Music about Sinclairs
The "Spaidsearachd Mhic nan Cearda" translates as the "Sinclairs' March" .
Argyll Sinclairs
were referred to as "Clann Mhic nan Cearda" ("Clan of
the Craftsmen") and there is some discussion how that came to be. "Cearda"
does mean "Craftsman" and there is speculation that the Argyll Sinclairs
got the name as a corruption of Sinclair (pronounced in Scotland 'Sink-ler')
and 'Tinkler' meaning 'tinker' hence a craft person.
[We have much more about this.]
The connection of the
Argyll Sinclairs to the Rosslyn and Caithness Sinclairs is not
well-understood, although brother Clansman Neil Sinclair of Toronto has
produced a paper on the Argyll Sinclairs which I gather is still in
progress but of which he provided a synopsis at our Winter Gathering the
February past.
The writer is a piper and a piobaireachd player and he too was very
intrigued by the tune mentioned above. It took him a year but he found the
music for the tune in Tomason's Ceol Mor (pub ca. 1900) and also in Glen's
Collection (pub late 1800's).. Like so many piobaireachd tunes, there are
alternative names and this one is primarily known as "The Red Ribbon"
although both sources give "The Sinclair's March" as an alternative name.
"Spaidsearachd " does mean March but be careful! This does not mean march
as in a pipe band march. Today, all piobarieachd is played 'largo' or slow
with expression. The Red Ribbon is not played in today's repertoire but we
shouldn't take that personally. Of the 500 or so tunes that have been
handed down to us through oral and later written tradition, only about 200
are played. I have looked at the tune and I intend to learn it....it
actually is not a difficult tune but the fact that it is not played should
give you a clue as to its 'musical merit' which, and it pains me to say
this, is not great. It is highly repetitive and does not have a very
interesting melodic line. However, I will learn it and will eventually
make it available to those who would like to hear it.
For your information, there are 3 other piobaireachds with Sinclair
Robert Sinclair's Wife's Lament aka The Bicker
Lord Berriedale's Salute (Lord Berriedale is the title of the son of the
Earl of Caithness)
The Carles
with the Breeks (Composed by a Campbell piper on the defeat of
the Sinclairs in 1681 by the Campbells at Altemairlach near Wick)
Further on the Sinclair March: David Bouschor has a copy of the Music of
all the tunes mentioned in my piece that you very kindly added to
I know this because I gave it to him in Duluth in 1995.
Ray Lower was there but perhaps Ray did not catch what was being said.
Certainly the
Sinclair March is not a quickstep and the tune that Ray believes is in a
Black Watch Book is probably not correctly remembered.
Most Clan Pipe
tunes are of the Piobaireachd (Ceol Mor or 'big music') type and not of the
Light Music (Ceol Beag or 'little music') type which is normally band
marches, jigs, reels, strathspeys, airs, hornpipes. etc.
There are appx. 15
tunes that I know of that have Sinclair themes and I will provide that list
in the near future.
yours aye, Rory Sinclair, Toronto
Clan Sinclair Association (Canada)
[See also the FAQ
and the glossary.
Prince Henry song on CD titled In The Blood
by David Leask, songwriter & singer.
Six Scottish flavored songs in contemporary folk/passionate pop
Pleases all ages.
Features "Prince Henry" in a song
with a powerful message.
The lyrics say, "You don't need a map
or compass to help you find the New World.
When you set out like
Prince Henry Sinclair, it's the passion that drives you there!"
This is a MUST for all Sinclairs!
Available from
Clan Sinclair Canada.
Listing supplied by Pete Cummings.
Folk Songs
from England, Wales,
Scotland, Ireland and Germany.
Listing supplied by Laurel.
Scottish Folk Songs
Hello all
This site
may have the music you are searching for and a lot more.
Joe Greigg
Airs, Ballads, Ditties, Folksongs, Jigs, Reels, and Strathspeys of Scotland
Sorted by first line of lyric AND title, with title in italics.
Last updated: 7. April 1999
Dedicated to: Sir William Wallace and Sir James "The Black" Douglas
Steward MacLean Sinclair
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 13:20:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: asflwr@cujo2.icom.ca (Antonia Sinclair)
Hi folks
Just to add to the marches: I have
The International Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music,
book one, by Bob Worrall. It shows a march called
"Steward MacLean Sinclair", by R.S. MacDonald.
I don't know what it sounds like, and I don't even know why I have the music.
I'll donate it to Rory, if he doesn't already have it. Perhaps someday we'll
all hear it over the internet. That's possible, isn't it?
Toni S.
From: Donald Sinclair <dmsin@mpx.com.au>
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 7:13 AM
A h-uile duine
Juli there is a piping tune called
Carles wi' the Breeks".
It's a Campbell tune but it is supposed to be a direct reference to the
It was made around the time of the Sinclair / Campbell
feud in the
The story goes that the Campbells had never seen any men wearing
trousers ( Breeks) before, and it gave them a bit of a laugh.
"Spaidsearachd Mhic nan Cearda" My gaelic dictionary translates this as
"The Sinclairs Strut"!!
Donald Sinclair
From: "David & Gloria Bouschor" <haggis@skypoint.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 11:55:13 -0500
Hi Donald,
``The Carls'' was very derisive of the Sinclairs because they wore trews
when they were defeated by the Campbells at
Altimarlach. The hungover
Sinclairs were ambushed as the crossed the River Wick. It is called thieves
Burn as the Campbells looted the dead bodies after they killed them. The
tune is not usually played by Sinclair pipers.
Yours aye, David (a piper)
From: Joe Greigg <Plumpett@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 23:19:25 EDT
Hello all --
Since we seem to have a lull in the list activity , I found this on the webb
and decided to share it with all in the hope it is " new " to everyone ??
(ascribed to Carrie Bell Sinclair)
Oh, yes, I am a Southern girl,
And glory in the name,
And boast it with far greater pride
Than glittering wealth or fame.
We envy not the Northern girl,
Her robes or beauty rare,
Though diamonds grace her snowy neck,
And pearls bedeck her hair.
cho: Hurrah! Hurrah!
For the sunny South so dear;
Three cheers for the homespun dress
The Southern ladies wear.
The homespun dress is plain, I know,
My hat's palmetto, too;
But then it shows what Southern girls
For Southern rights will do.
We have sent the bravest of our land
To battle with the foe,
And we will lend a helping hand
We love the South, you know.
Now, Northern goods are out of date;
And since old Abe's blockade,
We Southern girls can be content
With goods that's Southern made.
We sent our sweethearts to the war
But dear girls, never mind,
Your soldier-love will ne'er forget
The girl he left behind.
The soldier is the lad for me ---
A brave heart I adore;
And when the sunny South is free,
And fighting is no more,
I'll choose me then a lover brave
From out the gallant band,
The soldier lad I love the best
Shall have my heart and hand.
The Southern land's a glorious land,
And has a glorious cause;
Then cheer three cheers for Southern rights
And for the Southern boys.
We scorn to wear a bit or silk,
A bit of Northern lace;
But make our homespun dresses up,
And wear them with such grace.
And now, young man, a word to you;
If you would win the fair,
Go to the field where honor calls,
And win your lady there.
Remember that our brightest smiles
Are for the true and brave,
And that our tears are all for those
Who fill a soldier's grave.
Music: "Bonnie Blue Flag" ("Irish Jaunting Car")
from Songs of the Civil War, Silber
@America @Civil @war @clothing
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