslyn Chapel
there are stone carvings of
Indian maize, the American aloe cactii and
sassafras, carved before Columbus was born!
The Hakluyt Society. From the Boston Herald in
1892, one can read; "Leif came to the land of
North America, built houses, made friends of the
natives and explored the land, giving names to
places some of which exist to the present day.
These names were placed on the charts and are
the same which Henry St. Clair used, affixed to his
maps, now in possession of the Hakluyt Society."
Who's involved?
Behind the scenes there are many people working on
the plans for the 600th celebration. They serve on the
Prince Henry Project Committee, which meets monthly
under the chairmanship of Pete Cummings. Mary
Selver & Ian & Frances Sinclair are focusing upon
Westford & Exeter. Dane & Sandra Hahn and Elmer
Eldridge & Buelah are our NHHG Coordinators.
Masonic activities are led by Michael Kaulback, Matt
Mallard. and Nick Andreson. Bob Green has
spearheaded the shipbuilding efforts. Neil St. Clair &
D'Elayne Coleman are leading the efforts in Nova
Scotia. Beth Gay has continued to project our public
image in trade publications. The constant availability of
our Newsletter to thousands of readers on the Internet
has been possible thanks to John Quarterman and John
Olin. Ken Swift and Matt Mallard have processed the
postal version. Others who have regular interaction of
ideas and suggestions with us are David Aubrey, Art
Douglas, John Aulerich, Laurel Fechner, Susan Grady,
Pam Manganelli, Don MacPherson, Clark Scott, Robert
Knight, Gerald Steeves, Angela Peters, Bradley Barker,
and David Bouschor.
Spread the word!
You can help. The marvelous story of Prince Henry's
peaceful expedition to America in 1398 needs to be
told to many more people. His deeds and his
accomplishments serve as inspiration to all peoples in
today's world. Tell your family and friends. Conduct
speeches. Get school children involved. Print and
distribute the literature which is available. You can
amplify your efforts by contributing generously to the
Prince Henry Project. Your actions and your money on
this 600th anniversary will be heard! Now is the time
when "spreading the word" will be highly effective.
Interesting supposition:
The first Christmas celebrated
in America was in 1398 by Prince Henry's explorers in
Advocate, Nova Scotia!
Clan Sinclair
Last update: 99/06/20 11:37:15