Novels about Sinclairs
- Sword of the North
1983, Richard W. White, Pegma Books, Ottawa, Ill.
This novel introduced many of us to Prince Henry,
who is its protagonist.
I found the Pohl book by looking in the references in the back of this novel.
It was hard to find, too; had to go to Kirkwall and look in the library.
The hardback version of the White book is out of print.
Fortunately the Pohl book, unlike the novel, is back in print.
- Sword of the North
Richard W. White,
Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street
West Boylston, MA 01583
$25; Add 10% for shipping and handling.
This is a recent paperback reissue.
Then of course there are
Katherine Kurtz's novels about a fictional Sinclair,
the Adept, Sir Adam Sinclair.
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