From: "Sinclair" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:16:18 +0100
Catherine Sinclair born Edinburgh on 17 April 1800. She was the daughter
of Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster (1754-1835). She was in Sir John's later
his later years his secretary. After Sir John's death she began to write
children's books, light romances and travel guides, and she became renowned
for her charitable works. She died on 6 August 1864.
Modern Accomplishments (1836); Modern Society (1837); Hill and Valley
(1838); Holiday House (1839); Scotland and the Scotch (1840); Shetland and
the Shetlanders (1840); Modern Flirtations (1841); Scotch Courtiers (1842);
Charlie Seymour (1844); Jane Bouverie (1846); The Journey of Life (1847);
The Business of Life (1848); Sir Edward Graham (1849); Lord and Lady
Harcourt (1850); The Kaleidoscope of Anecdotes and Aphorisms (1851);
Beatrice (1852); Popish Legends (1852); London Homes (1853); Memoir of Sir
John Sinclair Hart (1835); The Cabman's Holiday (1855); Cross Purposes
(1855); Torchester Abbey (1857); Anecdotes of the Caesars (1858); Sketches
and Stories of Scotland and the Scotch (1859); Sketches and Stories of Wales
and the Welsh (1860); Letters for Children (1862); The Bible Picture Letter
(1863); published posthumously The Mysterious Marriage (1875).