Frequently Asked Questions | for |
From: "Spirit One Email" <laurel@spiritone.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 07:29:06 -0800
Dear Cousins,
John Quarterman has asked me to help develop a FAQ (frequently asked
questions) link from the main website. I thought that I would go to the
experts on this.....YOU.
What are some of the questions that led you to and around The Clan
website and to this one.... Since then what other questions have come to
mind? These could be on how to do whatever, or find whatever, why, what do
I do next, is anyone reading this message, etc.
I'm not sure whether it is better to send these ideas directly to this
or directly to me. Of course, if you think that it might be a more
personal question or if you hesitate because you think that you are the only
one having this question, send it to me. Don't use this site to express
your annoyance with something just send a short statement of your question.
You may be surprise to find out that many others have had the same question.
Whatever you are comfortable with, will be fine. This will be an ongoing
project. So if you think of something in a month or two, etc., send a
message. Put "FAQ" in the subject line.
Laurel has been busy, and there are now 57 [now 62] [now 63] [now 66] [now 68]
[now 69] FAQ items.
Many of them have answers.
The answers are attributed where possible.
Unattributed answers are mostly from Laurel,
or are drawn from pre-existing web pages,
with some filling-in by jsq.
Many of them still need answers.
Anyone who knows any of the answers, please speak up.
- What are the motto, badge, lands, and pipe music of
Clan Sinclair?
- Where can I get the Sinclair March?
It is in a book named as one volume of a two-volume set of the Black Watch
Pipe Band's Music, or something like that. My guess is that most Grade I
through III have copies of this for their usual practice. Pipe teachers
also would be a likely source for the tune. President Emeritus David
Bouschor says it's a "quick march" but he doesn't say he has any CD's or
tapes of the tune. If anyone finds this in commercial stocks, I would
appreciate knowing how to obtain it.
Ray Lower, coqnord@goldstate.net.
The Sinclair March or Red Ribbon is a piobreached. The quick march I
mentioned was "Colonel Sinclairs March" different tune.
David Bouschor, haggis@skypoint.com.
We also have
much more information
about this march, also called the Red Ribbon, from
Rory Sinclair, Toronto.
- What is the origin of the Sinclair name?
It's from the place name, St. Clair sur Epte,
which in turn is derived from the name of a local saint,
Saint Clere.
Sinclair and Sinkler (and numerous others) are
phonetic variants
of St. Clair.
- Did the word
come from a Scottish song?
OK, this has nothing to do with Sinclairs, but it was asked on the
Sinclair Discussion List.
- Why don't we read about
Prince Henry in the history books?
Because he died shortly after he returned to Scotland, defending
Kirkwall from an English invasion.
His navigator also died very soon, and Henry's son was imprisoned
by the English.
Pete Cummings provided more detail in his
Prince Henry FAQ.
- Is anyone teaching about Prince Henry now?
Elaine [needs detail] has developed a school curriculum about him,
and schools in VT, MA, and NS are learning about him.
- Are there any Learning Channel shows about Prince Henry?
We don't know, but we think there should be.
- What is a Clan?
Clan means children
Mac means son of
Clan MacIvor = family of the son of Ivor
Clan MacDonald = family of son of Donald
Clan MacPherson = family of son of Pherson (the parson)
Gary M. Sinclair
- How was a Clan organized?
Chief = Supreme Leader and Lawgiver
The Tanist
Nominated by the Chief
Tanistry was a system of succession
by a previously elected member of the Clan or family.
Commander/Military Leader
(heads of various branches or Septs of the clan,
always appointed if the Chief were old or infirm)
(those who could claim a blood connection with the Chief)
The greatest in numbers
In times of peace, the clansmen did the manual work;
in times of war, they fought for their chief
Gary M. Sinclair
- What are the septs (associated families) of Sinclairs?
Caird, Cline, Clouston, Lyall, Mason, Dunnet,
Gary D. Sinclair
- How do septs come about?
a. "Sept" is a term borrowed from Irish culture in the 19th century to
explain the use of various surnames by members of a single Clan or family.
