Clan Sinclair
Association Inc.
The Clan Sinclair U.S.A. pages are now on a
separate server.
Your web browser will be redirected there automatically in 20 seconds.
From: "Brad Sinclair Barker" <
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 13:36:43 -0400
This is a brief reminder that there is now a new Website that will
interest you -
This has been created
because of the large amount of interest in Clan Sinclair USA, the
organization of Sinclairs in the U.S.
The site will be linked to an interesting variety of other Scottish
The site will focus on current events involving Sinclairs as well as
farther out events such as the Millennium Gathering planned for
Sinclairs in Scotland in July of 2000.
The host for this latter event
will be Lord Malcolm Sinclair, Earl of Caithness and Hereditary Clan
Chief. It is being coordinated in the USA by Clan Sinclair USA.
It will also feature special articles written by the Chief Malcolm
Sinclair and stories of Sinclair history written by our Clan Historian,
Laurel Fechner.
It also includes information about how to join the Association, thereby
supporting a variety of interesting Sinclair activities.
Over 600 Sinclairs and Septs currently belong.
The organization was founded in 1978.
The site was put together and is being managed by Mary Selver,
Secretary-Treasurer, with assistance from Paul Sinclair of Richmond,
manager of the Guest Book on the Quarterman site.
I wish to express my
personal thanks to John Quarterman for helping us transition to this new site.
The two sites will be linked and John will continue to do his
great job of covering a multiplicity of Sinclair matters from a
world-wide perspective.
With Best Scottish Wishes
Brad Sinclair Barker
Clan Sinclair USA
Last changed: 00/01/09 11:29:04