Books about Sinclairs
Not all books are intended for the same purposes, nor have the
same degree of historical credibility.
The ones listed below are available from various sources,
the 600th Celebration Committee,
Clan Sinclair Canada,
Clan Sinclair U.S.A., as well as
Books on Demand,
which has 150,000 out of print and hard to find titles.
The classifications here are mine and not theirs.
Many of the descriptions were contributed by others,
and are attributed where they were not anonymous.
See also the genealogy page
and Paul Sinclair's
bibliography page.
Ian Sinclair is compiling a library of many of these books in
the Study Centre at Nosshead lighthouse.
I've broken this page which was becoming a behemoth into
several smaller pages; see the navbar on the left.
Sinclair books
From: Peter Dillon
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 22:53:45 +1200
Hi listers
This may be old news in which case I apologise.
On the Clan Sinclair webpages are descriptions of many 'hard-to-get' books
re Sinclair with stories of the lengths to which people have gone to access
Some of these books have been filmed by the LDS and the films can be ordered
to view at their family history centres.
You can find out the film numbers etc by going to their
website. Click the custom search tab, then click Family History Library
Catalogue, then click surname search, and enter 'Sinclair'. There are five
pages of results.
Titles include:
John Henderson,
Caithness Family History
FHL British Film 990245 item 6
Roland St Clair, The
Saint-Clairs of the Isles
FHL British Film 908361 item 3
The Sinclair Family in Europe and America for Eleven Hundred Years
FHL US/CAN film 928087 item 2
and many more