Niven Sinclair on Sinclair as a Clan
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 09:23:29 +0100
The earliest mention of the St Clairs is, of
course, in France from where they took their name.
Charles 'the Simple' of France offered Hrolf 'the Ganger' the Province
of Neustria and his daughter Gizelle in marriage if Hrolf (known as
in France) would cease his raiding of the French coast. That Treaty (912)
was signed at Castle St Clair-sur-Epte and it is from that place the St
Clairs take their name.
Neustria soon became known as Norse-man's-land or
Hrolf soon added Brittany and the Channel
Islands to his Duchy.
His marriage to Gizelle was childless so all subsequent Dukes of Normandy
(and St Clairs)
are descended from Hrolf's first wife, Popa, the daughter of Count
Berenger of Bayeux.
Within three generations St Clairs are to be found in every Province of
France and Alsace.
The first St Clair to arrive in Scotland
accompanied Margaret (later St Margaret) from Hungary in 1057.
He was William 'the Seemly' St Clair.
The English
Sinclairs arrived in force
with their 'bastard' cousin,
William 'the Conqueror' in 1066 and, again within three generations, are
to be found with land in 43 English Counties and in Wales.
The word 'clan' simply means a family and, on that basis, the Sinclairs
are certainly a Clan.
However, they have always had a European dimension which they retain to
this day and,with an estimated 250,000 Sinclairs worldwide, their Viking
wanderlust has remained undiminished.
The World is their oyster.
Niven Sinclair
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 22:57:12 +0100
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
As far as the family name is concerned (i.e. those Sinclairs who are
descended from Rollo) it is a choice between
St Clair-sur-Epte
and the town of St Clair near St Lo the Castle of
which was destroyed in the 100 years war.
My money has always been on St Clair-sur-Epte for the simple reason that
the town of St Clair of St Lo didn't seem to exist
until the St Clairs moved there. If I am wrong perhaps someone will
correct me.
Niven Sinclair
Origins of Clan Sinclair
The ancestry of the Sinclair family can be traced back to
at least the ninth century,
starting in Norway,
through Orkney,
and of course through numerous emigrants to all parts of the world.
Sinclair lineage
continues to this day, in numerous countries.
Another good source of Sinclair history is
Paul Sinclair's Sinclair History web pages.
The name Sinclair or St. Clair
The name Sinclair comes from
the hermit St. Clare
who lived at the edge of what is now called
Our ancestors took their surname
from an abbey that was named after the hermit,
because that was the site where in the year 911 our ancestor
signed the treaty with King Charles III the Simple of France
that created him Count of Rouen.
How Sinclairs Arrived in England and Scotland
Rollo's descendants included the
Nine St. Clare knights accompanied their cousin
William the Conqueror
(also a descendant of Rollo)
to England in 1066.
They assisted his victory at the
battle of Hastings, 14 Oct 1066.
Many of them remained in England.
William ``the Seemly'' Sinclair,
went on to
accompanying the Holy Rood, for which Holyrood Abbey was later named.
He was the first Baron of Rosslyn
(south of Edinburgh)
and the ancestor of the Scottish Sinclairs.
Last changed: 00/01/23 13:12:28