From: "Rory Sinclair" <rory.sinclair@accglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 12:56:24 -0400
To say we have Scandinavian roots
is correct but to place undue
emphasis on this fact at this great distance in time, is perhaps pushing it.
Alexander MacLean Sinclair, author of quite a few articles on Scottish
History and
The Sinclairs of Roslin, Caithness, and Goshen
published 1901 and available from the Secretary,
Clan Sinclair Association
(Canada) @$12.00) has this to say on this subject:
Are the Sinclairs a Highland Clan? As the Normans
and the Lowlanders had a
good deal of Celtic blood in their veins, it would be folly to look upon the
Lords of Roslin
as Scandinavians. Sir Henry Sinclair, fourth of Roslin, was
the son of Celtic mother. William Sinclair, second Earl of Caithness and
progenitor of the Sinclairs of Caithness, was also the son a Celtic mother.
The Scandinavians who settled in Caithness
occupied only parts of the country.
They did not slay the whole of the original inhabitants. It was
indeed quite a common thing for a Norwegian to marry into a Celtic family.
Leod, the progenitor fo the Macleods, was the son of a Scandinavian father.
He married a Highland girl and two sons by her, Torquil of Lewis and Tormod
of Dunvegan. These sons were only half Scandinavians. Tormod of Dunvagan
married a Celtic girl and had a son named Malcolm by her. Malcolm was very
far from being a half Scandinavian. He was certainly a Celt rather than a
Scandinavian. Before a Sinclair, a Macleod or a Gunn talks about his
Scandinavian origins, it would be wise for him to calculate with some degree
of care to what extent his blood is Scandinavian blood. Patrick Sinclair,
third of Ulbster,was the son of Jane Chisholm. John fourth of Ulbster, was
the son of Elizabeth MacKay. John, fifth of Ulbster, was the son of Janet
Sinclair. John, sixth of Ulbster was the son of Jane Munro. Geroge,
seventh of Ulbster, was the son of Henrietta Brodie. Sir John Sinclair,
eighth of Ulbster, the most eminent man Caithness ever produced, was the son
of Janet MacKay. Was Sir John a Scandinavian? He believed himself to be a
Highland Chieftain.
The Gaelic form of the name Sinclair is Singlear.
The Sinclairs of
Argyleshire call themselves Clann-na-Cearda or the Children of the craft or
trade. It is probable that the name was given them by their neighbours
would naturally take for gratned that Singlear meant shingler or
flax-dresser. The Sinclairs of Argyll
are out-and-out Highlanders.
The Earls of Caithness held their lands of the Crown and were in no way
subject to the Saint Clairs of the Lowlands. They lived in the Highlands,
were Chiefs
of the Sinclairs of Caithness, they ruled over a large number of
Gaelic-speaking Highlanders and they were to some extent Celts by blood.
They thus had a perfect right to regard themselves as Highland Chiefs and to
wear tartans and bonnets and use bagpipes
if they saw proper.
The Sinclairs of Caithness
are thus a Highland Clan just as much as the Sutherlands,
and Macleods are Highland Clans; but they are not Celts to the same extent.
I think this 100 year old analysis is still valid today.
Yours aye, Rory
Rollo the Viking
![[Rollo the Viking]](/sinclair/tiny/rollo.gif)
Rollo the Viking (855-931)
brought his Normans
northmen, vikings) from Norway to the northwest of France.
This is the Rollo, or Rollon in the French spelling,
who in the year 911 at
the church
St. Clair sur Epte
signed the treaty with King Charles III the Simple of France
that created him hereditary Count of Rouen;
his descendants would call themselves Dukes of the new Duchy of Normandy.
He was
descended from the Jarls of Orkney.
There are statues of him in Alesund in his ancestral homeland
of Moere in Norway, as well as in
and Falaise, Normandy, France,
and in Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A.
Some pages in English,
Rollo of Normandy homepage
Robert Helmerichs.
If you're looking for French materials about Rollo, try the French
spelling, which is Rollon.
Here are some other web pages about him, many of them found by
Kristin Hussein
See also
Rollo Clan for more about Rollo and his descendants.
Some say that Rollo was the same as Ganger-Hrolf, or
Rollo the Ganger, who was called that because he was so gangly,
to be specific, his legs were so long that when he rode a horse
it looked like he was walking; Ganger means Walker.
However, according to Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Ph.D.,
the early sources all distinguish the two men.
From: "Privateers"
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 17:19:47 -0000
The entire knowledge we have of Rollo is based on Dodo's colourful
accounts. The title they both adopted was "Count". in 1015 Richard
II was the first to style himself "Duke" and "Patrician". He asserted
his right to control the church and appoint Dukes under it.
In 925 Rollo was defeated in the East at Ett at the place which would
become the Norman border. His son William married a Christian, Lutegrade,
the daughter of Count Verrnadois II. Her dowry was a frankish one and
the mint at Rouen bore not the picture of the King of France but that of the
Count, William Longsword. Very little is known about William Longsword.
William's murder in 942 by Arnulf of Flanders, threw the young dukedom,
really a principality, into chaos. Richard I who succeeded William and
ruled 942-946, was an illegitimate child of his Breton mistress, whose
name is unknown. In a twist of fate, both William and Richard had to
fight off Scandinavian warbands. A certain Harold, rejecting Christianity,
established an independent power base at Bayeux. The Frankish kings
attempted to reunite Normandy but failed due to internal rivalries in
France. A concerted attack on Rouen came from Flanders and
Angou. The Viking Legacy lived on. The language of power remained
that of Charlemaine, the Normans by now no longer Vikings provided
the fiscal foundations of ducal powers. They married into Frankish
society, Rollo for example married Poppa, the daughter of the Count
of Bayeux. The Norse tongue survived longer in England than in
Normandy. This may have been due to the similarities between the
Anglo Saxon and Norse. The Normans, by the first half of the 11th
Century had lost their maritime ability and concentrated on the
feudal warhorse and land army.
Last changed: 00/05/04 08:26:32