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Family letters from Australia by John Mcintyre
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:50:21 +1100 I have typed the entire diary out as the pages were not good scanning material.
Served in the campaign in Holland under General Abercrombie in 1799.
Served in Fenole and Cadiz in 1800.
Served in Egypt under Sir N. Abercrombie, and wounded in 1801.
Served at Copenhagen in 1807 under Lord Cathcart.
Served with General Moores expedition in Sweden in 1808. In Portugal and
Spain 1808 and 1809.
Served in Walcharin in 1809 under Lord Chatham. Landed at Cadiz Feb.
15th 1810. Embarked for Portugal 16th Aug. 1810.
Joined Lord Wellington at Basaco in Portugal 26th Sept. 1810
and was in the 27th when the Basaco battle was fought; was
wounded on 5th May 1811.
Served till March 18th 1812. Served as Sergeant the above
time, 9 years of which as Quartermaster Sergeant. Made Quartermaster in
the 2nd Battalion 79th Regiment 25th
Feb. 1813.
Promoted to a Lieutenancy in the 3rd Royal Veteran Battalion
31st August 1815. The 3rd R. V. B. disbanded at
Edinburgh Castle 3rd June 1816. Arrived in Oban June
27th 1816.
The latter end of January29th, our brigade crossed the Rhine
2nd and 3rd Febuary marched from Arnheim to
Waganham at night (the retreat was always at night), the severeness of
the weather was such that if a soldier put his tongue on the barrel of
his Firlock, the skin stuck to the barrel the same as the skin of a fish
taken from a hot brander.
I equipt myself with all my kit, 3 shirts, pair hose and stockings, 2
waistcoats, my kilt and trousers, a Dutchman's side coat etc. My only
comfort overall the blanket covering my head, with the firlock slung
upon my back, still Mr Frost was superior.
If a man felt sleepy and sat down to rest, he momently fell asleep never
to waken,
The Commr. In Chief, Genl. Harcourt, traced the route of the Army by the
sick, men women and children dead on the road, and wagons with sick and
wounded soldiers, women and children frozen to death.
A soldier's hire at this time was this per day- Seven pence, deduct for
your billet in Cantonments three pence.
In Egypt the 13th March 1812, our regiment was drawn up on
the plain facing the city of Alexandria, the enemy played their long
shot from their batteries upon us, one shot took the right file of the
Grenadiers from the right, the front rank man was wounded in the
shoulder, the rear man received the 12lb shot in the face carried the
head clean off, the contents of the head brains and all I received on my
breast and face which besmeared me all over my front, stunned me for a
Col. McLean standing to my left observed "Sinclair, you are a
fortunate man to escape"."Very", says I. "I have
more to go through yet".
The expedition to Holland the latter end of the year 1794.
The whole of the Light Compy. to which I belonged was 5 days without any
rations, only a small parcel or remnant of horse, beans and water was
all they had the above number of days. I have seen the men delerious
with hunger, making factions, the lowland Scotch and Highlanders
opposing each other in fist and wrestling combats, the few Irish taking
part with the Highlanders in all scuffles and disputes.
From this scene of misery, bad clothing and hunger and cold, sent off to
the West Indies, where they all perished with the disease of the country
in a little more than two years.
Remaining Officers, Sergeants and Lieutenants sent home with the
exception of a few men drafted to the 42nd Regiment. I was
happy in being a Sergeant and got home at the time.
On the 2nd1799.In Holland I had 5 balls through different
parts of my clothing, and my pack marked with musket shot and no part of
my skin touched.
My brave Captain Campbell Duntrune was killed by a rifle ball before my
face, and two thirds of the Grenadier company killed or wounded.
In Spain, General Moore's retreat, the night we left Lugo, I rode upon
afine mule, was so fatigued in coming to a bridge waiting till the army
passed, I went into a house with the mule in my hand and sat down and
momently fell asleep.
The first awakened me was the canon shotwith a charge of British Cavalry
driving the enemy back from the bridge. I got up and instantly got over
the bridge in rear of the Cavalry with my eyes half open. I had a narrow
escape being taken, but fortune still favoured me. I rode my poor mule
17 days without taking the saddle off, when I came to Corunna I made my
man take off the saddle, when all the skin and flesh came from the
backbone with the saddle, the animal threw itself down but could not get
up. I called upon a musket and made my servant shoot it on the spot to
put it out of pain.
Before we were hardly done, the regiment fell in and marched off to the
Alarm Ground as fast as they could run, the Brigade was off in a moment
to cover the right flank.
Genl. Fraser commanded. I thought he was asleep all the time, not a word
he spoke, in the course of a hour we were called back to the left, by
the time we got upon the main road we met a wagon going very slow. I
made aside and asked the dragoon what was there, stooping his head to me
said "Genl. Moore mortally wounded."
I whispered the same to the officers as they passed along you would
observe a fire of revenge and grief in the countenance of all that knew
the fatal event. Night coming on, the troops next the shore were all
ordered to embark. I saw every person providing for himself and thought
I might do the same. The boats were promiscuously taking the men on
board, no order with Brigade or Regiment.Every man for himself. I saw
the Adjutant with the Sergt. Major and our stand of colours up to the
oxters in the water getting into a boat.I made after them, and betwixt
swimming and wading, gained the boat, got on board a transport full of
German soldiers. I had no place to lie down but in the coil of the
ship's cable, where I remained until we arrived at Plymouth Harbour,
where I dismissed all my clothes, a second hand suit, clean I put on,
after being well scrubbed and washed I found myself a new soldier, got
clear of all encumbrances, such as rags, filth, vermin, long hair, and
nails and I was quite comfortable and in a few months fit for another
I have seen the Officers in the retreat without boots, their bare soles
being upon the ground, with a blanket covering their body, worth two or
three hundred a year in their own country.
Ordered to form the veteran Battalion8th Nov. 1819. Left Oban
23rd Nov. 1819 and reported myself at Inverary to Inverness
with a party of men 28th Nov.
Arrived at Inverness 5th Dec. and at St. George the
8th do.
Embarked on board the crowntransport 12th July 1820. Arrived
at Chatham the 19th Feby., embarked on board the crown
transport 1st March. Put on board the Scarborough 74 gun
ship, through stress of weather, and from hence to the Camilla Frigate
5th March 1820.
Paid up by paymaster, Howe 7th R. V. B. till the
24th March when H. R. H. the Duke of York was pleased to
order me to return to my former situation upon the retired list of the
3rd R. V. B.
Farnach Melfort. Died Jean Sinclair Mother of my family half past 6
o'clock on Saturday 27th May 1837.Much lamented by her
Archibald Sinclair, Born on board the Alligator transport
11th day Feby. 1801.
Margaret Sinclair, Born at Inverness 28th August 1803. Deceased
19th Dec. 1805.
Margaret Sinclair, Born at Ellensburgh 12th Feby. 1806.
John William Sinclair, Born at Colechester the 11th day of
April 1808.
Donald Sinclair, Born at Amcely Barracks the 6th June
William Sinclair, Born in Glasgow 26th Jany. 1813.
Euphemia Sinclair, Born at Dundee 13th August 1815.
Jean Sinclair, Born at Oban 15th Feby. 1821. Baptised in
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