Serious genealogical works about Sinclairs
See also the genealogy page
and Paul Sinclair's
bibliography page.
A Pair of Books from the late Clan Sinclair Genealogist
Pete Cummings,
said about these books:
``Anyone who has either of these books is very welcome to
share their information with others. As the author, I give my
permission. I have no financial involvement, nor do I seek to
gain any profit. My objective is to spread the information
to as many people as possible.
Prince Henry and indeed all
of our Sinclair heritage should be more widely understood;
only then will Prince Henry gain the recognition he so rightly
- Genealogy of Prince Henry Sinclair
Pete Cummings
$70.00 Hard cover, approximately 6,000 names and 415 pages.
Available from
Higginson Book Company
148 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970, 978-745-7170
Pete Cummings remarks:
``The format of
these books follows the Modified Register System, which
has been refined by the National Genealogy Society. The first
book includes the ancestors of Prince Henry, all the way back
for 26 generations. It also includes the text from my book,
Sinclair's Exploration of America.''
- Genealogy of St. Clair & Sinclair Families
Pete Cummings
$80.00 Hard cover, approximately 6,000 names and 415 pages.
Available from
Higginson Book Company
148 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970, 978-745-7170
Pete Cummings remarks:
``If your immediate family is shown in the first one, then there is
little reason for you to be interested in the second one.
However, for those families whose lineage cannot be traced all
the way back, "Genealogy of St. Clair & Sinclair Families" may
list them. For attempting to find the missing linkage to the
ancient Sinclairs, the Genealogy of Prince Henry
Sinclair may hold the vital clues.''
Jean Grigsby's books
Other Books
- The Sinclair Family in Europe and America for Eleven Hundred Years
Leonard Allison Morrison, A.M., of Windham, NH
originally published by Damrell & Upham in Boston, MA.
A reprint is available from
Higginson Book Company
148 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970, 978-745-7170
Cost: $78.50 Cloth/hard cover;
$68.50 Paper cover;
$ 6.00 S&H
A substantial work, tracing the Sinclair name and some of its more significant
lines from Viking families through Rollo the Dane and the St. Clairs of
Normandy, and the particular branch repesented by John Sinckler of Exeter,
NH. Morrison invested a number of years in this project, contacting many
individuals in the U. S. and abroad, making several trips to Europe and the
North for this purpose. The unique value of this book is that the time of
its writing the author was much closer to the scene and information sources
than we are.
Richard Lower
- The Sinclairs of England
by Thomas Sinclair,
published in London by Trubner & Co, Ludgate Hill in 1887.
Republished by Ballantine Press, of London and Edinburgh.
Library Binding, 414 Pages, Reprint,
ISBN: 0832821675,
Higginson Book Company
148 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970, 978-745-7170
Richard Lower
- Saint-Clairs of the Isles,
- 1895,
by Roland William St Clair.
``The book Saint Clairs of the Isles was printed in Auckland in 1898
I have been trying to find a copy for several years. I believe that only
500 copies were printed, mainly to a subscription list.
I have been lucky enough to get the State Library of Victoria to micro
fische this book for me and the cost several years ago was AUD70.00''
Ian G. Sinclair
``The St Clairs of the Isles Book,
which was drawn up by Roland William St.
Clair in New Zealand at the end of the last Century, is really the
definitive work on the St Clairs. It
has a great deal of information about the New Hampshire Sinclairs....''
Niven Sinclair
Somewhere there must be more information about this author, but he seems to
have been well placed in the "North Britain" Sinclair family. He wrote
narratives about a great number of Sinclair heads-of-household, many of whom
were obviously in the "Laird" class of Scots leaseholder at the time of
writing. He makes no attempt to detail the families of the then Earls of
Caithness, but does include families from Orkney and the Zetlands who were
apparently important to the picture as he saw it. He details all of the
stories of the day about the Good, Bad and Ugly in the family. Names of
wives are given, as are the children at the time of writing. St Claire makes
several references to the Father Hay paper "The Geneologie of the
Sainteclaires of Rosslyn"
Available through: For quite a few years, a West Virginia educator and his
daughter ran a mail order book business, and one of their best selling lines
were called "ScotCopy", photo copies which were printed, collated and bound
in book form. The St Clair material was one of these. They unfortunately
went out of business several years ago, but Ian Sinclair has recently
reported that the book was printed in Auckland in 1898 and the State Library
in Victoria has microfiched the book for him. Between this and Ray Lower's
ScotCopy, we should be able to provide a research tool or more copies
Richard Lower
From: Ian Newman <books1@iinet.net.au>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 17:37:10 +0800
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 04:31:02 +0800
Well according to:
they seem to be very much
still in business, and I have only two weeks ago ordered my copy of the
abovementioned book, which appears loud and clearly as the very first item
on their "S' selection page under the "Family Histories" section of their
website index.
