The Knights Templars & The Complete History of the Masonic Knighthood
from the origin of the orders to the Present Time (1874),
by C.G Addision & Robert Macoy,
Masonic Publishing Company 626 Broadway New York.
Rare Esoteric Reprints are available from:
Kessinger Publishing, LLC
PO Box 160 Kila MT 59920 USA
Phone 406 756 0167
fax 406 257 5051
Templar Legacy and Masonic Inheritance of Rosslyn Chapel
1995, Tim Wallace-Murphy, $25,
published by the Friends of Rosslyn in 1994.
- Rosslyn, Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail
1999, by Marilyn Hopkins & Tim Wallace-Murphy,
published by Element Books (in UK, USA and Australia) in 1999,
(Hardback), ISBN 1-86204-493-7 (Paperback) 1-86204-742-1.
- The Mark of the Beast
1990, by Trevor Ravenscroft & Tim Wallace-Murphy,
originally published by Sphere Books in 1990; now
available from Samuel Weiser in the States.
- Rex Deus, the True Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau
2000, by Marilyn Hopkins, Graham Simmans & Tim Wallace-Murphy,
Element books (Hardback) 1-86204-472-4.
Here are
some reviews and a table of contents.
- The Labyrinth Of The Grail
1999, by William F. Mann,
ISBN 0-9659701-8-3,
$24.95 US/$34.95 CDN
published and distributed by Laughing Owl Publishers Inc.
12610 Hwy 90 West,
Grand Bay, AL 36541
+1-334-865-6252 (fax)
Contact: Aleta Boudreaux
``Hopefully, my book will reveal a level of hidden
knowledge previously unknown relating to Prince Henry Sinclair and his
explorations throughout Eastern North America, including the locating of
Sinclair's "lost settlement" in Nova Scotia.''
the author.
The link between the
Knights Templars, Freemasonry, and the descendants
of the House of David has always intrigued readers and searchers for the
truth behind the Grail mysteries. In his book, The Labyrinth of the
Grail, Canadian author William F. Mann gives other searchers the keys to
unlock these mysteries.
When the author was a child a secret was revealed to him by his late
uncle, a Grand Master of the Knights Templar of Canada. Only after
years of study, observation and research, was the author able to
understand this secret. Now he had used it to uncover what he believes to
be evidence of a Templar settlement in Nova Scotia. He has also
collected evidence that verifies the significance of
Prince Henry Sinclair's
epic voyage in 1399 from
Orkney to the New World.
By combining studies of Freemasonry and Templar history with Grail
legends, classical mythology and sacred geometry, William Mann has
assimilated hidden clues that point to the mysterious nature of the Holy
Grail, the Holy Bloodline and the Knights Templar in
Nova Scotia.
A well researched book with over 50 illustrations, paintings and
photographs, reference notes and bibliography,
The Labyrinth Of The Grail
is the definitive reference book for students of the New World Grail
Niven Sinclair
- The Guilds, Masons, & Rosy Cross,
1995, Brydon, $15
Temple #6,
- 1998.
An article of a newsletter containing much Sinclair material.
- Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemansonry
by John Robinson,
Dorset Press,
January 1989, ISBN: 0871316021, LOCN: HS403.R64 1989, Dewey: 366/.1 20
Pages: 376
Bibliography: 164 entries..
``John Robinson's work in its entireity is well researched and
well written.''
Tim Wallace-Murphy
A review.
- Dungeon, Fire and Sword: The Knights Templar in the Crusades
by John Robinson.
``His 'Dungeon, Fire and Sword' is, quite frankly, superb.''
Tim Wallace-Murphy
- A Pilgrim's Path : Freemasonry and the Religious Right
by John Robinson.
- The Forgotton Monarchy of Scotland
by Albany, Prince Michael of.
- Jesus ou le Mortel Secret des Templiers
by Amberlain, Robert.
- The Temple and the Lodge
by Baigent & Leigh.
- The Templars
by Barber, Malcolm.
- The Trial of the Templars
by Barber, Malcolm.
- The Cult of the Black Madonna
by Begg, Ean.
- Les Mysteres Templiers
by Charpentier, Louis.
- The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral
by Charpentier, Louis.
- Histoire Genealogique de la Famille de St Clair
by de Saint Clair, L-A.
- L'Ordre de Templiers et La Chevalrie Maconique Templiere
by Desgins, A.
- The Scots Men-at-Arms and Life Guards in France
by Forbes-Leith.
- L'Art Templier desCathedrals
by Graffin, Robert.
- The Rule of the Templars
by Upton-Ward, G. M.
- Ler Dossier de l'Affaire des Templiers
by Lizerand.
- Cathares et Templiers
by Reznikov, Raimonde.
- The Origins of Freemasonry
by David Stevenson.
- The Templars
by Piers Paul Read, 1999.