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Sacred Architecture
From: William Stuart Buehler
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 9:18 PM
Long Answer:
ANSWER to FAQ item #31: "What is sacred architecture?"
From William
Buehler, email roslinne@fone.net for more discussion on this subject.
Sacred geometry, to me, is a variety of grid systems organizing
aspects of consciousness and the energy relationships that support the
consciousness field. Since this is a question regarding the nature of "the
sacred" and its application the answer will be in that context with no
intention of trodding on private beliefs nor in educating anyone in basic
spiritual dynamics. I will of course go into the basics if needed and
important to the reader. The following are my beliefs only; if they make
sense, fine, if not then there are other sources.
I am not an architect; my views are based on observation. I
study sacred geometry applied to existing temples and earth grids as well
prayer groups. I'm a minister in the Church of Antioch but that only means
that I probably spend more time on this subject than the average person
...the last 28 years after my retirement from the Navy. I have over 3000
hours of leading light groups (done mainly by my remaining quiet and
observing). My education worth mentioning is from inner dimensional
agencies: angelic and hierarchical but not necessarily all via my own
connection ...I have observed and learned from my perceptions of others'
super-physical experiences in this area. As a "mystic" I emphasize
truth, understanding divine dynamics and why they happen in the way they
I focus most of my work in the area of Clan Sinclair Templar activity but
view recorded history as a thin veneer of use only in trying to see beyond
the less than obvious event.
"Sacred architecture" refers to any building system that
enhances spiritual awareness, effects and process. It does not relieve the
human members of the unified team: structure and operators, of their
responsibility for their own spiritual conditioning and growth. However the
buildings provide a permanent energy field and will facilitate either low
energy services and teaching or full energy processes. For most people a
grade energy is appropriate: high enough to make their participation more
efficient but low enough not to harm them. There are two overlay dynamics
sacred design:
Dynamics that apply to all temples everywhere. Variables in determining
the function of the architectural system are: site, design, orientation in
the True and Magnetic fields, exterior grounds, intention for the temple",
how it fits into the larger matrices of temples/ earth "temples" (grids on
the earth's surface, degree of secrecy or protection needed, energy impact
on surrounding infrastructure of homes/ natural sites/ complementary
buildings, integration with telluric (earth) energy profiles both locally
and in a large scale, astronomical alignments with relevant astrology.
Determining much of this necessary information depends on having reliable
psychic skills in your building team. These more unusual skills would
include dowsing (for almost anything needed to know, reading the "akashic"
(various levels of the "Racial Mind" or collective unconscious), conferring
with the higher orders of elementals (nature spirits but those in charge)
the site area, conferring with cognizant angelic orders and hierarchical
agencies relating to the intention, function and most aspects of who, what,
why, when and where. Also how. However before approaching outside agencies
in the various dimensions one must first have developed a draft proposal
be prepared to take responsibility for the project.
Dynamics that apply specifically to the spiritual system (religion)
employing the temple. Priests and Priestesses are magicians or shamans.
are interfacing between the Divine and the human realms. Their correct
approach should be (if possible) that all their congregation are equally
qualified priests/ priestesses and the "service" becomes a synergic bonding
in a unified group of equals but members who will "specialize" within the
group in terms of chakras and other specific energy and consciousness
functions. The religion's codes will support that, whatever they are and if
they are understood by the priests and people. These codes will then have
be in harmony with the eventual design. IE, if the Catholics require 14
Stations then these will have to be integrated into a geometry that may
to transcend the requirement. If the codes are valid, and if the geometry
accurately resonating with divine harmonics then there should be no
If they don't fit the operators' perceptions than perhaps the
of the code is at fault, or of the geometry. My paper is not to expound on
this problem, only to identify a common situation.
However the ideal situation above is unusual to non-existent. Most persons
still rely heavily on the priests for instruction and conduct of rituals.
The compromise position for a single temple is that the temple is designed
to manage routine service for the less initiated, general public but also
be handle full scale "Great Works" by a fully qualified group of clerics.
and Chartres are examples of superb temples but downgraded to
maintain a restricted maximum sustained energy level. Stonehenge is a full
scale sustained maximum energy temple, or was. That is its design anyway.
Exposing the unconditioned public to a full strength energy field would fry
them. The better compromise is to build two or more temples for a
build up for the members; this is the case for most mystery schools. There
are of course variations to this theme: a master teacher is able to
temporarily contain the students within a protective field or "shakti"
they come up to speed, for example. Even so there would be maximum hot
restricted to staff use.