Generally, these are small Clans that live within the boundaries of an area
that is controlled by a strong Clan and Clan Chieftain. These smaller Clans
would join with the larger Clan and enjoy the benefits of that Clan's castles
for protection, the Clan's knights, and pay for the privilege through "taxes"
paid to the Clan Chieftain.
Gary D. Sinclair
b. Clan Septs and Dependents comprise those who were descended from the
Chief through the female line and consequently bore a different surname; and
those who sought and obtained the protection of the Clan and became
dependents. Anyone who has an ancestor bearing a Sept name, or the Clan name
itself, has the privilege of wearing or displaying the Crest Badge and the
tartan of the clan.
Gary M. Sinclair
- Are Septs and Affiliated families the same?
It is difficult to state which is correct when you talk about affiliated
families of a Clan. Many Clans insist that there are Septs of their Clan and
they will continue to use the definition. There are other Clans, such as
Ross, that identifie all of their families as Septs. My own usage for our
Highland Games in Northern California is to call all families affiliated and
delete the reference to Sept. We follow Philip Smiths definition in
Tartan for Me:
``The variety of surnames within a Scottish Clan do not represent separate and
definable sub-clans but instead reflect the vagaries of transition of the
Gaels into the English naming system as well as marriages, migrations and
occupations (miller. mason, carpenter, brewer, etc.) The main family itself
may have developed a variety of surname spellings (Sinclair, St. Clair,
Sinkler, Sinclaire, Sinclare). The prefered modern usage is to avoid the use
of the term "Septs." and to simply describe these names as what they are
surnames of the family and of allied or dependent families. It is preferable
to speak of "The names and families of Clan xxx" rather than to call a name a
"sept of Clan xxx."''
I hope this helps.
Gary D. Sinclair
- Is this a list of Sinclair Affiliated families?
Caird, Caithness, Cline, Clouston, Clyne,
Coghill, Corner, Comloquoy,
Cumlaquory, Corrigall, Cursiter, Delday, Drever, Dunnett, Flaws, Flett,
Flette, Goar, Gotts, Halcrow, Harrow, Horrie, Hourrie, Hourston,
Ibister, Inkster, Isbister, Kilday, Linklatter, Linkletter, Lyall,
Luddale, Lyell, MacBarnett(e), Mainland, Mason, Moar, MacNackaird, Mey,
Paplay, Pottinger, Papay, Pappey, Patter, Pettenreck, Pettenrick, Rosie,
Rosey, Roslin, Rosslyn, Sciater, Scollay, Scolley, Scully, Snoddy,
Snoddie, Westray, Wick, Ilrick, Whitefield, Wolley.
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- But Sinclair is a Norman name from a Norman family.
Does the Gaelic clan system really apply?
- What is the Sinclair tartan?
There are four main forms of Sinclair tartan; two red (formal)
and two green (hunting).
Here are
pictures of them.
- What is the hereditary role of the Clan chief?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
The current chief is Lord Malcolm.
What would his job description be?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- And what would it have been at different periods in the past?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Who were the previous chiefs, and their titles and offices?
[List of Barons and Earls with their titles and info
such as Lord of the Marches, Admiral, etc. I do have
such a list. Presided at the Courts of Kilwinning. pg. 79
The Sword and the Grail.
- What is a "March" as in Earl of the Marches?
The border or boundary of a country or an area of land; a frontier. A
tract of land bordering on two countries and claimed by both. England
"marches" with Scotland.
William "The Seemly" Sinclair, 1st Baron of Rosslyn was Earl of the Marches.
His son Henry was the Warden of Border Marches.
- Is there a map of Scotland showing where Sinclair
territory was during different eras?
The map Scotland of Old - Clan Map shows the territories that were
controlled by the various clans. These maps can be obtained from vendors at
Highland Games.
Gary D. Sinclair
- Are there maps of the same areas of Scotland today?
For Rosslyn, look under location in the
Rosslyn Chapel Trust web pages.
For Caithness, including Thurso, Wick, Noss Head, John O' Groats, etc.,
see the page on
Lonely Planet has
a good map of Scotland.
- Why did the Sinclairs leave Scotland?
- Many Sinclairs never left Scotland.
- Many others emigrated to North America, Australia, or New Zealand for
the same reasons as everybody else: economic opportunity, etc.
- The Clearances
(of which
a Sinclair was one of the main proponents).