Cost (to Western Australia) is $98.55 (US Dollars) made up of $72.95 for
the copy, and the remainder freight.
Ian in Oz
(Ian Newman
Perth, Western Australia)
- The St Clair Genealogy,
- 1993
This is the last unlocated book of a list first noted by
Ed Brumby
They've almost all been located since Ed first asked about them.
``These books will be available for research as soon as we have completed
the {Study Centre} at Nosshead lighthouse.
Very rare books!!!''
Ian Sinclair
- Caithness Family History,
1884, by John Henderson
This author, of a very old Caithness family which was at times over the
decades part of the Sinclair family, picked up from the St Claire book and
added information in the same format. If one cannot find their descandant in
St Claires of the Isles,
it would pay to check the Henderson book.
Availability: To be discovered. Ray has only "bits and pieces" of copied
pages. Niven or Ian may have a full book.
Richard Lower
- Sinclairs of Roslin, Caithness & Goshen,
by Alexander MacLean Sinclair.
Clan Sinclair Association (Canada)
has republished The Sinclairs of Roslin,
Caithness and Goshen. We have had it available for the last two years.
It is a short book, appx 75 pages but it is one of those rare works that
straddles the cusp of the emmigrant/immigrant paradigm as it names people
currently (1900) living in Goshen Nova Scotia and their ancestors (dead) and
relations (living) in Caithness. There are still many Sinclairs from Nova
Scotia who are descendants of those named in this book. Alexander MacLean
Sinclair, the author, was a recognized scholar, both here and in the U.K. in
Scottish history as well as in the Gaelic.
Here is
an excerpt.
Rory Sinclair
- The Scots Peerage,
Founded on Wood's Edition of Sir Robert Douglas's
Peerage of Scotland.
Edited by Sir James Balfour Paul, LL.D, Lord Lyon King
of Arms. Volume VI, Edinburgh by David Douglas in 1909.
This very old reference source goes into detail on the Earls of Orkney,
Caithness, and William, styled Lord Sinclair, among many others. Its
authors also quote from Father Hay and other sources still available at the
time of writing. The entries are much more detailed as to the life and times
of the Earls who are included, with stories of interest in their individual
cases. These references are of limited value in tracing family sometimes,
but if the searcher connects with a particular peer, there is usually
information of interest about his life.
Available at: most large libraries with good reference libraries should have
or can refer to libraries which have these books. Copies of the Sinclair
material can be usually be made in those libraries.
Richard Lower
- Burkes Peerage
This is a standard reference work which includes
Sinclairs who held titles in more recent times and may be living still.
Their lineage is given and some basic names, dates and places of spouses and
offspring. Honors and positions in government are cited where appropriate.
Some of the lineage notations go into some detail of ancestral information
which could be interesting to the researcher.
Available: as above, in public libraries.
Richard Lower
- Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning and History
by George Fraser Black (1866-1948), Ph.D.,
The most authoritative source for Scottish surnames.
See the excerpt about Sinclair.
- The Clans of the Scottish Highlands
by R.R. McIan,
text by James Logan, Crescent Books, New York, ISBN 0-517-482843,
originally published 1845 and 1847.
Drawings and text about each major clan.
- Peter Sinclair of Chatham County, North Carolina
Karen J. Matheson,
``This work contains brief biographies of Peter Sinclair,
his father David, and Peter's children and grandchildren. Also
included are photocopies of original documents, and 21 pages of
descendants containing up to 10 generations. This book is indexed, and
contains footnotes. 80 pages, soft-cover. Cost is $25.00 U.S.
- Family of Gen. Arthur St. Clair
by J. Maginess. 32p. 1897. $6.50
Higginson Book Company
148 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970, 978-745-7170
- The Sinclair Family of Virginia
by Jefferson Sinclair Seldon Jr.
published 1964.
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