Laurel, you sure know your Celts,
but speaking from the vantage point of taking the Sinclair Tent to all kinds of
"Celtic Fairs" and similarly-identified happenings, my strong feeling
is that where you see one, it's put on by folks that "have the Celtic"
but not the identity of Irish or Scots "clan". They want to have
a good time, and usually lack a large enough "committed" support base
for a "Celtic" show. Most of them invited Scots clans to set up
a tent, not because they necessarily feel that Scots clans reflect any special
Celtic feeling, but because Clan tents offer a focus and sometimes a drawing
card for people who love the whole idea. In my day, we went gladly to the
Celtic venues in Reno, Lake Tahoe, and in some other venues, most of which only
lasted a year.
We had a good time and made some
new friends, but let's face it, they are not Scottish Games and I doubt that we
enrolled many new members. Our Tent Master has cut back on some of the
smaller venues but I think he still likes to be around the Welsh, Irish and
Scottish people of Celtic persuasion. Some of the ones which have survived
are just plain a lot of good Celtic fun.
Johnnye, I have never found anyone
who was even a little concerned that Sinclairs got their start in
Scandinavia. We have collectively done a great job of mixing blood lines
with all kinds of ineresting folks over the past hundreds of years. All of
these European- based cultures have generally similar social patterns, that is
to say, none of them shrunk heads or consorted with evil spirits, just had a
good family time when they weren't out bashing their neighbors to take brides or
impress someone with their spirited battle garb (or color, in the case of
Picts). You must always check with the sponsor before setting up, in case
they have space problems, or are trying to emphasize something that a Clan Tent
does not fulfill. Who knows, you may even just go to have a good