``In the year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered,
charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought
like Scotsmen. And won their freedom.''
from the movie Braveheart
by Robert Burns
Scots, wha hae wi Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led,
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victorie!
Now's the day, and now's the hour;
See the front o' battle lour;
See approach proud Edward's power -
Chains and slaverie!
Wha will be a traitor-knave?
Wha can fill a coward's grave?
Wha sae base as be a Slave?
Let him turn and flie!
Wha for Scotland's king and law
Freedom's sword will strongly draw,
Freeman stand, or freeman fa'
Let him follow me!
By Oppression's woes and pains!
By your Sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free!
Lay the proud Usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in ev'ry foe!
Liberty's in ev'ry blow! -
Let us do or die!
The Brus,
by John Barbour, c. 1375
Bruce's address to his captains before Bannockburn
(See also the
modern English version.)
And certis me think well that ye
Forout abasing aucht to be
Worthy and of gret vasselagis
For we haff thre gret avantagis
The fyrst is that we haf the rycht
And for the rycht ay God will fycht.
The tother is that thai cummyn ar
For lyppynyng off thar gret powar
To sek us in our awne land,
And has brocht her rycht till our hand
Ryches into sa gret quantit´e
That the pourest of you sall be
Bath rych and mychty tharwithall
Giff that we wyne, as weill may fall.
The thrid is that we for our lyvis
And for our childer and for our wyyis
And for our fredome and for our land
Ar strenyeit in bataill for to stand,
And thai for thar mycht anerly
And for thai let of us heychtly
And for thai wad distroy us all
Mais thaim to fycht, bot yeit may fall
That thai sall rew thar barganyng.
And certis I warne you off a thing
That happyn thaim, as God forbed,
Till fynd fantis intill our deid
That thai wyn us opynly
Thai sall off us haf na mercy,
And sen we knaw thar felone will
Me think it suld accord to skill
To set stoutnes agayne felony
And mak sa-gat a juperty.
Quharfor I you requer and pray
That with all your mycht that ye may
That ye pres you at the begynnyng
But cowardys or abaysing
To mete thaim at sall fyrst assemble
Sa stoutly that the henmaist trymble
And menys of your gret manheid
Your worschip and your douchti deid
And off the joy that we abid
Giff that us fall, as well may tid,
Hap to vencus this gret bataill.
In your handys without faile
Ye ber honour price and riches
Fredome welsh and blythnes
Giff you contene you manlely,
And the contrar all halily
Sall fall giff ye lat cowardys
And wykytnes your hertis suppris.
Ye mycht have lyvyt into threldome,
Bot for ye yarnyt till have fredome
Ye ar assemblyt her with me,
Tharfor is nedfull that ye be
Worthy and wycht but abaysing ...
... Giff ye will wyrk apon this wis
Ye sall haff victour sekyrly.
The Battle of Bannockburn, 1314, 23-24 June
The significance of
this battle on a field near Stirling
is undisputed:
Scottish forces under
King Robert I the Bruce
defeated English King Edward II,
in the pivotal event of the wars of Scottish independence.
Exactly how the battle was won is not completely clear,
since nobody wrote down a detailed account until much later.
The most common view was set forth about 1375 in the poem
The Brus,
by John Barbour.
It was echoed by Robert Burns in
``Scots Wha Hae,''
a song known to every descendant of Scotland.
And even more recently, in 1995, the movie Braveheart
gave yet another version.
Powerful stuff.
This battle, along with those of Wallace before it and the
Declaration of Arbroath
after it,
were the inspiration not only for Scotland's independence, but
were also powerful influences on the American and French revolutions,
and thus on the shape of the world that we know today.
Yet there is some dispute as to whether ``the small people'' of Scotland,
no matter how well motivated,
could have won the day against proud Edward's battle-hardened professional army.
Barbour's work has been called ``A poets view not History,''
and that's certainly even more true of Robert Burns or Mel Gibson.
There is a school of thought that says that the battle was turned at the
crucial moment by a charge of the
Knights Templar, who had taken refuge
in Scotland after they had been expelled from France in 1307.
As one version has it:
From: "Privateers"
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 17:13:52 +0100
``...the great King Robert the Bruce supported by the
Knights Templar
led by
Sir William Sinclair
with an army of only 9,000,
defeated 38,000 Englishmen, the Scots facing heavy calvary, archers and
wave upon wave of staunch and brave Englishmen.
On that day, it was the crushing charge of the Knights Templar across
rocky and almost impassable ground that turned the tide of victory. That
far off day, almost seven hundred years ago, they won for Scotland her
However it happened, it is clear that Sinclairs had a role in it.
The Bruce had made
William Sinclair (of the Rosslyn Branch) Bishop of Dunkeld.
His brother
Henry Sinclair, eighth Baron of Roslin,
great-grandfather of
Prince Henry Sinclair,
fought for the Bruce
at Bannockburn in 1314,
just as he had fought with Wallace at the
Battle of Rosslyn in 1304,
and just as he signed the
Declaration of Arbroath
in 1320.
It has also been
asserted recently in Scotland on Sunday
that John Barbour's father was a barber, and specifically barber to
William Sinclair, Bishop of Dunkeld.
It is known that John Barbour's first job was at the Cathedral of Dunkeld.
It is known that the Bruce's grandson, King Robert II, gave Barbour
a pension.
Many Sinclairs believe that it was Bishop William who commissioned
John Barbour to write the poem.
Small Folk Saved the Day at Bannockburn?
From: "Privateers"
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:09:15 +0100
Bannockburn was not a site of King Robert's choosing. Robert's brother
Edward Bruce had
agreed with Sir Philip Mowbray (a Scot in command of English occupying
Stirling) that a year's
truce would be had and the English would either reinforce the garrison or it
would be
surrendered to the Scots. Edward Bruce made this agreement after besieging
Stirling from
Lent to midsummer. This agreement forced Robert to the one thing he had
sought throughout
the long campaign to avoid, a test of strength. The battle like the site
was forced upon the
King. Like William Wallace at
the Bruce carefully placed himself in a position the
restricted English cavalry. Scots were outnumbered three or four to one.
Scottish morale was
high. Thomas Randolph the best of Bruce's lieutenants had taken Edinburgh in
March of
1314. Bruce had one great advantage Wallace lacked at Falkirk, a force of
500 light cavalry
and the
Knights Templar.
Sir Robert Keith commanded the light cavalry whilst the Knights
Templar were led by
Sir William Sinclair.
On the 23rd of June 1314 AD shortly before the battled joined the King
mounted on a highland
pony rode in inspection of his battle line.
One young and ambitious English knight,
Henry de Bohun, charged the King.
Robert, the greatest Knight in spite his age, held firm.
At the last moment
Robert moved his horse to the right turning the thrusting lance away with
his target. The king
rose in his saddle and with a blow so forceful that it split his axe handle
he despatched de Bohun.
Bruce's only recorded remark was ``You've ruined my good axe.''
The feat electrified the Scots Army. The English despite repeated attacks
were unable to
break the ``Little peoples:'' Bruce's schiltroms. The English bowmen, who
numbered over 5000, were crushed by the combined Sinclair/Keith assault.
The horsemen remained orderly in the face of onslaught of English heavy Horse.
This iron resolve held for almost two days and drove the English from the
field! The weak
ineffectual King of the English Edward in his finest moment fought to the end.
Last changed: 00/05/28 15:53:50