- For King and Country (two of my great-great-uncles died in India,
serving in the Raj jsq).
- General population pressure (several of the above-mentioned uncles'
brothers and sisters moved to the United States or Canada because their
parents said they had given enough children for King and Country jsq).
- Some Sinclairs were probably missionaries.
- Probably there were many other reasons, as well.
- Commerce and businesses of Caithness?
In the Caithness page
there are links about flagstones, the glass factory,
windsurfing, etc.
[What else now and in the past?]
- What about Sinclair castles?
You're in luck.
Among many other Sinclair castles, the most romantic castle ruin
in the north of Scotland is
Girnigoe and Sinclair Castles. jsq
Other Sinclair castles include: Castle of Old Wick,
Ackergill Tower, Castle Dunbeath, Brims Castle, Keiss Castle, Castle Mey,
Rosslyn Castle, Ravenscraig Castle, Kirkwall Castle, Findlater Castle,
Thurso Castle, Knockinnan Castle, Berridale Castle, Braal Castle,
Ravensheugh Castle, Dysart Castle, and Dounreay Castle.
Gary D. Sinclair
- Any apparitions and romantic stories about the castles?
The gypsy stories would be one.
The bitumen well at Rosslyn that connects with NS;
see spring of pitch.
Even the story of Clare that became St. Clare
is a good one.
Hidden treasure in the Chapel Column.
Soundings and explorations at Rosslyn, etc.
[Can someone fill in the details?]
The White Lady
that appears to children at Rosslyn Castle.
The Hound of Rosslyn.
Gary D. Sinclair
It has been reported by a number of people staying at Rosslyn Castle that
they have had some strange unexplained experiences. In one instance while
they were sleeping, the covers were repeatedly pulled off of them. They
immediately looked around but could not find an explanation.
In the second story, the couple heard faucets being turned on and off
all through the night but again, investigation showed no reason for this.
Apparently these "ghostly" pranks are not threatening or dangerous but
just a ghostie with a sense of humor.
- What about Cabalistic rituals?
Well, Kaballa is a kind of Jewish mysticism;
it's not clear that Sinclairs ever practiced it.
But there might be Templar rituals?
- Why does no one appear to post to the RootsWeb
Sinclair mailing list?
Maybe they're all posting to the
Sinclair discussion list.
- So many islands around Orkney end in "say".
Does that mean Island in Celtic or Norwegian?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
Why was Rosslyn Chapel built?
the Rosslyn Chapel Trust web pages.
- Where did the money come from to build Rosslyn Chapel?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- What does
``Sacred Architecture'' refer to?
What makes it sacred?
The short and the long of it.
- Is there nothing about it in the Bible?
There is quite a bit of information in the Bible about the architecture
of the Temple.
- What is being done concerning the Money Hole of NS?
Lots of things.
- How about a map showing sites on NS?
- Is there a picture of the money hole?
- Have they put up the signs for the
Glooscap trail
from Cape d'Or to Advocate Harbor yet?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Is there anyone working on the preservation of the
Westford Knight?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Do we have a picture of the flower rubbing on the web
and where is the original is now?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- How do I get a copy of the book Warriors & Bankers
offered by the Sauniere people?
See their
web pages.
- Could we get a link to their books from our publications site?
it is.
- The Templar Video was WONDERFUL!. Are there any more planned?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- At the 1997 Symposium it was said that Zeno was in prison
and couldn't have traveled with Prince Henry. Was this conflict resolved?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- What did d'Layne Coleman learn in Venice this year?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Are there more places to visit in NS that commemorate Henry's trip?
Salmon Hill, Stellarton, Cape d'Or, Advocate Harbor, Pictou.
- What were the "Land Clearances"?
There are numerous
books about the Clearances.
Here is
an online chronology.
The Clearances were the forced removal of a great part of the population
of the North of Scotland, in the name of improvment of agriculture.
More bluntly, the lairds had discovered that sheep
(see Sir John ``James'' Sinclair of Ulbster)
produced more income than their tenant farmer relatives.
Many of the dispossessed people took ship over sea.
Others crowded into the coastal towns where they tried to become fishermen.
