Pete Cummings did not provide a source for his information about
Henry Sinclair meeting Carlo Zeno in Venice and then being on
King Peter's Crusade.
Laurel Fechner
notes that Henry and this Crusade are mentioned on pages
13 and 121 of
The Sword and the Grail,
and that perhaps Andrew communicated further information directly to Pete.
King Peter's Crusade, 1365
``While visiting other capitals in Europe,
Henry Sinclair
met Carlo Zeno of Venice. Then, Carlo
was promoting support for another
this one called King Peter's Crusade. In Venice Henry
Sinclair observed the Arsenale as it produced
ships at the amazing rate of one per day! Henry
Sinclair joined the Crusade, just as his ancestors
had enlisted in previous Crusades. In 1365 their
400 ships attacked Alexandria and flattened the
enemy. As a result, the Islamic nations banned
trading for the Venetians, forcing them to search
for more trading routes.''
Pete Cummings
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 13:43:23 +0000
There is no proof that
Henry Sinclair
accompanied King Peter of Cyprus on the ill-fated
attack on Alexandria in 1365 except that a group of Scottish Knights had
at Venice with other "Crusaders" and it was assumed that Henry may have
been amongst them. 400 ships left the Arsenale in Venice to plunder
Alexandria. They travelled via Cyprus.
Henry had also met King Peter, King Peter's Chancellor, Philppe de Mezieres
and Carlo
Zeno in Copenhagen in 1364 when they were touring the Northern Capitals of
Europe in an attempt to raise funds for the Crusade. This was not
unusual. The Scandinavian countries were always a good source for fighting
men (probably because they had nothing better to do)
and even
provided a contingent. All this is documented.
As Henry 'disappeared' from Copenhagen (where he was Ambassador) at that
time, it was
assumed he may have gone along with the recruiting party but, I repeat,
this is pure assumption.
He also became known as Henry 'the Holy' St Clair - an appellation which
was frequently
given to those who had taken part in a Crusade just as, today, Muslims who
have made the pilgrimage to Mecca are referred to as "Al Haji" - the
Holy. This, too, was
taken as an indication that Henry might have taken part in a Holy Crusade
but, as Laurel
frequently alludes, there was very little that was Holy about any of the
Crusades. They
were bloody affairs disguised under the name of Holy Crusades. The sacking
of Alexandria
was a case in point. It was wholly unjustifiable but, then. all
'religious' wars are - religion
becomes an excuse for untold barbarism. The 2nd millennium will be
renowned for its
religious wars culminating in Kosovo, Chechnya and East
Timor. Barbarism is still
unchecked by those (whether Christian or Muslim) who profess to follow the
path of peace.
Niven Sinclair
``King Peter I of Cyprus finally organized an expedition that in 1365
succeeded in a temporary occupation of Alexandria. After a horrible
sack and massacre, the unruly crusaders returned to Cyprus with immense
booty. Peter planned to return, but no European aid was forthcoming,
and after his murder in 1369 a treaty of peace was signed. No further
crusades set out with Jerusalem as the objective. What followed were
not really crusades in the old sense but campaigns such as the crusades
of Nicopolis in 1396 and Varna in 1444, whose purpose was to defend
Europe against the Ottoman Turks, a new power in the East.''
``Peter of Lusignan, King of Cyprus,
wishing to wage a good and profitable Crusade, departed with a great fleet and
sacked Alexandria in Egypt.
The Sultan of Cairo, Al-Ashraf Shaaban, as an act of revenge, persecuted all the Christians in
his kingdom. He imprisoned sixteen Franciscans of the Holy Land. They remained in prison in Damascus for five years
where they died of privations.''
The Franciscans
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