I believe that the original intention with Rosslyn, Chartres and other
temples was to reserve them for use only by the fully qualified Templar
Priests. The large naves now accommodate the public but their designs do
except in the lower basic geometric systems. Their designs however provide
for a much more intensive energy field and higher level of spiritual
projects. Chartres is almost completely ruined now for full power, in the
physical level but Rosslyn could probably be brought up to speed, even with
the steel canopy over it. It would take extraordinary process but it would
probably work in that the energies are well beyond the range affected by
Design Theory and Cosmology:
Assume that the whole cosmos is filled totally
with divine Essence. In the East this is the "pralaya" and in the West, the
"Unmanifest God." This aspect shows up as the "Rest, Silence, Nothing, Dark
(this sometimes referring to evil), Void, Unnamed One." This aspect is
because as the source of all being creations that do not provide for It
abort. This applies to buildings, processes, and all created forms. It is
also one key to interpreting scripture. When we use Mind to create thought
forms we are making it possible for nonformed consciousness to organize
itself. At the physical level and other related lower dimensions we
translate the thought forms into design or "sacred geometry/ architecture."
There are two aspects that then generate: Grace and Mind. ("Mind" does not
mean logical thought). In the East this is "Sat-Chit-Ananda." Then there
three main functions that organize things:
...the holographic seed format in terms of 5 aspects (Eden is an
example: 5 rivers and lands) or Maitri Upanishad 2.6 with 5 breaths.
Revelation's 3rd Seal generates a seen matrix. The basic seed format is a
pentagram or 5-point star created by two golden ratio spirals (the golden
ratio systems support life). This seed system will show up in the center of
the design or may even be the whole design perimeter. Or both center and
outer field. When the physical level penta is clear and spiritually viable,
Spirit clicks in with its own penta to make a 10-point Wheel.
...the "4-Square" or primary containment field for manifestation and
transmutation. This is a Greek Cross oriented on the 4 main directions.
cultures have versions of the "4 Directions" and will assign two functions
in each pole usually represented by creatures and colors. They will then
spin these rings for varying effects. This can be dangerous in a full power
group and can trigger time gates (know it to have happened, the group and
their room disappeared for awhile, never existed). When the physical
operators get their 4-Square up to Spirit's satisfaction: clarity, Grace
factor, intention, et al, then Spirit's own 4-square cuts in and we have
famous Templar 8-point Wheel. Spirit's cross is an "X" or St. Andrew Cross.
Chartres aligns NE which is the pivotal "heel stone" position locking onto
the X cross. Thus she provides Spirit with a powerful mechanism for
downloading into the whole Marian Cathedral Matrix which is formatted as an
Earth Grid invoking the Virgo dynamic or Mari as the "Goddess." Montserrat
also does this.
...the trinity or pillar/ tube generator. The trinity generates a
tetrahedron. The pivotal apex would point North for maximum spiritual
function. The SE corner would be the right brain function, SW the left. The
vertical apex synthesizes the base-three. Obviously this is over
simplifying. When the physical tetra is online and acceptable Spirit
with its own downward pointing tetra and we have a star tetra and
cube-sphere. There are other aspects and functions in building the high
performance tubes beyond the star tetra but that is basic. Every form has a
Spiritual form .."as above, so below." The Pillar is the Connective. The
"Key of David" in Rev 3:7-12 discusses the pillar function. The key of
is the "Mogen Dowd" or 6-point star, letter Vau, #6 originally correctly
drawn as a sphere with a pillar from it. Anyway, the 6-point star is the
design for the pillar function. Without it you go nowhere as it were. It is
the synaptic bridge into Spirit and beyond.
These three basics are only start points. Any design must have all three
represented somewhere. There are other grids but they generally include the
basic three: "3-4-5."
Architecture or large area organization of buildings may duplicate
archetypes: examples are the Virgo constellation with the Marian cathedrals
noted above, serpent and bird design have been used, the three pyramids are
Orion's belt.
A typical format is to create two poles, male (tholus: plus) and female
main matrix: minus). The Tholus is usually a hill with a tower on top. It
should have a crypt in it with a well and stone throne. Mont St. Michel is
the tholus for the Marian Virgo via Chartres; Glastonbury Tor is the tholus
for the seven Avalonic mystery schools around it in the Ursa Major grid
(these seven islands and schools are now long gone). Arthur's Seat (no
visible tower) is the tholus for Rosslyn and the whole 28 mile diameter
containing Edinburgh. In Virginia Mount Afton is the tholus for Monticello,
Virginia University, Montpelier, Ashlawn-Highland.
The next major consideration are the two complementary designs found in the
vertical elevation of the temple and its horizontal plan. Chartres and
Rosslyn are outstanding examples. The vertical plan will contain the
Spiritual codes for the primary organization of the system. For Chartres
this is found on the SW (front) wall with towers. This hinges in an
"L-shift" to overlay the labyrinth and imprint the control stations and
codes on the floor. There the operators can insert their intended plan for
the day and bring the Lady up to speed, or rather they once could. With
Rosslyn the whole temple was not built but there are codes on the back
(East) wall and the main codes are in the vertical design of the nave. This
is so precise that the energy points are integrated into the human chakra
(energy poles) system. The human becomes the Temple!
This brief answer will obviously raise more questions than it will deal
with. It is intended to only provide the most basic answer and then refer
briefly to a few larger areas of expertise to give an overview of the more
difficult approaches. If this subject is of high priority with anyone
ask more questions.
Blessings Be...
Last changed: 99/11/21 15:28:50