The empty Scotland you see today is not the one our ancestors knew. jsq
- Does this have something to do with a statement
I read about a certain Earl Sinclair who had only a 10 mile strip
of land across Caithness?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Surely that 10 mile part was an exaggeration?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Why did a Sinclair Earl end up in ND?
[info in discussion archives, I believe but maybe there is more yet
to know?]
- Genealogy: I just got started with my research.
What do I do to find my ancestors?
For links to copious genealogical resources, many of them specific
to Sinclairs, see the genealogy page.
- Genealogy: I put a query (asked for help) to find
my ancestors on the
Sinclair discussion group but got no answer or no one could help me. What
do I do now?
Read Pete Cumming's message,
buy some books.
- Where can I get information on the Sinclairs extant
in Caithness, the Isles, Fife and Midlothian in the very early years,
say before 1800?
See the listing of related books on the
genealogy page.
- What is the Sauniere Society?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- Where did the Templar treasury and lands come from?
Here's a good
web page on the origins of the Templars.
- What was the Hanseatic League?
A federation of trading cities centered in northern Germany
and extending throughout the Baltic Sea and as far north
as Bergen, Norway.
a more formal description.
This was no mere league of sister cities;
it could and did wage war on sovereign nation-states,
such as on Denmark in 1362.
[some info in pg 43 & 129
The Sword and the Grail.]
- What does a Grand Master do?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- The Sinclairs were hereditary Grand
Masters of the Templars for how many years?
The Sinclairs were not Grand Masters of the Templars. They were the
Hereditary Grand Masters of Freemasons. The Sinclairs were granted the
position of Grand Master Mason of Scotland by James II in 1441. Sir William
St. Clair, the last male heir of the Rosslyn branch, resigned his office as
Hereditary Grand Master Mason of Scotland to the Scottish Lodges at their
foundation in 1736. The Lodges then appointed him as the first
Grand Master Mason of Scotland at their meeting on St. Andrew's Day of the
same year.
Gary D. Sinclair
- Was that just a nominal title or did
they have some power?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- What proof is there that a Templar Grand Master was m. to a Sinclair
woman and who was she?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- I find it interesting that Orcadian and
Arcadian are such similar
words. It seems like some memory must have persisted concerning the Orkney
connections to NS.
Rory's writeup.
- Where is the Bodleian Library?
Oxford University, Oxfordshire, England.
- Is it open to the public?
web pages are.
- What is in it?
Many rare books.
- Can we get copies of the St. Clair books for the Noss Head Library?
[pg. 79 of Sword and Grail
states that some of William St. Clair's books
survive there. One of the books is about rules and customs of shipping and
the Guilds of Scotland.]
- What was the purpose of the Kilwinning Courts, what was it that the
Sinclairs judged people about?
[Needs answer by someone who knows.]
- What about societies, associations, clans,
places to join in person and online?
All known Sinclair organizations are linked from these web pages,
under organizations
or people.
Sounds like this person wants to get involved in their history.
How about
Society for Creative Anachronism.
Are there piping band, country dancing, caber tossing, sheep herding,
etc. societies?
Many of those can be found through the various
Highland Games pages.
- Why is there a statue of
our ancestor Rollo outside the Sons of Norway
building in Fargo, ND?
The Summer issues of Yours Aye
will contain an article about Rollo:
get a copy by joining
Clan Sinclair Association U.S.A..
- What does Yours Aye mean?
Yours Always.
What is the Augustan Society's library?
They have
a library
of approximately 100,000 items, including collections on
Heraldry, Vexillology, Chivalry, Knighthood, Crusades, Imperial and
Royal Genealogy, Noble Families, Ancient History including Egypt and Rome,
Medieval History of Europe, The Celts, The Arthurian Period, Native American
Cultures, Ancient Literature, Archaeology and Anthropology, Insignia, Medals
and Decorations, Order of the Temple, Order of St. John, Order of St.
Lazarus, and the Sacred Military Order of Constantine St. George, and more.
Special Collections contain materials on royal and noble families, including
many rare reference works on noble and royal lines from antiquity to the
present. The Heraldry and Chivalry Collections are some of the most
extensive on the West Coast.
What are Sinclair's Chains?
lock puzzle.
Last changed: 00/09/30 18:22:44