Zeno Narrative
mentions something called Frislanda as the place
where Zeno met his Prince. There are apparently several interpretations
of which island was meant, the most popular being Fair Isle and the Faroes.
Zeno Map
shows it as roughly where the Faeroes are.
identified the place as Fair Isle.
I seem to recall that
had a third solution that identified
the place as one of the Orkney Islands, but I can't recall for sure.
I would guess that
Laura Zolo accepts the Fair Isle solution and
is going there.
Of course, if she's going from Orkney to Iceland, she could easily
also go by the Faeroes.
Fair Isle is the most southerly island in the Shetland archipelago:
This is the same place as Fer Island, and
says the name derives
from an earlier one meaning Sheep Island.
The Faeroe Islands are about half way between Orkney and Iceland.
They are currently part of Norway but are often considered as a nation.